Recently updated PAL topics

The department’s Policy and Advisory Library (PAL) launched on 15 June 2020. This table outlines all substantive changes made to PAL topics since launch.


Date of updateTopicChange
26 March 2025Career StartThis topic has been updated to reflect changes in eligibility for pre-service teachers working with Permission to Teach (General) who are due to graduate before 6 June 2025. These teachers will now be eligible for the program from the start of the school year.
25 March 2025Psychological Safety and Risk ManagementThis topic has been updated to include a revised version of the psychosocial risk assessment template. This template now includes risk consequence and likelihood descriptors that align with the departments overall risk management policy.
25 March 2025OHS Risk Planning and ManagementThis topic has been updated to include a revised version of the risk assessment template. This template now includes risk consequence and likelihood descriptors that align with the departments overall risk management policy.
25 March 2025Digital Technologies – Responsible Use

This topic has been updated with a note that it is being reviewed following the commencement of the Commonwealth Online Safety Amendment (Social Media Minimum Age) Act 2024 on 11 December 2024. Additional updates include:

  • a requirement that school staff must not use websites and online tools that are blocked on the department’s network for work purposes (for example, when working outside of the department’s network)
  • links to further information about communication restrictions between corporate staff and students (Information Barriers).
21 March 2025Statutory Declarations and AffidavitsExternal Link This topic has been updated to reflect that only Victorian statutory declarations can be accepted as they meet the prescribed form legislated by the Department of Justice and Community Safety.
20 March 2025Workers’ Compensation – Workplace InjuryThis topic has been updated to remove the requirement for principal class staff to complete the Return to Work Coordination eLearn, except where they are return to work coordinators themselves. Broken links have also been amended within the policy, procedure and resources.
19 March 2025Purchasing Secondary Courses and Vocational Training from External ProvidersThis topic has been updated to reflect current sector contact details for queries relating to purchasing VET programs.
14 March 2025Sun and UV ProtectionThis topic includes new SunSmart Victoria online learning courses for primary and secondary school staff and students.
7 March 2025Insurance for SchoolsThe guidance on travel insurance for teachers and students has been updated to make explicit that schools must arrange insurance for international excursions through VMIA but may choose whether to use VMIA for domestic excursions.
6 March 2025Occupational Health, Safety and Wellbeing Management in SchoolsExternal Link Chapter 6 of this topic has been updated with Term 1 dates for the Employee Wellbeing Support Services drop-in information sessions, including Manager Assist, Nutrition and Lifestyle, and Money Assist Services, and Specialist helplines.
6 March 2025Finance Manual – Financial Management for SchoolsThe ‘Annual master budget summary with monthly cashflow template’ has been updated to reflect the new School Saving Bonus (SSB) coding.
5 March 2025Disability Inclusion Funding and SupportThis topic has been updated to outline the Disability Inclusion Transition Funding settings for 2025.
4 March 2025Epilepsy and SeizuresThis policy has been updated to confirm Disability Inclusion Tier 2 school-level funding may be used for epilepsy-specific training for school-based staff. Epilepsy Foundation courses titles have been updated.
4 March 2025Psychological Safety and Risk ManagementThe resources tab of this topic has been updated to include further resources following the completion of ‘Leading a culture of psychological safety in schools’ webinars in November 2024, including a recording of the webinar and associated slide deck.
4 March 2025Work-Related Violence in SchoolsThis topic has been updated to add new posters that call out 5 unacceptable adult behaviours commonly seen in schools. This includes inappropriate use of social media, unreasonable demands, intimidation and verbal aggression, threatening behaviour, and offensive jokes.
3 March 2025Conflict of InterestThis topic has been updated with refreshed Conflict of Interest policy and guidance material. The policy and guidance are clearer to read and interpret to personal circumstances, providing more examples of conflict of interest identification, declaration and management. Policy obligations regarding the annual Declaration of Private Interest requirements have been added, with a key policy change enabling managerial review to support conflict of interest identification.
27 February 2025Health, Wellbeing and Inclusion WorkforcesThis topic has been updated following consultative review to include the addition of the Student Support Service (SSS) referral process to streamline access to relevant materials for site users and updates to relevant policies and legislative requirements on informed consent and mature minor consent for the Health Wellbeing Inclusion Workforces.
27 February 2025Student Support ServicesThis topic has been updated following a consultative review and includes updated descriptions of allied health professionals employed in Student Support Services (SSS), inclusion of the SSS Statewide Service Priorities and links added to the updated Health Wellbeing and Inclusion Workforces PAL policy to streamline the referral process. The following resources have been updated on the Resource tab: the Visiting Teacher Service (VTS) and SSS Consent Form, the Student Information Form and the SSS Handbook (2025).
26 February 2025Exemption from School Attendance and EnrolmentThis topic has been updated to include reference to the new Victorian Early Leaver Connection Initiative Career Advice Service for compulsory school age early school leavers, and additional mentoring and other supports for early school leavers in target areas who are Koorie and/or have a disability.
26 February 2025Career Education FundingThis topic has been updated to include reference to the new Victorian Early Leaver Connection Initiative Career Advice Service for compulsory school age early school leavers.
25 February 2025Work ExperienceThis topic has been updated to reflect amendments to the Education and Training Reform Act 2006. Principals can now nominate suitable individual employees or a class of employees to approve work experience placements.
25 February 2025Structured Workplace LearningThis topic has been updated to reflect amendments to the Education and Training Reform Act 2006. Principals can now nominate suitable individual employees or a class of employees to approve structured workplace learning placements.
24 February 2025Buildings and Grounds Maintenance and ComplianceThe Safe Tree Program Guidelines have been updated to remove the requirement for schools to provide a quote for the procurement of a qualified arborist report when applying to have the VSBA lead the assessment and management of high-risk tree works. Updates have also been made to make clearer under what circumstances the cost of an arborist report and works will be reimbursed.
21 February 2025Mobile Area Resource Centre and Mobile Art Craft Centre ServicesThis topic has been updated following a consultative review of the Mobile Area Resource Centre and Mobile Art Craft Centre Services program guidelines in 2024 to provide greater clarity on roles and responsibilities and clearer guidance for schools on mandatory program requirements. The update includes a new guidance chapter on transitioning in and out of services and new and revised optional template resources for schools.
19 February 2025Supporting High-Ability StudentsThis is a new topic outlining arrangements for supporting high-ability students in government schools, including implementation of the Student Excellence Program.
19 February 2025Specialism Schools and ProgramsGuidance on applying special entry criteria at Select Entry High Schools has been removed from this topic to create a separate, standalone PAL page.
18 February 2025Mental Health Fund and MenuThis topic includes updated guidance on using the Schools Mental Health Fund to purchase a wellbeing dog, as well as for Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader (MHWL) and Mental Health Practitioner (MHP) salaries, available on the Guidance tab. Additionally, a new template agreement for the purchase of dog (short form) and updated procurement Rules of Use are available on the Resources tab.
13 February 2025Protecting Children – Reporting and Other Legal ObligationsThis topic was updated to include explicit reference to the department’s approach to institutional child sexual abuse matters.
12 February 2025Fraud and Corruption Control

The 'Fraud, corruption and other losses control policy' has been reviewed and updated in line with our regular monitoring program to ensure the policy meets better practice. Key changes include:

  • a requirement to regularly monitor incidents and improve controls for significant fraud incidents or emerging fraud and corruption risks to prevent re-occurrence
  • updates to reflect the newly-created Conduct and Integrity Division (PES) and its revised operating model
  • reference to the Integrity Framework (launched in 2023) as a key element of the department’s model for minimising the risk of fraud and corruption
  • discontinuation of the Fraud, Corruption and Other Losses Operational Guide (the content of this document is covered in the department’s live Integrity Framework)
  • reference to Early Learning Victoria centres and employees.
12 February 2025Students with DisabilityThe 2025 Program for Students with Disabilities operational guidelines for schools are now available, providing updated information about application processes and timelines during Term 1, 2025.
11 February 2025OHS Consultation and CommunicationThis topic has been updated to include more detailed information for schools regarding the covering of costs associated with school staff attending health and safety representative training.
11 February 2025Occupational Health, Safety and Wellbeing Management in SchoolsThis topic has been updated with new information regarding the Statewide OHS Services Team and how schools can access hands-on support to complete OHS and Emergency Management tasks.
11 February 2025International Student Program (ISP)This topic has been updated to include a refreshed Education Services for Overseas Students training for school staff PowerPoint and video.
10 February 2025Tutor Learning InitiativeThis topic has been updated with clearer guidance for schools on the program requirements for delivering small-group learning support and additional information on delivering tutoring in different school settings and for different groups of students.
5 February 2025Students with DisabilityThis topic has been updated to remove the calendar year reference so it can remain current for subsequent years. It also reflects updated information about how schools can check the DI funding allocated to students via the DIFS portal.
3 February 2025Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF)This topic has been updated to reflect changes to funding allocation amounts and critical dates for 2025.
3 February 2025EnrolmentThis topic has been updated to include a new Guidance chapter on Enrolment restrictions which outlines how and why the department restricts enrolments to support designated neighbourhood government schools manage their enrolments.
3 February 2025Buses – Owned, Hired or Chartered by a SchoolThis topic has been updated with new and revised templates and clearer guidance for schools around the requirements for bus operator accreditation.
29 January 2025Middle Years Literacy and Numeracy Support (MYLNS) initiativeThis topic has been updated to reflect 2025 delivery arrangements including in relation to teacher arrangements, student identification and program design and delivery.
28 January 2025Software and Administration SystemsThis new policy consolidates content from the ‘School Administration Systems’ and ‘ICT Software in Schools Risk Assessment’ policies. It defines the mandatory systems of record for student and school administration, and outlines requirements for schools to use the Safer Technologies 4 Schools (ST4S) risk assessment reports for assessing both existing and new software and administration systems prior to use at a school.
28 January 2025Technologies and ICT ServicesThis new policy consolidates content from the ‘Technology and ICT Services in Schools’, ‘ICT Support for Schools’, ‘ICT Infrastructure Backup and Recovery – Schools’ and ‘eduSTAR – ICT Services and Software and Advice for Schools’ policies. It outlines the requirement for schools to transition to department-provided technologies by the end of 2028 and the support available for schools implementing technologies and Information and Communications Technology (ICT) services.
28 January 2025Information SecurityThis new policy consolidates security content from the ‘Information Security – Infosafe’ and ‘eduPass – Identity and Access Management in Schools’ policies. It provides direction to schools on understanding and recording their information security risks and on managing information securely to meet all protective data security requirements to protect staff, student and family information.
28 January 2025AttendanceThis topic has been updated with edits to the following resources to help schools support high levels of attendance for every student from Term 1: Schools Guide to Attendance, Documented Roles and Responsibilities and Supporting Attendance for At Risk Students.
24 January 2025Disability Inclusion ProfileThis topic has been updated to clarify small elements of the policy, guidance and resources to support schools in navigating the Disability Inclusion Profile (profile) process. Policy updates include clarifications to the guidance around the appeals process, and supporting parent/carer attendance at profile meetings. New resources include an updated profile meeting guide for participants, and an end-to-end ‘process on a page’ resource for parents/carers.
22 January 2025Annual Report to the School CommunityThis topic has been updated to reflect the upcoming 2024 Annual Report process, and the removal of the protocol for school council presidents to access the Strategic Planning Online Tool (SPOT) to confirm school council endorsement of the Annual Report. The principal, as executive officer of the school council, will complete the attestation upon school council endorsement.
22 January 2025Emergency and Critical Incident Management PlanningThis policy has been updated to improve clarity regarding the requirements for the development and maintenance of evacuation diagrams and area maps, including updates to supporting resources.
21 January 2025Reporting Student Achievement and Progress Foundation to 10This policy has been updated with guidance and resources to support the implementation of the Victorian Curriculum F–10 Version 2.0.
21 January 2025Curriculum Programs Foundation to 10This policy has been updated with guidance and resources to support the implementation of the Victorian Curriculum F–10 Version 2.0.
21 January 2025CleaningThis topic has been updated to reflect the new school cleaning model introduced in January 2025. The topic also provides information about new flexible funding for additional cleaning activities, such as after fetes and events.
20 January 2025Workers’ Compensation – Workplace InjuryThis topic has been updated to provide clarification on the roles and responsibilities of principals, return to work coordinators and employees in schools, and the supports available in meeting the requirements, including the reference to the newly updated Return to Work Coordination eLearning module. Content and resources from the decommissioned Return to Work Coordinator Portal have been included to provide schools with a streamlined process for managing workers’ compensation claims and return to work. References to the eduSafe Plus system to support schools in managing claims and maintaining records have also been added.
20 January 2025School Saving BonusThis policy has been updated with updated links to resources including translated documents and CASES21 user guides.
17 January 2025Career StartThis policy has been updated to provide further guidance for schools around the Career Start Program in 2025, including information on eligibility, time release, mentor selection, funding and support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander graduate teachers. Career Start is now supporting graduate teachers in 13 DE areas.
9 January 2025Behaviour – StudentsThis topic was updated following the closing date for applications to join SWPBS in 2025. Information is provided for schools interested in joining in 2026.
8 January 2025Finance Manual – Financial Management for Schools

The Finance Manual has been updated to improve clarity and reflect updated requirements for schools. Key changes include:

  • additional requirements for school council reporting prior to the commencement and the start of the school year, outlined in Section 2 (Governance)
  • a new requirement to present a report of all users of CASES21 to school council, outlined in Section 4 (Internal Controls)
  • a requirement for bank accounts to align with new ATO requirements, outlined in Section 8 (Bank Accounts)
  • changes to the use of cheques and cash, outlined in Section 8 (Bank Accounts) and Section 10 (Receivables Management and Cash Handling)
  • VSBA increase in cover for construction insurance via VMIA, and updates to align with the Insurance for Schools policy, outlined in Section 21 (Insurance Arrangements).

In addition to the above, a number of CASES21 resources have been moved to the CASES21 portal.

8 January 2025Disability Inclusion Funding and SupportThis topic has been updated to provide schools with the most up-to-date information regarding Disability Inclusion Transition Funding , including changes to timeframes for transition funding, and the removal of information relevant to 2023 and earlier.
6 January 2025Conveyance Allowance ProgramThis topic has been updated to reflect the new private rates for 2025, the updated Australian Standard Classification of Religious Groups 2024, the claim closing dates for 2025, the application closure dates and Transport Special Cases Consideration Panel sitting dates for 2025, a refresh of the Conveyance Allowance Boundary Map which remains unchanged for 2025-26 and an update to the SCAS ticket name – public transport fare cross reference to reflect the new public transport fares for 2025.
1 January 2025Jobs, Skills and Pathways CoordinationThis topic has been updated to reflect 2025 funding advice, including eligibility and calculation rates. The Jobs, Skills and Pathways Coordination funding continues to be delivered through the Student Resource Package and can be found as Reference 127 in the ‘2025 Student Resource Package Indicative Guide’.
1 January 2025Student Resource Package — Core Student Learning Allocation funding (Student Based Funding)
Student Resource Package — Equity Funding (Student Based Funding)
Student Resource Package — School Infrastructure
Student Resource Package — Managing the Budget
Student Resource Package — School Specific Programs
Student Resource Package — Targeted Initiatives
These topics have been updated to reflect the 2025 student resource package indicative guide.
  • Date of updateTopicChange
    20 December 2024Vocational Education and Training Delivered to School StudentsThis topic has been updated to reflect 2025 VDSS funding information, and include reference to the SRP budget planner which schools can use to estimate VDSS funding for budget planning purposes.
    20 December 2024Occupational Health, Safety and Wellbeing Management in Schools

    This topic has been updated to provide further information regarding the Statewide OHS Services support to schools, and to add a reference to the new Psychological Safety and Risk Management policy.

    Updates have also been made to reflect the Employee Wellbeing Support Services being accessible via the app and online booking portal and a new version of the Services poster has been added to correct an error to the Eldercare phone number.

    References to the no longer available Return to Work Coordinator Portal and the COVIDSafe Assurance program for schools have also been removed – schools can still contact the OHS Services Team and Workers’ Compensation Team for support.

    20 December 2024Framework for Improving Student Outcomes (FISO 2.0)This topic has been updated with a refreshed Framework for Improving Student Outcomes (FISO) 2.0 model graphic, and to streamline the guidance for schools. References to strengthen cultural inclusion have been included.
    20 December 2024School ReviewThis topic has been updated to reflect the 2024 refinements to the school review process, and to include new guidance on improving outcomes for Koorie students, which schools can use to inform the development of their School Strategic Plan.
    19 December 2024Digital LearningThis policy has been updated to give guidance on acceptable use agreements, including how schools can communicate with the school community about them.
    18 December 2024Student Resource Package – School InfrastructureThe guidance chapter, ‘Cross Infection Prevention Allowance (Reference 29)’ has been updated to make clearer which schools are eligible for this funding. The ‘2024 student resource package revised guide’ has also been updated with this change.
    18 December 2024Student Resource Package – Equity Funding (Student-Based Funding)This topic has been updated to include the new guidance chapter, Disability Inclusion (DI) Tier 3 student-level funding – DI Funding Adjustment (Reference 153). The ‘2024 student resource package revised guide’ has also been updated to include Reference 153.
    16 December 2024Students with Disabilities Transport Program (SDTP)This topic has been updated with 2025 application and sitting dates for the Transport special case consideration panel.
    16 December 2024School Bus ProgramThis topic has been updated with 2025 application and sitting dates for the Transport special case consideration panel.
    12 December 2024Swimming Instruction and Water Safety EducationThis topic has been updated to incorporate Victorian Curriculum F–10 (2.0) revised requirements and direction on Child Safe Standards.
    5 December 2024Smoking and Vaping BanThis topic was updated to advise of 'No Smoking' signage on the Complete Office Supplies (COS) that complies with Victorian legislation. The school newsletter text has been updated to with new resources and messaging for families.
    5 December 2024Curriculum Programs Foundation to 10This topic has been updated with a new guidance chapter regarding the Victorian Lesson Plans, which will become available on Arc from Term 4, 2024.
    5 December 2024Excursions
    • The External providersExternal Link chapter has been updated to clarify engagement with external providers, agreements and use of staff from external providers in supervision ratios. It provides advice on ways that schools can collaborate to meet excursion requirements for excursions organised by one school for students from multiple schools with an external provider. It defines a non-affiliated school activity.
    • The Overseas travelExternal Link chapter has been updated to clarify that overseas travel insurance must be obtained through the Victorian Managed Insurance Authority (VMIA).
    3 December 2024Managing Conduct and Unsatisfactory Performance in the Teaching ServiceSome revisions and updates have been made to the Managing Conduct and Unsatisfactory Performance in the Teaching Service Guidelines, including a change in the title, previously known as the Complaints, Misconduct and Unsatisfactory Performance – Teaching Service guidelines. These guidelines provide information and guidance to principals/managers about the management of conduct and performance concerns for employees in the Teaching Service, including when principals/managers must contact the Conduct and Integrity Division and options for addressing complaints or concerns through a local resolution procedure or more formally, via a misconduct procedure under ETRA.
    3 December 2024VCE Vocational Major and Victorian Pathways Certificate ProvisionNew guidance and resources have been added to this topic to support schools who choose to integrate senior secondary pathways in their School Strategic Plans and Annual Implementation Plans.
    3 December 2024Assessment of Student Achievement and Progress Foundation to 10This topic has been updated to reflect that the use of the English Online Interview is optional for Prep and Grade 1 students in 2025.
    28 November 2024Career Education FundingThe Career Education Planning and Improvement (CEPI) Tool has been added to the resources tab. This tool provides 10 benchmarks representing best practice in career education and can assist schools to self-evaluate their career education practice and identify areas for improvement.
    25 November 2024School Saving BonusNew and updated resources to assist schools, families and suppliers to process and acquit the requirements of the School Saving Bonus initiative are available on the Resources tab.
    21 November 2024EnrolmentThe statewide Foundation (Prep) enrolment timeline and procedures have been updated for 2025 to support enrolments for the 2026 school year. The updates include the timeline and template content for school websites, which are available from the resources tab of this topic.
    19 November 2024Tutor Learning InitiativeThis topic has been updated to reflect 2025 delivery arrangements including in relation to tutor arrangements, student identification and program design and delivery.
    19 November 2024Interpreting and Translation ServicesThis topic has been updated to note that from 1 January 2025, All Graduates Interpreting and Translating will be the new provider for language services (interpreting and translation).
    14 November 2024AsthmaThis topic has been updated to include a link to thunderstorm asthma guidance in community languages, available on the Resources tab.
    14 November 2024EnrolmentThe guidance and resources for Year 6 to 7 placement have been updated to reflect the 2025–26 timeline.
    14 November 2024VCE Vocational Major and Victorian Pathways Certificate Provision

    The resources tab of this topic has been updated to include:

    • a First Nations stakeholder pack to support schools communicating about the VCE Vocational Major with their Aboriginal students and communities
    • an updated summary of VCE Vocational Major and Victorian Pathways Certificate supports available to schools from Term 4, 2024, including face-to-face workshops and hybrid learning events delivered by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority to support planning and delivery in 2025.
    12 November 2024Psychological Safety and Risk Management

    The former Mental Health and Wellbeing – Employees policy has been renamed the Psychological Safety and Risk Management policy and includes updated guidance and resources to better support schools through the management of psychosocial hazards. This updated policy now reflects the 4 hazards all schools must work to manage, more practical hazard and control examples, and includes updated information on supports available to schools. The procedure chapters provide new guidance on the use of supportive resources including:

    • an updated Psychological safety guide for schools (formerly mental health and wellbeing guide), which includes additional information on managing trauma
    • a new Psychological safety foundations checklist, to support school leaders to review practices to understand and improve psychological safety in the school
    • a new Psychosocial risk assessment template, to support in further assessing identified psychosocial hazards more formally.
    12 November 2024School Saving BonusThis topic has been updated to include resources to assist schools, families and suppliers to process and acquit the requirements of the School Saving Bonus initiative.
    11 November 2024ExcursionsThe 'Excursions – External providers' chapter has been updated to clarify engagement with external providers, agreements and use of staff from external providers in supervision ratios. It provides advice on ways that schools can collaborate to meet excursion requirements for excursions organised by one school for students from multiple schools with an external provider. It defines a non-affiliated school activity.
    7 November 2024Mental Health Fund and MenuThe resources tab of this policy has been updated to link to updated resources for schools, including fact sheets and planning tools that reflect the new Schools Mental Health Menu.
    4 November 2024Re-engagement Programs (Years 7 to 10)This policy is updated annually in Term 4 with program fees for the following school year. The fees have now been updated for 2025 and can be found under the Guidance Tab.
    1 November 2024Students with Disabilities Transport Program (SDTP)The SDTP application for transport assistance form (DOCX)External Link has been updated to more clearly define consent for health information to be shared with service providers to assist with planning for transport services and managing any medical incidents that may arise.
    29 October 2024Animals – Wellbeing and EngagementThis topic has been updated to include a revised version of a school council agreement for a school-owned wellbeing and engagement animal and a new resource for a school council agreement for a staff-owned wellbeing and engagement animal.
    28 October 2024Occupational Health, Safety and Wellbeing Management in Schools

    Chapter 6 of this topic has been updated to reflect the new dates for the Employee Wellbeing Support Services drop-in information sessions in term 4, including Manager Assist, Nutrition and Lifestyle, and Money Assist Services, and Specialist helplines.

    Additionally, Chapter 7 of this topic has been updated to include information on the expanded offering of the Early Intervention program to all specialist school staff.

    28 October 2024School Performance Reporting and DataThis topic has been updated to reflect the new School Performance Report process, including resources to help schools understand the changes and their School Performance Report.
    25 October 2024Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality

    This topic has been updated to:

    • include requirements to refuse offers that diminish public trust or are inconsistent with community expectations
    • provide greater clarity and limits on the provision of gifts (retirements and other milestones) and hospitality in schools (including catered business meetings)
    • include advice on accepting learning and development offers from suppliers (such as a webinar from a school supplier) and what constitutes SPAM.
    25 October 2024EnrolmentThe guidance on processing enrolment forms and supporting documentation has been updated to make it easier for schools to collect enrolment documents and information. To assist with this, the new enrolment documentation checklist for parents and carers, and the new enrolment documentation guide for schools have also been added.
    23 October 2024Right to DisconnectExternal Link

    This policy provides guidance to principals and managers on respecting employees' right to disconnect from work-related communications outside of their working hours in accordance with the provisions of the Fair Work Act 2009.

    This policy applies to employees in the Victorian Government Teaching Service (principal class, teacher class and education support class).

    22 October 2024Students with Disabilities Transport Program (SDTP)This topic has been updated to include expanded guidance on the Travel Education Framework.
    18 October 2024Curriculum Programs Foundation to 10This topic has been updated to reflect the availability of new Phonics Plus resources, including lesson plans and a webinar, to support the implementation of a daily explicit teaching of phonics and phonemic awareness in Prep to Year 2 in all primary and specialist schools from 2025.
    14 October 2024Employment and Sponsorship of Overseas workersExternal Link

    Resources have been added to the resources tab of the Employment and Sponsorship of Overseas workersExternal Link policy.

    The resources are intended to support schools with international teacher recruitment and include:

    11 October 2024Prevention of Falls when Working at HeightsThe resources tab of this topic has been updated to include further resources following the completion of ‘Heightened Safety: Implementing the Prevention of Falls when Working at Heights policy’ webinars in August 2024, including a recording of the webinar, associated slide deck and frequently asked questions (FAQ) document.
    10 October 2024Disability Inclusion ProfileThis topic has been updated to clarify small elements of the policy, guidance and resources to support schools in navigating the Disability Inclusion Profile (profile) process. Policy updates include clarifications around supporting information requirements, and the requirement for schools to seek their regional disability coordinator’s advice and guidance before deciding whether to request a profile meeting before a student has commenced school.
    10 October 2024Digital Technologies – Responsible UseNew resources for secondary school students, and parents and carers of primary and secondary school students to have a healthy relationship with social media and be safe online are available on the Resources tab.
    10 October 2024Victorian Teaching and Learning Model 2.0This topic has been updated to include additional information and resources to support implementation of the revised Victorian Teaching and Learning Model (VTLM 2.0).
    10 October 2024Curriculum Programs Foundation to 10This policy has been updated to reflect implementation timelines for the new Victorian Curriculum F–10 Version 2.0.
    10 October 2024Reporting Student Achievement and Progress Foundation to 10This policy has been updated to reflect reporting requirements for the new Victorian Curriculum F–10 Version 2.0. New resources including a webinar recording are available to support reporting on student achievement and progress for the Mathematics 2.0 curriculum.
    10 October 2024Assessment of Student Achievement and Progress Foundation to 10This policy has been updated with new guidance and resources to support schools to develop and implement quality school-based assessment across Foundation to Level 10. Filipino and Thai translations are now included in the ‘Information sheet for parents and carers about the EAL curriculum’ document list.
    10 October 2024Doctors in Secondary SchoolsThis topic has been updated to include the refreshed Operational Guide as a resource and to add the new Best Practice Guide as a resource.
    8 October 2024International Student Program (ISP)This topic has been updated with the addition of the recently created ISP VET Procedure to complement the existing ISP VET Policy. The VET Procedure outlines the process ISP-accredited schools must follow in relation to international students participating in VET studies.
    8 October 2024Data Collection and SurveysThis topic has been updated with a new Attitude to School Survey and Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Opinion Survey Results Support Guide for 2024.
    8 October 2024Annual Implementation Plan (AIP)This topic has been updated to include advice on changes to the AIP process for the 2024 end-of-year assessment and 2025 AIP development. The guidance chapters have been streamlined and an updated version of the ‘Term 4 Planning Tool’ has been added to the resources page.
    8 October 2024Animals – Wellbeing and EngagementThis new topic includes resources and requirements for the use of animals as part of the delivery of animal-assisted programs to support the wellbeing and engagement of students in Victorian government schools. It includes links to application guidelines to assist schools when applying for funding for the implementation and delivery of an animal-assisted program.
    8 October 2024Finance Manual – Financial Management for SchoolsThe Chart of Accounts has been updated to include relevant coding for the new School Saving Bonus.
    8 October 2024School Saving BonusNew resources are available on the Resources tab, including a timeline providing an overview of key School Saving Bonus actions and activities for schools, and a recording of an information session for schools.
    7 October 2024School Administration Systems

    This topic has been updated with the following minor changes:

    • Medicare number has been removed from student health and wellbeing information recorded in CASES21
    • the inclusion of Recruitment online in the eduPay system
    • the Student Activity Locator link has been updated.
    7 October 2024ExcursionsThis topic has been updated to link to the new Student Activity Locator. A new Student Activity Locator user guide has also been added.
    7 October 2024CleaningThis topic has been updated to add a resource with information and frequently asked questions about the new metropolitan Melbourne and regional school cleaning agreements that come into effect on Thursday, 26 December 2024.
    4 October 2024Records ManagementThis policy has been updated to provide greater clarity of recordkeeping requirements under the Public Records Act 1973 , including a new resource that simply explains the recordkeeping responsibilities of school staff. New guidance is available on digital recordkeeping, including responsibilities when using third-party systems, and when digitising hardcopy records.
    4 October 2024Student Resource Package – Targeted InitiativesThis topic has been updated to include two new guidance chapters, Extended Koorie Literacy and Numeracy Program (Reference 88) and Early Years Koorie Literacy and Numeracy Program (Reference 90). The ‘2024 student resource package revised guide’ has also been updated to include this new guidance.
    4 October 2024Plant and Equipment ManagementA call out box has been added to the policy tab to explain the process for schools to seek an exemption on the age restrictions for students using restricted plant and machinery and to identify that this policy will undergo significant review, and provides details on how schools can inform future policy iterations.
    30 September 2024OHS Consultation and CommunicationThis policy now has additional links to eduSafe Plus and references to the previous Employee Assistance Program (EAP) have been updated to the new Employee Wellbeing Support Services (EWSS) available to all staff. The OHS noticeboard guide in the Resources tab of this topic has updated links and includes the new Employee Wellbeing Support Services poster, and the updated Notifiable Incidents to WorkSafe flowchart.
    30 September 2024Managing and Reporting School Incidents (Including Emergencies)The Notifiable Incidents to WorkSafe flowchart has been updated to include a reference to incidents occurring during school activities away from the school premises. There is also an added reference to the Records Management – School Records policy and minimum retention requirements for notifications made to WorkSafe. This flowchart is a resource that supports schools in determining which incidents need to be reported to WorkSafe as a notifiable incident, along with departmental reporting advice. Schools are requested to update their OHS noticeboard to include this most recent version.
    26 September 2024VCE Vocational Major and Victorian Pathways Certificate Delivered by Registered External Providers (formerly Community VCAL)Minor updates have been made to the ‘VCE Vocational Major and VPC contract’ template to update hyperlinks and references to future activities which have now been actioned or implemented.
    25 September 2024Chemical ManagementThe link to Chemwatch’s Safety Data Sheet (SDS) library has been updated to a new library called Backpack. Safety Data Sheets provide schools with valuable information regarding the safe use and management of chemicals and commonly used products such as cleaning products, art supplies as well as chemicals used in science classes or chemistry labs. All schools can use the link to search and download safety data sheets for chemicals used and stored in their school.
    19 September 2024Managing and Reporting School Incidents (Including Emergencies)This topic has been updated to include ‘racial, religious or cultural vilification’ incidents as examples of incidents with a High or Extreme severity rating that are reportable to ISOC. Additional minor updates have been made to links and team names.
    18 September 2024Mental Health Fund and MenuThe updated Schools Mental Health Fund model is available on the Guidance tab.
    18 September 2024Student Resource Package – OverviewThe ‘2025 student resource package indicative guide’ has been added to the Resources tab for this topic.
    17 September 2024Outside School Hours Care – Decision Making Regarding the Provision of OSHCThis topic has been updated to include guidelines about additional establishment funding for outside school hours care (OSHC) services at small and rural/regional schools funded by the OSHC Establishment Grants Initiative. Application guidelines have been added to assist schools when applying for this funding.
    12 September 2024Mental Health in SchoolsUpdated versions of the Map of key mental health and wellbeing supports are available on the Policy and Resources tabs.
    12 September 2024Students with DisabilityThis topic has been updated to reference MAX Solutions Pty Ltd (formerly Assessments Australia) as the contracted supplier of the Students with Disability Assessment Service, to reflect the supplier’s recent change of name and branding. Schools should note that aside from the name change there is no change to process or practice.
    12 September 2024Bushfire and Grassfire PreparednessThe Vegetation management guidance chapter has been updated to link to the new ‘vegetation management plan template’, designed to help schools with their site maintenance.
    12 September 2024ExcursionsThis topic has been updated to change the amount of time schools are required to notify the department of any approved school excursion or camp, from at least 3 weeks beforehand to at least 5 business days beforehand.
    10 September 2024Family Violence SupportThis topic has been updated with new and revised guidance and tools to support school staff to understand and action their school’s responsibilities under the Family Violence Multi-Agency Risk Assessment and Management Framework (MARAM).
    6 September 2024Workers’ CompensationThis topic has been updated to reflect the legislative requirement that submission of forms for claims related to a mental injury must be done within 3 business days.
    3 September 2024Cultural and Ceremonial Leave - Teaching ServiceExternal Link

    The cultural and ceremonial leave policy for the teaching service has been updated.

    Updates to the policy include:

    • using the word ‘will’ rather than ‘may’ to clarify the entitlement to ceremonial leave where ceremonial obligations exist;
    • providing a broad framework/outline of what might be considered as ceremonial obligations that principals can use to better understand where ceremonial obligations may arise;
    • confirming an employee does not need to seek prior approval for the taking of ceremonial leave;
    • providing an entitlement to cultural and ceremonial leave, where an entitlement arises while on annual or long service leave;
    • providing a direct contact to workplace relations for principals seeking advice about the granting of cultural and ceremonial leave; and
    • including information about grievance pathways where an employee is dissatisfied with the decision of the principal.
    3 September 2024CCTV in Schools – Installation and ManagementThis policy has been updated to remove the Legal Division as one of the contacts for queries relating to schools showing footage to students, their parents and staff involved in incidents.
    2 September 2024Digital LearningThis policy consolidates and replaces content from the previous Digital Learning in Schools and Cybersafety and Responsible Use of Digital Technologies policies. Under the revised policy, schools no longer need to develop or maintain a local Digital Learning policy. Instead, schools must develop an Acceptable Use Agreement (AUA) outlining student behavioural expectations regarding the safe, intentional and responsible use of digital technologies. The department has developed refreshed AUA templates for Primary Schools and Secondary Schools to outline key information for parents about digital technology at your school and behavioural expectations for students.
    2 September 2024Digital Technologies – Responsible UseThis new policy consolidates and replaces content from the Cybersafety and Responsible Use of Digital Technologies and Social Media Use to Support Student Learning policies. It outlines existing requirements for schools to engage with digital technologies in a safe and responsible manner, emphasising cybersafety and supporting student learning.
    29 August 2024Child and Family Violence Information Sharing SchemesThis topic has been updated with new and revised resources to support schools to embed information sharing and meet their responsibilities under MARAM.
    29 August 2024Mental Health in SchoolsThis policy has been updated with revised guidance regarding recruitment of Mental Health and Wellbeing Leaders as part of the Mental Health in Primary Schools (MHiPS) initiative. A new resource can also be found on the resources page. This provides schools and MHiPS key stakeholders with an overview of the activities conducted as part of the evaluation of the statewide expansion of the MHiPS initiative from 2023 to 2026.
    28 August 2024School Saving BonusThis new policy contains information for school leaders to guide administration of the School Saving Bonus and resources that school leaders must share with their school communities.
    28 August 2024EnrolmentThis policy has been updated to include the core principles underlying the policy, improve connection to the mandatory guidance chapters and provide current contact details.
    27 August 2024Work ExperienceThis topic has been updated to include current links and contacts. In addition, the ‘Work experience guidelines for employers’ resource has been updated to clarify employer requirements for students aged under 15 years.
    26 August 2024Smoking and Vaping BanThis topic has been updated to reflect new advice from the Victorian Department of Health regarding the Commonwealth vaping reforms which came into effect in July 2024. New and updated resources are also available on the Resources tab.
    23 August 2024Structured Workplace LearningThis topic has been updated to include current links and contacts.
    23 August 2024School Community Work

    Two guidance chapters for this topic have had minor updates:

    • ‘Student understanding of OHS requirements’ has updated links to OHS programs, including to ‘A Job Well Done’ for students with disability and additional needs
    • ‘What is school community work?’ has updated wording to improve clarity.
    20 August 2024Prevention of Falls when Working at HeightsThis policy has been substantially updated to provide details of mandated actions that all individuals (including school staff, volunteers and contractors) performing working at heights tasks must complete. It includes practical guidance for schools, risk management advice, and details of training and documentation requirements prior to any work at heights commencing.
    20 August 2024Buildings and Grounds Maintenance and ComplianceThe updated policy now includes additional advice about roofing, drains, gutters, anchor points and height safety systems that are existing requirements in the School Maintenance Plan.
    20 August 2024Excursions
    • The Swimming and Water-Based Activities Guidelines contained in this topic have been updated to make supervisory minimum ratios for all recreational swimming activities clearer.
    • The Camps/Excursions Swimming checklist has been updated to make insurance advice more explicit.
    • The Summary of Excursion documentation has been updated with embedded links to documents.
    • The Staffing Roles and Responsibilities guidance chapter and Principal Approval Form have also been updated to remove outdated references to school council.
    19 August 2024Behaviour – StudentsThis topic has been updated to include 3 new resources. The 3 resources are designed to assist school staff teaching positive behaviours and fostering more engaged learning environments. These resources offer tiered support at the universal (Positive Classroom Management Strategies), targeted (De-escalation of Student Behaviour Course), and intensive levels (Behaviour Assessment and Supports in Schools Modules).
    13 August 2024Managing and Reporting School Incidents (Including Emergencies)This topic has been updated to include reference to 9 new Managing Trauma eLearn modules. These modules, based on the Managing Trauma guide, provide guidance to principals in managing trauma for students, staff and school community members following an incident.
    9 August 2024Occupational Health, Safety and Wellbeing Management in SchoolsAmendments made to reflect updated OHS Services team details, in replacement of the Advice and Support Team, providing OHS services to schools.
    9 August 2024Ventilation and Air PurificationThis topic has been updated to highlight the importance of well-ventilated spaces and air purifier use to reduce the risk of airborne infectious disease transmission and improve indoor air quality in higher-risk spaces and during higher-risk times. Details of the Air Purifier Program which continues to operate until the end of 2025 are included in the updated policy, including the provision and availability of new air purifiers and filters.
    8 August 2024International Student ProgramThe changes to the policy document clarify that the policy applies to all Victorian government school IELP providers that are not the international student’s host school. Previously the policy only referred to English Language Schools and Centres providing IELP, but the expansion to all Victorian government school IELP providers reflects what already takes place in practice, and clarifies the obligations of IELP providers and host schools.
    7 August 2024Reportable and Notifiable ConductThis topic has been updated to clarify that principals must notify Conduct and Integrity Division as soon as possible after becoming aware of a reportable conduct allegation against an adult engaged by the department, school or school council in any capacity.
    7 August 2024CleaningThis topic has been updated to offer regional schools a new template for the School Council Agreement - Provision of Cleaning Services. This template includes a 5% wage increase for all cleaning staff above the award rate, effective from 1 January 2025. Additionally, there is a Variation Agreement template available for schools with an existing Cleaning Services Agreement to incorporate the 5% wage increase for cleaning staff above the award rate, effective from 1 January 2025.
    7 August 2024VCE Vocational Major and Victorian Pathways Certificate ProvisionThis topic has been updated to reflect the VCE Vocational Major (VCE VM) and Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC) supports available to schools from Term 3, 2024. This includes Term 3 webinars delivered by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority relevant to VCE VM and VPC teachers and coordinators.
    6 August 2024Finance ManualThe annual master budget summary with monthly cashflow template (available from the Resources tab of this topic) has undergone an annual update to ensure new GL codes and subprogram codes are included. The tool is ready for schools to use to support them with cash budget planning for 2025.
    6 August 2024Bushfire and Grassfire PreparednessThis topic has been updated with new and revised resources and templates to support schools with developing, implementing and communicating their bushfire arrangements. This includes additional templates to support communications with families and your school community regarding pre-emptive actions such as relocation, learning from home and closure on elevated fire danger days.
    5 August 2024Personal Liability of School Employees and VolunteersExternal Link

    This topic, previously titled Personal Liability of School Employees, has been updated to clarify:

    • that the policy applies to volunteers as well as school employees
    • the types of legal proceedings for which the department would ordinarily indemnify school employees and volunteers
    • the circumstances in which the department would not indemnify school employees and volunteers in legal proceedings.
    5 August 2024Emergency and Critical Incident Management PlanningThis topic has been updated with new and revised resources and templates to support schools in preparing, implementing and communicating their school Emergency Management Plan.
    1 August 2024AttendanceThe Attendance and Absence Recording Guide has been updated and is available on the resources tab.
    29 July 2024Primary to Secondary School TransitionExternal Link This policy has been substantially revised and re-named from ‘Transitions – Years 6 to 7’ to ‘Primary to Secondary Transitions’ to reflect updated guidance for schools to approach student transition as a 4-year phased process spanning across years 5 to 8. The updated policy, guidance and resources draw on contemporary research, evidence, and examples of Victorian schools’ transition practice. Schools can use the policy and guidance to inform their transitions practice and implement strategies that best fit their local context.
    29 July 2024Curriculum Programs Foundation to 10External Link The Curriculum Programs Foundation to 10 topic has been updated to include information regarding the Victorian Curriculum F-10 Version 2.0 implementation, including links to the new curriculum and resources available to schools.
    26 July 2024Buildings and Grounds Maintenance and ComplianceThis topic has been updated to provide more clarity to schools around the selection criteria for the Emergency Maintenance Program.
    25 July 2024Disability Inclusion ProfileThis topic has been updated to clarify small elements of the policy, guidance and resources to support schools in navigating the Disability Inclusion Profile (profile) process. Policy updates include clarifications to the moderation and quality assurance process for profiles and Vineland-3 guidance. New resources include an annotated version of the Profile Adjustment and Supporting Information Summary Tool (Profile ASIST) and a streamlined Disability Inclusion Profile Process document.
    19 July 2024Occupational Health, Safety and Wellbeing Management in SchoolsThis topic has been updated with new resources and information sessions for the Employee Wellbeing Support Services.
    15 July 2024Student Dress CodeThe Student Dress Code Policy and Template have been updated to emphasise inclusion, wellbeing and broad consultation. A new section entitled: 'All gender options, trans and gender diverse students' has been added to provide additional best practice advice. The 'Religious and cultural requirements' section has been updated to ensure inclusion of uniform items required by particular faith groups to minimise the need for students to seek individual exemptions to wear common items such as head coverings.
    12 July 2024Data Collection and SurveysThis topic has been updated with new framework resources for the 2024 Parent, Caregiver and Guardian Opinion Survey (PCGOS) and 2024 School Staff Survey and information on additional languages available for PCGOS in 2024.
    11 July 2024eduMail (employee email)This topic has been updated with updated information about accessing and using eduMail, including guidance on password management and updating personal information in eduMail profiles.
    9 July 2024

    Occupational Health, Safety and Wellbeing Management in Schools

    Managing and Reporting School Incidents (Including Emergencies)

    The Occupational Health, Safety and Wellbeing Management in Schools policy has been updated to broaden the definition of ‘notifiable incidents’ in Defined health and safety terms which applies across all OHS policies, to reflect legislated changes to the term ‘notifiable incidents’ which come into effect from 1 July 2024. The change means that WorkSafe must be proactively notified for additional types of plant and equipment that are involved in an incident that immediately or imminently exposes a person a serious risk to their health or safety. Additionally, the Resource tab has been updated to add a WorkSafe article which explains the changes to the ‘News and Updates’ section.

    The 'Notifiable incident to WorkSafe flowchart' resource has been updated in the Managing and Reporting School Incidents (Including Emergencies) policy and the Occupational Health, Safety and Wellbeing Management in Schools policy. The flowchart has been updated to reflect these legislated changes and include further examples of plant, equipment and people moving machinery which are implicated in the notifiable incident process.

    4 July 2024Asset Information Management System (AIMS)This topic has been updated to reflect the rollout of the Asset Information Management System (AIMS) to all schools. The AIMS user guides have been updated to incorporate changes to AIMS functionality and are available on the Resources tab of this topic.
    3 July 2024International Student Program (ISP)International Student Program (ISP) school accreditation documents have been updated to simplify the process for schools in becoming accredited to accept standard and study abroad international students.
    2 July 2024Insurance for SchoolsThis topic has been updated with insurance documentation for the 2024–25 financial year. Certificates of Currency, updated insurance policies and the School Council Insurance Program Guide are available on the Resources tab.
    28 June 2024Languages EducationUpdated program guidelines and the application form for the Languages Assistants Program 2025 are available on the guidance tab.
    27 June 2024Mental Health Fund and MenuAn updated Schools Mental Health Skills Checklist (detailing Mental Health Practitioner qualifications) is available on the resources tab of this topic.
    27 June 2024School Council – Training and Good GovernanceThis topic has been updated to include the 2024 improving school governance training modules, which are reviewed and updated annually.
    26 June 2024Student Resource Package – Core Student Learning Allocation funding (Student Based Funding)
    Student Resource Package – Equity Funding (Student Based Funding)
    Student Resource Package – School Infrastructure
    Student Resource Package – Managing the Budget
    Student Resource Package – School Specific Programs
    Student Resource Package – Targeted Initiatives
    These topics have been updated to reflect the release of the 2024 revised student resource package.
    25 June 2024Canteens, Healthy Eating and Other Food ServicesThe resources tab of this topic has been updated with new resources to support menu planning for canteens, as well as the promotion of healthy eating in schools.
    24 June 2024School Bus Program

    The following Student Travel Assistance Portal resources have had minor updates to improve clarity in the steps for working in the portal:

    • Quick reference guide school bus operator
    • Quick reference guide school bus coordinator
    • Quick reference guide school bus applicants and travellers
    24 June 2024Sun and UV ProtectionThis topic incorporates recent Cancer Council Victoria advice to use SPF50 or SPF50+ sunscreen due to decreasing retail availability of SPF30 products. Schools may use up any unexpired SPF30 sunscreen and are advised to amend their local school policy when possible.
    20 June 2024Occupational Health, Safety and Wellbeing Management in SchoolsThe Occupational Health, Safety and Wellbeing Management in Schools resources tab has been updated to include a new hazard alert (MetalMaster 416A Treadle Guillotine or similar) for schools with guillotines to review and implement immediate actions and ongoing controls.
    20 June 2024Plant and Equipment ManagementThe Plant and Equipment Management policy now provides further information regarding the use of restricted plant and machinery items, such as guillotines, in schools. It further clarifies that restricted plant and equipment must only be used by secondary students assessed as competent, and while supervised by a teacher with appropriate accreditation. It also clarifies that technology teachers are strongly encouraged to re-complete the Safe Use of Machinery in Technology Teaching training course every 5 years to maintain their skills and competency.
    20 June 2024Mental Health in SchoolsThis topic has been updated to include guidance on requirements for spending and acquitting funding allocations for the initiative.
    20 June 2024Mental Health Fund and MenuThis topic has been updated to include guidance on requirements for spending and acquitting funding allocations for the initiative.
    19 June 2024Student Resource Package – Targeted InitiativesThe VCE Revision Lectures (Reference 121) guidance chapter of this topic has been updated with the 2024 VCE revision support rates.
    18 June 2024Generative Artificial IntelligenceThis a new a topic that sets out requirements and provides advice for schools that choose to explore the use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools.
    14 June 2024Behaviour – StudentsNew information for schools about how to apply to join School-wide Positive Behaviour Support. The application process takes place in term 3, including online briefings for schools to learn about the initiative. Successful schools will start implementing in term 1 2025.
    13 June 2024Curriculum Programs Foundation to 10This topic has been updated to include changed requirements for primary school implementation of the English Curriculum 2.0 in teaching reading from 2025.
    13 June 2024Victorian Teaching and Learning Model 2.0This topic has been updated to include the revised Victorian Teaching and Learning Model (VTLM 2.0).
    12 June 2024Victorian School Nursing ProgramA new brochure and referral form for the Primary School Nursing Program are available on the resources tab of this topic.
    12 June 2024Remuneration - Teaching ServicePolicy and Guidelines chapters and content have been updated to reflect the VGSA2022 changes.
    11 June 2024Teaching with AnimalsThis topic has been updated with the new Victorian Schools Animal Ethics Committee (VSAEC) application form and the steps that schools who are teaching with animals need to take to seek approval from the VSAEC.
    3 June 2024Intellectual Property and CopyrightThis topic has been updated with a new guidance chapter on copyright infringement notices. The new chapter includes steps for schools to avoid copyright infringement, as well as steps to take if they receive a copyright infringement notice.
    29 May 2024Audits, Reviews and Assurance Programs in SchoolsThis topic has been updated for clarity regarding the Rolling Facilities Evaluation.
    29 May 2024Planned Maintenance Program

    This topic has been updated for clarity and to reflect recent changes to the planned maintenance program, including:

    • changes to the criteria for school-led projects and VSBA-led projects
    • changes to the VSBA-led project process
    • the use of AIMS for school-led projects.
    29 May 2024Testing and Tagging of Electrical EquipmentThe Testing and Tagging of Electrical Equipment policy has been updated to add the current course requirement details for individuals to be able to inspect, test and tag electrical equipment in schools.
    28 May 2024Career StartThe guidance on time release for graduate and mentor teachers has been updated to reflect the amount of time release for participating graduate teachers in 2024. This also includes guidance on how schools can allocate the time release across school terms.
    27 May 2024Vocational Education and Training Delivered to School StudentsThis topic was updated to reflect new VDSS funding bands and provide advice to schools who are undertaking provision planning, including the role that VET clusters play in this process. New resources to support schools in calculating their funding allocation and for schools offering the Clean Energy learning option are also available from the Resources tab.
    27 May 2024EAL Support and FundingThis policy has been updated to remove references to approved courses for EAL teacher qualifications. This is replaced by advice on suggested priority order for assigning teachers to EAL positions.
    27 May 2024EAL – Provision for Newly Arrived StudentsThis policy has been updated to reflect changes to the eligibility criteria for enrolment in a new arrivals program, to include students who are Australian citizens but have been assessed as needing a new arrivals program in an English language school or centre.
    24 May 2024Students with DisabilityThis topic has been reviewed to include new guidance chapters and resources. New guidance chapters include information on making reasonable adjustments, complex communication needs, working with families of children with additional needs, funding and support programs, transition support funding, assessment services for students with disability, program for students with disabilities management system and supporting students turning 19 or 20 with individualised disability funding. Professional development and career guidance resources and the PSD operational guidelines for schools resource have also been updated.
    24 May 2024NDIS NavigatorsThis topic has been updated to provide schools guidance on how to recruit, manage and induct NDIS Navigators, as well as information about privacy and information sharing. There is also a new school newsletter template and induction checklist resource to assist schools in publicising the NDIS Navigator to the school community.
    17 May 2024Inclusive WorkplacesThis topic has been updated to add the LGBTIQA+ safety, respect and inclusion in schools toolkit as a resource.
    17 May 2024Work-Related Violence in SchoolsThis topic has been updated to add the LGBTIQA+ safety, respect and inclusion in schools toolkit as a resource.
    16 May 2024Asset Management Roles and Responsibilities FrameworkThis topic has been updated after an annual review and reflects policy changes in the past year that have affected roles and responsibilities of corporate staff, school principals and school councils.
    15 May 2024Building Quality Standards Handbook (BQSH) – School Construction and Design StandardsThe Building Quality Standards Handbook (BQSH) has been updated for 2024 as part of the annual review process. This year’s major changes relate to covered outdoor learning areas (COLA), doors, playing field turf, toilet facilities, ESD and thermal comfort, and early learning facilities.
    14 May 2024COVID-19 – School OperationsThis topic was updated to clarify that rapid antigen tests (RATs) are no longer supplied free to all government schools, consistent with the closure of other programs that previously offered RAT distribution to the general public. RATs will now only be available free to specialist Victorian government schools.
    14 May 2024School Council – ElectionsThis topic was updated to include 2 case studies demonstrating how school council elections for students may be conducted and the benefits for students.
    13 May 2024Data Collection and SurveysThis topic has been updated with new framework resources for the 2024 School Staff Survey.
    10 May 2024Child LinkThis topic has been updated to reflect a simplified process for nominated users to gain access to Child Link. We have also updated the Child Link guide for school principals as authorisers, in the Resources tab, to reflect this change.
    8 May 2024Disability Inclusion Funding and SupportThis topic has been updated to reflect current DI rollout area information and PSD process timelines for 2024 and 2025.
    7 May 2024School Performance Reporting and DataThis topic has been updated with the best contact point for schools, acknowledging that the data coaches are no longer available for on-demand support.
    6 May 2024Asset Management Planning – School UpgradesThis topic has undergone an annual update to ensure processes and contact details are accurate. This year’s update includes a clarification to AMP 1 timelines.
    2 May 2024Disability Inclusion ProfileThis topic has been updated to clarify a range of policy positions and guidance materials to support schools in navigating the profile process. New resources include a video, which provides an example of how the profile meeting works, and the roles and responsibilities of attendees, and the Profile Adjustments and Supporting Information Summary Tool (Profile ASIST). This tool supports schools in identifying adjustments for students and providing quality and relevant supporting information for the profile process.
    2 May 2024Finance Manual – Financial Management for Schools

    The Finance Manual has been updated to reflect:

    • changes to the finance policy for school-led capital work limits
    • inclusion of new Creditor report to be tabled at School Council
    • requirement for area director and senior education improvement leader to be signatories on school bank accounts when a school is destaffed.
    30 April 2024Occupational Health, Safety and Wellbeing Management in SchoolsThe Resources tab of this topic includes an updated hazard and safety alert for managing poisonous mushrooms on school grounds.
    29 April 2024Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability

    This topic has been updated to include guidance chapters on:

    • the process for entering school NCCD data into CASES21
    • student eligibility for inclusion in the NCCD (including students with mental health conditions and trauma)
    • the relationship between the NCCD and Disability Inclusion.
    24 April 2024Student Enrolment CensusThis policy has been updated with clearer information and additional advice on available support for schools relating to enrolment verifications and the appeal process.
    23 April 2024Home Schooling and Partial EnrolmentsThis topic has been updated with a new version of the Guide to Home Schooling in Victoria.
    22 April 2024Data Collection and SurveysThis policy has been updated with new framework resources for the 2024 Attitude to School Survey.
    22 April 2024ExcursionsThis topic has been updated to provide clarity and improve navigability for schools on requirements for swimming and water-based activities and provide clearer advice on the requirements for communicating with swimming venues.
    22 April 2024OHS Risk Planning and Management

    The former OHS Risk Management and OHS Planning policies have now been merged to become the OHS Risk Planning and Management policy, with updated guidance and resources (i.e. OHS risk register) to better support schools through the OHS risk management process. The procedure provides updated guidance on the use of all risk management tools including ideas for schools to consider when identifying hazards. Additionally, changes to the OHS Risk Register template include:

    • more user-friendly, intuitive wording to ensure complete relevance to schools only
    • specification of the 11 mandatory hazards that are required to be managed by schools, with pre-populated risk ratings and suggested controls
    • alignment with the new eduSafe Plus digital system, for schools that have been onboarded.

    The template is also available to schools as a Google Sheets document, and the link to this is now in the Resources tab.

    19 April 2024Dental ServicesThis policy has been updated to reflect minor changes to the requirements and processes schools must follow when engaging with dental service providers, including electronic consent processes, frequency of secondary school visits and updates to curriculum resources.
    19 April 2024School Council – Training and Good GovernanceThis topic has been updated to reflect the new requirements for schools wishing to book face-to-face school council training. To book training for your school council refer to the policy for links to the school council training booking portal.
    18 April 2024School and Campus Naming

    This policy has been updated to:

    • reflect the requirement for Aboriginal language names to be used when naming all new schools and campuses or renaming existing schools, campuses and buildings
    • outline the small number of exceptions to this requirement.
    16 April 2024Audits, Reviews and Assurance Programs in SchoolsThis topic has been updated to reflect current processes for the school council financial assurance program, including the use of Teammate+ to provide status updates during the follow-up process. New guides to using Teammate+, including a guide to writing implementation statements, are available on the Resources tab.
    15 April 2024VCE Vocational Major and Victorian Pathways Certificate ProvisionThis topic has been updated to reflect the VCE Vocational Major and Victorian Pathways Certificate supports available to schools from Term 2 2024, including a new Your world. Your VCE. communication pack. Content relating to the former Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning has also been removed.
    12 April 2024First Aid for Students and StaffThis topic was updated to refer to the Concussion Recognition Tool 6 (CRT6), replacing the Concussion Recognition Tool 5, which supports schools to identify and manage concussion, in alignment with the new national guidance for management of concussion in community and youth sports. Schools are recommended to print and replace previous versions of the tool with the CRT6 in first aid kits. Guidance has also been included about communicating with students and families who have limited or no English skills after a student experiences first aid or a medical emergency at school.
    10 April 2024Reportable and Notifiable ConductThis topic has been updated to include information on the obligation to report inappropriate conduct by education support officers performing disability services to the Conduct and Integrity Division. This conduct may require notification to the Victorian Disability Workers Commission by the Conduct and Integrity Division under the Disability Workers Regulation Scheme, as well as to the Commission for Children and Young People under the Reportable Conduct Scheme.
    10 April 2024Amusement Rides, Attractions and FireworksThe school council agreement template associated with the Amusement Rides, Attractions and Fireworks policy has been updated to reflect minor hyperlinking, spelling, font and numbering corrections, references to ‘supplier’ replaced with ‘provider’, and the addition of a definition for ‘term’.
    10 April 2024Epilepsy and SeizuresThis topic has been updated to include links to the most current and relevant resources for schools, including seizure supports, student inclusion and participation, and staff training.
    28 March 2024Interpreting and Translation ServicesThe topic has been updated to move content for early childhood language services to the Use an interpreter in early childhood education servicesExternal Link webpage. The updated version provides clearer guidance for schools on the funded services available.
    27 March 2024Mental Health Fund and MenuThis topic has been changed to reflect new branding and status of the Fund rollout, as all schools have now received the Fund. Additionally, counsellors have now been included in the Skills Checklist, as they are now able to be employed by schools under tier 3 of the Schools Mental Health Fund and Menu.
    27 March 2024Student Resource Package – Core Student Learning Allocation funding (Student Based Funding)
    Student Resource Package – Equity Funding (Student Based Funding)
    Student Resource Package – School Infrastructure
    Student Resource Package – Managing the Budget
    Student Resource Package – School Specific Programs
    Student Resource Package – Targeted Initiatives
    These topics have been updated to reflect the release of the 2024 confirmed student resource package.
    26 March 2024Disability Inclusion Funding and SupportThis topic has been updated to provide guidance on the requirements to submit a complete profile request and eligibility for backdated funding.
    26 March 2024Disability Inclusion ProfileThis topic has been updated to provide guidance on the requirements to submit a complete profile request and eligibility for backdated funding.
    25 March 2024Data Collection and SurveysThe topic has been updated to include additional information on the survey collections, with updated dates for 2024.
    22 March 2024Ergonomics and WorkspaceThis topic has been updated to provide clearer guidance for schools to effectively manage risks associated with workplace ergonomics, and support staff in setting up ergonomically safe workstations and workspaces. Two workstation checklists are now available for use, including a new checklist for staff who primarily use a laptop for their work.
    21 March 2024Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with DisabilityThis topic was updated to provide updated resources for the 2024 NCCD data collection. The update also includes additional information about student eligibility for inclusion in the NCCD count, and in particular, requirements when imputing disability where schools are unable to access a formal diagnosis.
    19 March 2024EnrolmentThis topic was updated to include a restructured enrolment form, and 2024–25 information packs for Foundation enrolment and Year 6 to 7 placement.
    18 March 2024Reporting Student Achievement and Progress Foundation to 10This topic has been updated with new guidance on achievement standards and reporting requirements for the new Mathematics curriculum, Mathematics Version 2.0. Schools must implement these requirements when they commence teaching the new curriculum in either Semester 1, 2024 or Semester 1, 2025.
    6 March 2024AnaphylaxisThis topic was updated to include contact details for the Royal Children’s Hospital anaphylaxis support advisory line.
    6 March 2024Workers’ CompensationThe resource page of this topic has been updated with online workers’ compensation trainings and webinars offered for 2024, that will assist schools in meeting their return to work obligations.
    5 March 2024OHS Induction and Training

    This topic includes updated versions of the following resources:

    • OHS eLearn guide for schools – reflects changes to the mandatory OHS eLearning modules, including the merging of 2 previous eLearns to become one - 'Health, Safety, and Wellbeing for Employees'. A new ‘Help & Support’ section has been introduced for direct assistance with IT or LearnED access issues and quick reference guides have been updated
    • OHS Induction Checklist for schools – reflects the recently updated OHS eLearning modules, with eLearn enrolment and completion requirements included.
    4 March 2024Soil, Mulch or Loose FillThis new topic outlines the requirements and processes that schools must follow to safely acquire soil, mulch and loose fill on school sites.
    4 March 2024Asbestos ManagementThis topic has undergone minor updates to align with the release of the new Soil, Mulch or Loose Fill policy which outlines the processes schools must follow when acquiring any materials that pose a contamination risk.
    4 March 2024Smoking and Vaping BanThis policy has new guidance chapters about prevention, response and management of school vaping incidents. Resources have been updated to include Quit Victoria’s free classroom materials for secondary schools.
    29 February 2024Plant and Equipment ManagementThis policy now includes clearer information regarding supervision and training requirements for staff and students, with refreshed competency tests for students and an overview of the Safe Use of Machinery for Technology Teaching course.
    29 February 2024VCE Vocational Major and Victorian Pathways Certificate ProvisionThe implementation supports resource has been updated to remove outdated supports and include new supports that are available from Term 1, 2024.
    26 February 2024Privacy and Information SharingThe ‘Annual privacy reminder’ section of the Collection Notice guidance has been updated to include reference to schools’, Photographing, Filming and Recording Students policy.
    26 February 2024Photographing, Filming and Recording StudentsThis policy has been updated to include a new section on the annual privacy reminder schools communicate to families at the beginning of each year. The reminder now includes reference to the school’s Photographing, Filming and Recording Students Policy. Other changes have also been made to support the new process of the reminder replacing the need for schools to resend the consent form to families each year.
    26 February 2024Annual Report to the School CommunityThis topic now includes a guidance chapter titled School performance summary for the 2023 annual report which contains key information for schools about updates to the structure and measures used in the performance summary this year.
    26 February 2024OHS PlanningThis topic contains an updated version of the OHS activities calendar which has been simplified and clarifies which activities should be completed in the Asset Information Management System (AIMS). It also includes links to relevant policies and an updated list of activities that better reflect schools’ OHS needs.
    23 February 2024Career Education FundingThis topic (previously titled Career Education Funding – Accountability and Reporting Requirements) has been updated to clarify the requirements for schools in receipt of career education funding and to provide new and updated links to associated resources and initiatives.
    22 February 2024School ReviewThe topic has been updated to provide current policy, guidance and supporting resources on the school review process.
    21 February 2024School Based Apprenticeships and TraineeshipsThis topic has been updated to reflect terminology changes to align with the senior secondary pathways reform. Updates also include restructuring the guidance chapters and changes to align with Ministerial Order 1359, outlining the minimum requirements schools and boarding premises must meet to comply with the Child Safe Standards. New resources include Head Start factsheets for students, parents and employers.
    21 February 2024Procurement — SchoolsThe list of department-managed procurement categories, available on the Resources tab, has been updated to reflect the establishment of a new sports and physical education equipment panel for Victorian government schools.
    21 February 2024Restraint and SeclusionThis topic has been updated to reflect changes to the Protective Intervention Training panel and Expression of Interest form.
    21 February 2024Work-Related Violence in SchoolsThis topic has been updated to reflect changes to the Protective Intervention Training panel and Expression of Interest form.
    21 February 2024Workplace Safety InspectionsAn updated version of the ‘General Workplace Safety Inspection Checklist’ has been uploaded to this topic. The checklist was updated to make it clearer that only hazards defined as having the potential to cause harm, injury, illness, or loss are required to be reported via the checklist.
    21 February 2024International Student Program (ISP)This topic has been updated to raise the minimum age that a student can be in a homestay arrangement from 13 to 15.
    19 February 2024Mobile Phones – Student UseThis policy was updated to include posters and social media resources aimed at enabling schools to communicate the policy to a student audience.
    19 February 2024Annual Report to the School CommunityThis topic has been updated to clarify the steps to complete the Annual Report to the School Community.
    14 February 2024CleaningRegional schools: The topic has been updated to provide new information on the processes required for procuring and managing cleaning contractors, including details of ensuring contractor compliance with AIMs.
    Metropolitan schools: Contact details for Metropolitan schools have been updated where there has a change of provider.
    13 February 2024Mental Health and Wellbeing – EmployeesThe resource page of this topic has been updated to incorporate a list of external support services for mental health and wellbeing.
    13 February 2024International Student Program (ISP)This topic has been updated to include versions of the arrival support form for Melbourne Airport in Chinese, Khmer and Vietnamese.
    12 February 2024Middle Years Literacy and Numeracy Support (MYLNS) initiativeThis topic has been updated to align student eligibility criteria with the new NAPLAN levels of achievement.
    12 February 2024Tutor Learning InitiativeThis topic and the Tutor Practice Guide have been updated to reflect 2024 arrangements and provide more guidance on student identification for participation in tutoring, including pre-identification based on NAPLAN performance.
    12 February 2024Child LinkThis is a new topic that supports schools to access and use Child Link, which is a digital tool that displays information about a child to authorised key professionals who have responsibility for child wellbeing and safety.
    8 February 2024Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF)This topic has been updated to clarify requirements regarding applications from mature minors and the use of CSEF funding.
    7 February 2024Environmental HygieneThis topic has been updated with the addition of a callout box to comply with the requirements of the Crystalline Silica Regulations (Part 4.5 – Crystalline silica, Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2017).
    7 February 2024Buildings and Grounds Maintenance and ComplianceThis topic has been updated to incorporate a new guidance on chapter on essential safety measures (ESM). This guidance chapter reflects the new, centralised essential safety measures model and replaces the previous Essential Safety Measures policy.
    5 February 2024School Council – ElectionsAn updated version of the ‘Principals Guide to School Council Elections’ has been uploaded to this topic. The guide was updated to reflect 2024 timing and updated contact and training details.
    5 February 2024ICT Software in Schools – Risk AssessmentThis is a new topic that details requirements for schools when selecting and reviewing software for use by staff and students. It includes details of how to use the national Safer Technologies 4 Schools (ST4S) risk assessment reports.
    1 February 2024School Performance Reporting and DataThis topic has been updated to reflect the decommissioning of the School Information Portal (SIP).
    31 January 2024Disability Inclusion ProfileThis topic has been updated to clarify a range of policy positions, make minor updates to resources to support schools through the profile process and include details of the areas transitioning to Disability Inclusion in 2024.
    31 January 2024OHS Consultation and CommunicationThis topic has been updated to provide clarification around who can stand as a HSR and obligations on including a list of HSRs on the OHS noticeboard. As well as clarifying the consultation and communication requirements with HSRs exists in accordance with the policy, where they are elected.
    29 January 2024Mental Health Practitioners initiativeThis is a new topic that outlines policy, guidance and resources for secondary and specialist schools implementing the Mental Health Practitioners (MHP) initiative. The topic includes information about expanded eligibility requirements for MHPs to include counsellors of a prescribed class, in line with the new Mental Health and Wellbeing Act (2022).
    29 January 2024SuspensionsChanges have been made to the Suspensions policy to reflect a new combined form for schools to seek regional director approval for any suspensions that is for more than 5 days or 15 in total for the school year. There were previously 2 approval forms that principals had to complete, depending on the circumstance. The forms have been combined to streamline the approval process.
    26 January 2024EnrolmentThe 'Enrolment in specialist schools and other specialist education settings' guidance chapter has been updated to clarify the eligibility process for students attending specialist settings, particularly in Disability Inclusion areas. Additional information about periodic review of enrolment eligibility for enrolled students and the appeals process for students refused enrolment has also been included.
    25 January 2024Professional Learning CommunitiesThis topic has been updated to include a new section on the Professional Learning Community Coaching program.
    24 January 2024Annual Implementation Plan (AIP)The ‘What’s new in the Annual Implementation Plan’ guidance has been updated to include a section on the impact of changes to the calculation of perception survey data and the approach schools can take when completing their AIP end-of-year self-assessment.
    22 January 2024Sister School PartnershipsSister school online resources have been updated according to Commonwealth’s latest guidance as at January 2024 regarding foreign arrangements. This includes a new FAQs document specifically designed to assist schools in meeting their obligations under the Foreign Relations Act 2020 when establishing (or renewing) sister school partnerships.
    16 January 2024NDIS Funded Therapy in Schools

    This topic has been updated to provide clarity about this policy, a new licence agreement for delivery of NDIS funded virtual therapy on school grounds and to reflect changes to the NDIS/education interface, including:

    • the continuation of in-kind supports (PCIS and SDTP) until the end of the 2024 school year
    • introduction of NDIS Navigators
    • NDIS changes to the early childhood approach.
    10 January 2024Family Violence SupportThe resources tab has been updated with 2 additional external resources: Sexual Assault Services Victoria and Sexual Assault Crisis Line.
    10 January 2024Donating Furniture and EquipmentThis topic has been updated to reflect that from 3 January 2024, Rotary’s Donations in Kind store has re-commenced accepting donations.
    10 January 2024Conveyance Allowance ProgramThis topic has been updated to reflect the new public transport fares for 2024.
    9 January 2024Student Resource Package – Targeted InitiativesThe Swimming in Schools guidance chapter was updated to reflect information about the offline top-up payment provided to eligible schools in 2024.
    9 January 2024International Student Program (ISP)This topic contains a new chapter in relation to the requirements for providers of Offsite Intensive English language programs to coordinate with host schools. The resource updates include a new policy document for providers of Offsite Intensive English Language Programs which will be useful for host schools to understand.
    8 January 2024NDIS NavigatorsThis topic has been updated with a callout box to differentiate between the department’s school-based NDIS Navigators and the navigator role announced in the NDIS Independent Review. The list of schools who have received funding has been updated and translations of the NDIS Navigators parents and carers factsheet have been added to the resources tab.
    8 January 2024Recruitment in Schools

    This topic has been updated to:

    • make the wording more consistent with the Australian Government Style Manual
    • reference the ability to make requests for a reduced time fraction for any advertised role, on a case-by-case basis and subject to the operational requirements of the school
    • update the section on suitability for child connected work checks and to replicate that section in the selection process component to:
      • make it clear the checks must be completed in respect of every preferred applicant, both internal and external
      • make it clear the checks are compulsory prior to employment, promotion or transfer action being taken
      • provide further guidance on action to be taken regarding the outcome of the check.
    4 January 2024Teaching with AnimalsA call-out box has been added to this topic to alert that it is under review, with guidance on a new application process for teaching with animals to be released in early 2024. Outdated templates and application forms have also been removed from the resources tab.
    2 January 2024School Performance Reporting and DataThe Differentiated School Performance Model technical documents have been updated to reflect the 2023 changes to NAPLAN.
    1 January 2024Conveyance Allowance ProgramThis topic has been updated to reflect the new private conveyance allowance rates for 2024.
    1 January 2024Student Resource Package — Core Student Learning Allocation funding (Student Based Funding)
    Student Resource Package — Equity Funding (Student Based Funding)
    Student Resource Package — School Infrastructure
    Student Resource Package — Managing the Budget
    Student Resource Package — School Specific Programs
    Student Resource Package — Targeted Initiatives
    These topics have been updated to reflect the 2024 student resource package indicative guide.
  • Date of updateTopicChange
    21 December 2023Conflict of InterestThis topic has been updated to reflect a change in policy ownership from the Employee Conduct Branch to the Conduct and Integrity Branch. Including an updated phone number and email address for schools to contact regarding further advice and to report conflicts of interest in line with the policy.
    20 December 2023Health, Wellbeing and Inclusion WorkforcesThis is a new topic that provides operational guidance for schools on the regional and area-based Health, Wellbeing and Inclusion Workforces (HWIW), including the Health Wellbeing Key Contact (HWKC) function. This topic replaces the COVID-19 — Health, Wellbeing and Inclusion Workforces topic, which has been archived. For information on COVID-19, schools can refer to COVID-19 — School Operations.
    19 December 2023Conveyance Allowance ProgramTransport Special Cases Consideration Panel application closure dates and panel sitting dates have been updated for 2024.
    19 December 2023School Bus ProgramTransport Special Cases Consideration Panel application closure dates and panel sitting dates have been updated for 2024.
    19 December 2023Information Security – InfoSafeAn updated Third Party Supplier Assurance Standard has been added to the resources tab, replacing a previous version of the standard.
    19 December 2023Environmental Sustainability in SchoolsThis topic has been updated to refer to the Sustainable Facilities topic.
    18 December 2023Vocational Education and Training Delivered to School StudentsThis topic has been updated to replace indicative funding information for VET delivered to school students with updated funding information for 2024.
    18 December 2023Infectious DiseasesThis topic has been updated to provide guidelines for schools engaging with Local Public Health Units regarding notifiable conditions. The Engagement guidelines are available in the resources tab.
    15 December 2023Procuring Low-Value Construction Works or ServicesThis topic has been updated to increase the limit of School Councils’ delegated authority to enter into construction contracts from $50,000 to $100,000.
    15 December 2023School-funded Capital ProjectsThis topic has been updated to include a new requirement for schools to seek VSBA approval before procuring works involving the construction of ramps. The limit of School Councils’ delegated authority to enter into construction contracts has also been increased from $50,000 to $100,000.
    15 December 2023Student Resource Package – Managing the BudgetThis topic has been updated to include a new guidance chapter entitled Credit Carryover Policy which details limits on how much SRP funding schools will be able to carry over to the following year, over a 4-year transition period from 2024 to 2027, including the addition of a deficit write off incentive for small schools and details of supports available for schools to manage the transition. The Resources tab also includes an FAQ document which schools can reference for an overview of the practical implications of the new Credit Carryover Policy. Additionally, the Surplus or deficit guidance chapter has been amended to include examples of how the credit carryover transition will apply to end of year deficits, and the Cash guidance chapter has been updated to include more detailed guidance and eligibility requirements for credit and cash transfers.
    12 December 2023Privacy and Information SharingThis topic has been updated to reflect that schools are no longer required to publish the Schools’ Privacy Collection Notice on their public facing website. The notice is now a department webpage and linked to from the schools’ annual privacy reminder draft text. Schools must continue to share the notice with parents and carers as part of the enrolment process and on request.
    11 December 2023Reporting Student Achievement and Progress Foundation to 10This topic was updated to provide information on changed reporting arrangements for schools implementing the new Mathematics F–10 Curriculum Version 2.0. A template letter for schools to use to inform parents/carers about this change and a resource to support schools with the new reporting arrangements has been provided.
    7 December 2023Holocaust Education – Delivery RequirementsThis topic has been updated to note that the performance of the Nazi salute in public is against the law in Victoria (in addition to the public display of the Nazi Hakenkreuz symbol) unless it meets the exceptions outlined in the policy.
    6 December 2023Navigator ProgramThe Navigator Program policy and resources have been updated to include Navigator Program Pilot for 10 to 11 years of age in Bayside Peninsula, Hume Merri-bek, Loddon Campaspe and Western Melbourne.
    5 December 2023LGBTIQA+ Student SupportThis topic has been updated to refer to new guidance on the participation of trans and gender diverse students in School Sport Victoria’s sporting activities, linked to from the resources tab. The title of the topic has also been updated to include students identifying as asexual, in line with the Victorian government’s new LGBTIQA+ inclusive language guidanceExternal Link .
    5 December 2023Re-engagement Programs (Years 7 to 10)This topic is updated annually in Term 4 with program fees for the following school year. The fees have now been updated for 2024 and can be found on the guidance tab.
    5 December 2023Conveyance Allowance ProgramThis topic has been updated to reflect the closing dates for applications made through the Student Conveyance Allowance System for 2024.
    4 December 2023Mobile Phones – Student UseSample newsletter text has been added to the resources tab to support schools to remind their communities about the requirements of this policy.
    4 December 2023Parent PaymentsThis topic was updated to remove restrictions on facilitating the sale of second-hand books.
    4 December 2023Teaching and Learning Resources – Selecting Appropriate MaterialsThis topic has been updated to note that the performance of the Nazi salute in public is against the law in Victoria (in addition to the public display of the Nazi Hakenkreuz symbol) unless it meets the exceptions outlined in the policy.
    30 November 2023AsthmaThis topic has been updated to remove reference to the 10760NAT Course in Asthma Awareness from the list of accredited asthma management courses as it is no longer available.
    29 November 2023Students with Disabilities Transport Program (SDTP)This topic has been updated to reflect that the current arrangement with the NDIS to provide student transport for eligible students in schools has been extended to the end of 2024. Transport Special Cases Panel application closure dates and panel sitting dates have also been updated for 2024.
    28 November 2023Outside School Hours Care – Decision Making Regarding the Provision of OSHCThis topic has been updated to include updated documents for school councils to manage the operation of their service, including varying licence agreements with third party providers and template agendas for an OSHC sub-committee meeting. There have also been minor updates to information regarding the OSHC Establishment Grants Initiative.
    28 November 2023EnrolmentThe statewide Foundation (Prep) enrolment timeline and procedures have been updated for 2024 to support enrolments for the 2025 school year. The updates include the timeline and template content for your school website, which are available from the resources tab of this topic.
    28 November 2023Framework for Improving Student Outcomes (FISO 2.0)The resources tab has been updated with a new guide titled 'Engaging families in lifting student outcomes'. The guide is available to support principals and school leaders to effectively partner with families in improving the student learning and wellbeing outcomes outlined in FISO 2.0, and brings together key information, related resources, and policies to support family engagement.
    24 November 2023Work-Related Violence in SchoolsThe resources tab has been updated with 2 new posters which can be printed and displayed in high-traffic areas in schools. The posters highlight that abuse, aggression, and other unacceptable behaviours from adults in the school community will not be tolerated and provide quick access to supports and resources via QR code.
    24 November 2023Voice Care for TeachersThis topic has been updated with clearer guidance for teachers and school staff to protect and care for their voices. With a simplified procedure to identify, assess and implement measures to prevent or minimise the risk of vocal injury at work. The resources tab includes an updated guideline document which provides practical strategies on how teachers can look after their voices including tips, exercises and self-assessment tools, as well as a poster schools can print and display with quick reminders and a link to further resources easily accessible via QR code.
    22 November 2023Annual Implementation Plan (AIP)New resources including 2024 Improvement Cycle planners, instructions for completing the funding planner in SPOT and a troubleshooting guide for SPOT are now available on the resources tab.
    22 November 2023Family Violence SupportThe list of Respectful Relationships Liaison Officers has been updated.
    17 November 2023Enrolment: Year 6 to 7 placementThe Statewide placement timeline and procedures have been updated for 2024 to 2025 and are available from the resources tab of this topic.
    16 November 2023Disability Inclusion ProfileThe resources tab has been updated to include a list of professional learning offerings available to school staff to learn more about Disability Inclusion and supporting students with diverse learning needs.
    13 November 2023Structured Workplace LearningThis topic has been updated to reflect new Ministerial Order 1412 – Structured Workplace Learning Arrangements. The changes include updated arrangement forms and resources.
    13 November 2023Work ExperienceThis topic has been updated to reflect new Ministerial Order 1413 – Work Experience Arrangements. The changes include updated arrangement forms and resources.
    9 November 2023Career StartThis is a new topic that outlines the Career Start program for graduate teachers, which aims to improve the induction experience into the teaching profession. It provides operational information about the wealth of supports available to graduate teachers, eligibility criteria and funding arrangements.
    2 November 2023Capacity and Area AllocationThis topic has been updated to provide clarity on how schools can access their current built capacity figure and who to contact if they have questions about their capacity.
    2 November 2023Privacy and Information SharingThe resources tab has been updated with two new ‘Privacy on a Page’ quick reference guide documents which are tailored specifically for Casual Relief Teachers and School Administration staff. These quick reference guides outline key obligations and practical tips to help these staff handle personal information safely.
    2 November 2023Mental Health in SchoolsA new quick guide for information about reporting and acquitting the funding schools receive under mental health reform programs is now available on the resources tab.
    1 November 2023VCE Vocational Major and Victorian Pathways Certificate Delivered by Registered External Providers (formerly Community VCAL)The updated VCE Vocational Major and VPC contract has been added to the resources tab. It includes a new responsibility matrix to document the roles and responsibilities of schools, providers and subcontracted additional providers. References to the Intermediate VCAL have been removed from the topic and contract.
    1 November 2023Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF)The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) topic has been updated with relevant dates and information about the annual CSEF amount per student for the 2024 school year. The Centrelink error proforma and CSEF financial assistance flyers in all languages have also been updated to reflect these changes.
    1 November 2023This topic has been updated with updated dates for training webinars and additional contact details for schools requiring support or assistance.
    30 October 2023Finance Manual – Financial Management for SchoolsThe updated Chart of Accounts for Victorian Government Schools for 2024 has been added to the Resources tab. It includes several minor changes for currency, with the addition of new information on the Specialist School Activity Boost.
    27 October 2023An FAQ document is now available on the resources tab of this page to provide further guidance to schools on employing pre-service teachers with Permission to Teach (General).
    27 October 2023Bushfire and Grassfire PreparednessThe Bushfire Preparedness (Vegetation) Program 2023-2024 Factsheet has been uploaded to the Resources tab. The factsheet, and the vegetation clearance guidelines within it, remain unchanged from 2022-2023.
    26 October 2023Health Care NeedsThis topic has been updated to clarify the process for completing the Schoolcare program referral and to correspond with the updated Schoolcare Program 2024 guidelines.
    24 October 2023Behaviour – StudentsThe School-wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) Framework chapter of this topic has been updated to remove information about applications to join SWPBS in 2024 (which have closed) and add a new animation: Introduction to School-wide Positive Behaviour Support.
    23 October 2023NDIS NavigatorsA fact sheet for parents and carers outlining the purpose and role of NDIS Navigators in Victorian government specialist schools was added to the resources tab of this topic.
    18 October 2023Disability Inclusion Funding and SupportThis topic has been updated to clarify a range of policy positions and to support schools through the process. These changes include new resources to support schools, including a new Disability Inclusion Reform Principal Checklist (PPTX)External Link .
    18 October 2023Disability Inclusion ProfileThis topic has been updated to clarify a range of policy positions and to support schools through the process. These changes include new resources to support schools, including a new Disability Inclusion Reform Principal Checklist (PPTX)External Link . The changes also include minor updates to Supporting Information Guidance for Schools (DOCX)External Link .
    16 October 2023New resources are available to support schools in celebrating all pathways equally: a school discussion guide, checklist and social media image templates.
    12 October 2023This topic has been updated with clearer guidance for schools to protect staff from manual handling injuries in the workplace. With a larger focus on prevention and specialist school settings, real life practical examples tailored to school environments have been added, including recommendations for further training and the addition of a new ‘Personal care of students’ risk assessment template. The manual handling presentation slide deck requirements and guide have been removed, with information incorporated into the updated procedure.
    12 October 2023NDIS NavigatorsThe list of schools that have received NDIS Navigators’ funding in 2023 has been added to the Policy tab.
    6 October 2023This topic has been updated to include revised resources and provide information around responsibilities relating to the Child Safe Standards.
    3 October 2023Annual Implementation Plan (AIP)This topic has been updated with information about refinements to the end-of-year assessment and priorities goal advice and to clarify existing guidance. It also includes a new AIP Term 4 planning tool in the resources tab.
    27 September 2023Outdoor Activities and Working OutdoorsThis topic has been revised to provide more practical advice, with a particular focus on assessing hazards and controlling risks. The updated topic also features simplified language – highlighting roles and responsibilities for school staff managing working outdoors – and a streamlined risk assessment process.
    27 September 2023Physical and Sport Education – SafetyThis topic has been updated to clarify that interschool sport must be organised as an excursion in line with guidance in the Excursions policy.
    27 September 2023ExcursionsThe Supervision chapter of this topic has been updated to provide clarity on the gender mix of supervising staff for overnight camps, applying ratios for excursions organised by one school for students from more than one school, minimum supervision ratios for School Sport Victoria events and for individual students registered for State Schools Spectacular events.
    27 September 2023Tutor Learning InitiativeThis topic has been updated to include information on the 2024 program extension and funding resources.
    27 September 2023Student Resource Package – Targeted InitiativesA new guidance chapter titled NDIS Navigators (Reference 146) was added to this topic to outline funding arrangements for the NDIS Navigators initiative which will be progressively rolled out over 4 years to all Victorian government specialist schools from July 2023.
    25 September 2023Community Use of Schools – Hiring and LicensingInternal guidance relating to the community use of schools in the lead up to the 2023 referendum has been published.
    19 September 2023Environmental Sustainability in SchoolsThis is a new topic which includes guidance about reducing the environmental impact of school operations, classroom education about climate change, and the bans on single-use plastics and balloon releases.
    15 September 2023This topic has been updated to provide clarity on which flags can be flown on school flagpoles, including the circumstances when commemorative or celebratory flags can be flown. The average cost of flagpole installation and the expected lifespan of flags has also been removed as these vary according to local circumstances.
    13 September 2023Disability Inclusion Funding and SupportA calculator is now available to support schools estimate their annual Disability Inclusion Tier 2 funding allocation. For more information, refer to the Tier 2 School-level fundingExternal Link section at Disability Inclusion Funding and Support: Overview of the Disability Inclusion funding model.
    13 September 2023Student Resource Package – OverviewThis topic has been updated with the new 2024 student resource package indicative guide, available from the Resources tab.
    12 September 2023Professional Learning CommunitiesThis is a new topic which outlines guidance and supports for schools to implement the Professional Learning Communities (PLC) initiative.
    11 September 2023Mental Health in SchoolsThis topic has been updated with information about the Mental Health in Primary Schools program, including information about funding allocations, and support for schools transitioning from the Primary Welfare Officer initiative. An updated fact sheet and question and answer resources can be found on the resources tab.
    8 September 2023ExcursionsGuidance on documenting first aid incidents occurring on excursions has been updated for consistency with the First Aid for Students and Staff topic.
    7 September 2023EnrolmentThe Determining permanent residence guidance chapter in this topic has been updated to clarify that people experiencing family violence can list the address of a specialist service (as well as crisis or other temporary accommodation), and to clarify the purpose (that is, ‘to protect the child or young person from harm’).
    7 September 2023Exemption from School Attendance and EnrolmentThis topic contains new guidance and resources on attendance exemptions for students employed in the education industry. The resource updates include a new application form and fact sheet for parents.
    7 September 2023Victorian Teaching and Learning ModelAn updated quick guide to the VTLM, including information about the High Impact Wellbeing Strategies (HIWS) is now available on the Resources tab.
    6 September 2023The guidance tab of this topic and the Student reporting VC lookup matrix resource have been updated to reflect changes to the 5-point age-related scale, which now includes Level D. A template letter to assist schools to communicate this change is also available on the guidance and resources tabs
    5 September 2023Members of Parliament and Candidates Visiting SchoolsThis topic has been updated to include by-elections and referendums, and reference to the Victorian Public Sector Commission’s guidance on the 2023 referendum.
    5 September 2023Political ActivitiesThis topic has been updated to include by-elections and referendums, and reference to the Victorian Public Sector Commission’s guidance on the 2023 referendum.
    5 September 2023Elections – Schools as Voting Centres and Polling PlacesThis topic has been updated to include by-elections and referendums.
    5 September 2023NDIS NavigatorsThis is a new topic that overviews the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Navigators initiative in Victorian government specialist schools. It provides operational information about the rollout of the initiative, the role of NDIS Navigators and the funding and supports available for schools.
    4 September 2023Career Education Funding – Accountability and Reporting RequirementsThis topic has been updated to provide information on Career Education Funding reporting requirements for 2023.
    1 September 2023Practice (Student) Teaching Supervision PaymentsThis policy has been update to reflect pay rates as per the Ministerial Order.
    30 August 2023Information Security – InfoSafeThis topic has been updated with new contact details to notify the Cyber Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) of an incident.
    30 August 2023Enrolment

    The resources tab of this topic has been updated with new versions of the following resources:

    • email templates to support enrolment offers – which contains additional enrolment scenarios such as student transfers and where an Enrolment Management Implementation Plan is in place
    • sample wording seeking evidence of address – which supports schools to seek additional information from parents/carers regarding permanent residential address during the enrolment process and includes template wording where enrolment or placement may be withdrawn.
    29 August 2023Excess ProcedureThis policy has been updated as per the Victorian Government Schools Agreement 2022, to include that the identification of employees can only occur in term 1 and term 4; and the inclusion of severance pay information for applicable employees. Additionally, the policy has been updated to include information that where an excess employee declines a reasonable offer of redeployment, workplace relations is to be informed.
    29 August 2023Compassionate TransferThis policy has been updated to remove of the reference to a ‘hard copy’ letter, which has been adjusted to an electronic letter; removal of the reference for employees to attach a copy of the letter; and information regarding the new application process in Recruitment Online.
    29 August 2023Workforce Support and Initiatives for SchoolsThis topic has been updated to reflect the information on CRT Travel Fund and to include information on the new Teacher Re-Engagement Initiative (TREI) available to schools and returning teachers.
    29 August 2023Transition — Year 6 to 7The supporting a positive transition to secondary school resource has been updated to include current information and support for schools to plan and implement effective transitions programs for the 2023 to 2024 school years. This resource is available on the policy and resources tabs of this topic.
    29 August 2023Teaching and Learning Resources – Selecting Appropriate MaterialsThis topic has been updated to broaden the definition of ‘teaching and learning resources’ to better reflect the contemporary and digital nature of teaching and learning resources (including, for example, applications, software, podcasts and other online platforms).
    29 August 2023Pre-service Teachers Working with Permission to Teach (General)This is a new topic that outlines the practices and processes in relation to pre-service teachers working in Victorian government schools with Permission to Teach (PTT) (General), as agreed between the department and Victorian initial teacher education providers.
    28 August 2023Recruitment in SchoolsThis topic has been updated to include new information and guidelines regarding the Teacher Recruitment Initiative (TRI); selection document retention timelines (10 years for successful applicants and 6 months for non-shortlisted applicants); and information relating to the temporary transfer of an ongoing employee. The resources tab has also been updated to include user guides and facts sheets for applicants.
    25 August 2023Mental Health in SchoolsThe resources tab has been updated to include a new resource outlining instructions for reporting Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader salary expenditure as part of the Mental Health in Primary Schools program.
    23 August 2023Managing and Reporting School Incidents (Including Emergencies)A new guidance chapter has been added to the Managing and Reporting School Incidents policy to support schools manage emergency helicopter landings and to consider requests for non-emergency helicopter landings
    18 August 2023Parents' ClubsThe Parents’ Clubs policy has been updated to clarify the role of parents’ clubs, provide step by step guidance on establishing a parents’ club, as well as information about insurance and how parents’ clubs can manage their records.
    18 August 2023Parent PaymentsThis policy, the parent payment arrangement templates and the communications resources have been updated with new contact details.
    18 August 2023Disability and Reasonable Adjustments – StaffThis topic has been updated to introduce 2 new chapters regarding the ‘sharing of staff disability information (disclosure)’ and ‘flexible working arrangements and workplace adjustments’. There is also new information on the department’s obligation under the Fair Work Act 2009 to consider and respond to written requests for flexible work arrangements made by certain staff.
    15 August 2023Flexible Work for PrincipalsPolicy and guidance have been developed around flexible work options for principals. This page provides information on eligible arrangements, application requirements and approval processes.
    15 August 2023Curriculum Programs Foundation to 10This topic has been updated to include information on general religious education which was previously contained in the topic Special Religious Instruction. It now also includes a link to information about guest speakers to support student learning about religions.
    11 August 2023Disability Inclusion Funding and SupportThis topic has been updated to reflect an update to the process for reporting Disability Inclusion Tier 2 credit expenditure, including updated expenditure reporting instructions.
    11 August 2023Work-Related DrivingThis topic has been updated in line with new Victorian road rules to include further responsibilities for staff who are driving for work to avoid distractions and regulate their use of wearable devices and other technologies while driving a vehicle.
    10 August 2023Data Collection and SurveysThis topic has been updated to include information on accessibility for the Attitudes to School Survey, AEDC dates and to reflect changes made to the frameworks for the School Staff Survey, Parent/Carer/Guardian Opinion Survey and Attitudes to School Survey in 2023.
    7 August 2023 Student Resource Package — Targeted InitiativesThe Late Enrolment and Senior Secondary Re-engagement guidance chapter was updated to reflect changes to application and payment deadlines for late enrolment and senior secondary re-engagement funding.
    2 August 2023Outside School Hours Care – Decision Making Regarding the Provision of OSHCThe OSHC establishment grants guidance chapter has been updated with a list of Round 4A recipients that have been awarded funding . The list of third party providers interested in working with OSHC establishment grant schools has also been updated and is available on the Resources tab.
    2 August 2023EnrolmentThe non-standard enrolment application form has been updated with some additional fields for schools who are seeking to re-apply for a non-standard enrolment following review of an existing non-standard enrolment.
    1 August 2023Essential Safety Measures The centralised essential safety measures fact sheet (available on the Policy and Resources tabs) has been updated to include information about contacting existing ESM service providers, including a link to a template letter that schools can use to start discussions with their service providers.
    28 July 2023Workforce Support and Initiatives for SchoolsThis is a new topic which outlines workforce supports and initiatives available to schools that may be experiencing recruitment and retention challenges
    26 July 2023Disability Inclusion Funding and SupportThis topic has been updated to reflect changes to the process to report Disability Inclusion Tier 2 credit expenditure, including updated expenditure reporting instructions.
    26 July 2023Vocational Education and Training Delivered to School StudentsThis topic has been updated to include information on the purpose of Vocational Education and Training (VET) delivered to school students (VDSS), how schools may offer VET to students, and how VDSS funding is allocated in 2024. Additional guidance and information for schools have been added to support student access to the VDSS Core Offering VET certificates within the VCE-VET programs developed by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority.
    25 July 2023Disability Inclusion ProfileThis topic has been updated to clarify the Disability Inclusion Profile process. In addition, a range of new resources are available on the Resources tab to support participation in the profile meeting.
    25 July 2023Professional Practice DaysThis topic has been updated to reflect the provision of the Victorian Government Schools Agreement 2022 on Professional Practice Days.
    25 July 2023Restraint and SeclusionThis topic has been updated to clarify the definition of seclusion, align with the new Child Safe Standards, include additional information about professional development and provide guidance to assist schools and NDIS practitioners to work collaboratively.
    25 July 2023Data Collection and SurveysThe Resources tab of this topic contains updated frameworks for the School Staff Survey and Parent/Carer/Guardian Opinion Survey for 2023.
    24 July 2023Insurance for SchoolsThis topic has been updated to reflect changes to school travel insurance and the Resources section has been updated with 2023-24 insurance documentation.
    24 July 2023COVID-19 — School OperationsThis topic has been updated to remove hand sanitiser and gloves from the list of free PPE available for order, as these products are no longer available on the PPE ordering system.
    19 July 2023DronesThis topic has been updated to clarify that schools must not use drones for surveillance purposes and to provide contact details for schools who require further advice and support in relation to this.
    18 July 2023Notebooks for School Staff ProgramThis topic was updated to include information about warranties for desktop experience kits that have been issued to schools.
    18 July 2023Finance Manual – Financial Management for SchoolsThe Resources tab has been updated to include a Cash Budget Spreadsheet User Guide, which is a new resource to assist schools when using the Annual master cash budget summary spreadsheet
    18 July 2023Students with DisabilityThis topic was updated to highlight the importance of verbal, nonverbal, augumentative and alternative communication forms to support the participation of students with disability, particularly students with complex communication needs.
    12 July 2023Disability Inclusion Funding and SupportThis topic was updated to reflect the availability of Tier 2 funding for English Language Schools and year 4 and 5 schools in the Disability Inclusion rollout schedule.
    11 July 2023VCE Vocational Major and Victorian Pathways Certificate ProvisionThis topic has been updated to include additional information on student enrolments in the VCE Vocational Major and Victorian Pathways Certificate, including practices that limit enrolments in these certificates. Additionally, it has been updated to reflect the senior secondary certificate framework changes that came into effect in 2023 and supports available.
    10 July 2023Asset Information Management System (AIMS)The Asset Information Management System (AIMS) User Guides have been updated to incorporate changes to AIMS functionality. The updated user guides are available on the Resources tab of this topic.
    3 July 2023AttendanceThe attendance and absence reporting guide has been updated for term 3 2023 and is available from the policy and resources tabs of this topic.
    26 June 2023Enrolment

    An enrolment form data entry guide has been added to the Enrolment resources tab to support schools to accurately enter data from the revised enrolment form into CASES21.

    Schools should refer to the data entry guide as required and commence processing enrolments for the 2024 school year from 26 June 2023 onwards, following the release of V68 updates to CASES21.

    21 June 2023International Delegations – Visits to Victorian SchoolsThis is a new topic setting out the requirements of the department’s International Delegations Program and providing information for schools hosting incoming international delegations.
    20 June 2023Mental Health Fund and MenuThis topic was updated to include information for schools on contracting mental health services using their mental health fund.
    16 June 2023Enrolment

    The Enrolment in specialist schools and other specialist education settings guidance chapter (formerly titled Enrolment in specialist schools) has been updated to:

    • clarify the process for determining whether a student is eligible to attend a specialist setting, particularly for specialist settings in Disability Inclusion areas
    • elaborate on the non-standard enrolment process for students who do not meet a specialist setting’s enrolment criteria – specialist settings are now required to complete the non-standard enrolment application form (available on the resources tab) to seek regional approval for all non-standard enrolments.
    13 June 2023Volunteers in SchoolsThis topic has been amended for clarity in relation to indemnities for volunteer school workers and now also refers to the Personal Liability of School Employees page which applies to volunteers.
    13 June 2023Mental Health in SchoolsGuidance has been developed to help schools spend their 2023 Student Wellbeing Boost funding by 31 March 2024 on a range of mental health and wellbeing activities.
    9 June 2023Re-engagement Programs (Years 7 to 10)This topic has been updated with the addition of a new fact sheet resource for schools, students and their families. The fact sheet contains a summary version of the policy, and the process for enrolling a student in a re-engagement program. The fact sheet can be found as an attachment in the Resources tab.
    9 June 2023VCE Vocational Major and Victorian Pathways Certificate Delivered by Registered External Providers (formerly Community VCAL)This is a new topic which outlines the requirements for schools entering into contracts with registered non-school senior secondary and foundation secondary providers (NSSSFSPs) for the entire delivery of the VCE Vocational Major or Victorian Pathways Certificate. This topic replaces the Community VCAL policy
    9 June 2023Time in Lieu - Teaching ServiceThis topic has been updated to include the provision of payment to teachers and education support staff required to attend overnight school camps in Victoria or interstate during school terms. Teachers and education support staff required to attend an overnight school camp will be paid 8 hours of on call at 50% for the hours of 11pm to 7 am.
    2 June 2023International Student Program (ISP)This topic has been updated to include new information for schools around compliance requirements for international students doing VET subjects as part of the VCE or VCE Vocational Major.
    2 June 2023DemolitionThis topic has been updated to clarify that schools must seek advice from regional provision and planning managers and the VSBA to demolish, remove or truncate school buildings.
    31 May 2023Building Quality Standards Handbook (BQSH) – School Construction and Design StandardsThe Building Quality Standards Handbook (BQSH) has been updated for 2023 as part of the annual review process. This year’s major changes relate to landscaping and trees, vertical schools, circulation, flexible learning spaces and security.
    29 May 2023Child and Family Violence Information Sharing SchemesThis topic has been updated to reflect changes to the training available and to incorporate links to new online Child Information Sharing Scheme resources.
    29 May 2023Teaching and Learning Resources – Selecting Appropriate Materials and Holocaust Education – Delivery RequirementsThese topics have been updated to include information for schools about the ban on public display of the Nazi symbol in Victoria.
    26 May 2023Behaviour – StudentsThis topic was updated with information on how schools can join School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) in Term 3, 2023, for 2024 implementation.
    26 May 2023Infectious DiseasesThis topic has been updated to include information on Local Public Health Units’ (LPHUs) management of notifiable health conditions. The Department of Health or LPHUs may contact schools regarding public health responses. Links to LPHUs are included on the Resources tab.
    23 May 2023OHS Induction and TrainingThe OHS eLearn guide for schools has been updated to clarify that all school staff and principals will now be automatically re-enrolled into their mandatory OHS eLearns every 2 years. Schools can access the updated guide on the Resources tab of this topic.
    23 May 2023VCE Vocational Major and Victorian Pathways Certificate Provision

    This topic has been updated to include the following resources:

    • a planner outlining 2023 Senior Secondary Pathways Reform communications
    • a school support matrix which outlines available supports to assist schools to implement the VCE Vocational Major and Victorian Pathways Certificate
    • a Many Talents One VCE stakeholder pack, which includes materials for schools to share with their communities
    • an updated Vocational and Applied Learning explainer and benefits presentation.
    22 May 2023Asset Management Planning – School UpgradesRegular update to ensure that processes and contact details are up to date. This year’s update also includes minor updates to asset management planning and communications resources for schools.
    18 May 2023ExcursionsThis topic has been updated to include the minimum staff-student supervision ratio for residential schools. A definition of residential schools has also been added to the policy page.
    16 May 2023International Student ProgramThis topic has been updated to include links to new resources to assist schools to meet compliance requirements when enrolling students in the International Student Program (ISP), and how to respond to critical incidents for international students. Minor updates have also been made to the ISP toolkit, in particular for the case studies and frequently asked questions (FAQ) documents.
    10 May 2023Languages Education

    This topic has been updated to include:

    • a new resource that contains additional information about the roles and responsibilities of staff involved in providing languages education
    • information about a new category of permission to teach introduced by the Victorian Institute of Teaching to support aboriginal language learning.
    9 May 2023Mental Health Fund and MenuNew fact sheets are available on the Schools Mental Health Fund and Menu resources tab to support schools to use their Fund to implement a whole school approach, peer support programs, and to support the mental health and wellbeing needs of Koorie students.
    9 May 2023Technologies and ICT Services in SchoolsThis is a new topic that establishes the requirement for Victorian government schools to use technologies and ICT services provided by the department by the end of 2028.
    9 May 2023Digital Learning in SchoolsThis topic was updated to cross-reference requirements for schools under the new Technologies and ICT Services in Schools policy and remove outdated content on the ICT Planning Workshops previously run by the department (until 2020).
    8 May 2023Information Security – InfoSafeThis topic has been updated to include links to new resources available to schools that provide support and guidance on how to identify and report phishing emails. It also includes a short guide on identifying and reporting security incidents and a new incident report form.
    28 April 2023Re-engagement Programs (Years 7 to 10)This topic has been updated to reflect policy changes and additional resources for Re-engagement Programs (Years 7 to 10). The changes assist with strengthening oversight requirements for schools and the department, and include minimum contact requirements between schools and providers, a new contract cover sheet, an updated standard 7 to 10 contract template.
    28 April 2023AttendanceThe attendance and absence reporting guide has been updated for term 2 2023 and is available from the Policy and Resources tabs of this topic.
    27 April 2023Personal HygieneMinor updates were made to the terminology in this topic and various resources from ‘sanitary items’ to 'period products'.
    26 April 2023School Council – Training and Good Governance

    The Resources tab of this topic has been updated to include the following materials for school councils:

    • the 2023 improving school governance training modules, which are reviewed and updated annually
    • the improving school governance factsheet to remind school councillors of their financial responsibilities and policy and procedures
    • a self-assessment instructional video on how to use the department's School Council Self-Assessment Tool.
    26 April 2023Equal Opportunity and Human Rights – StudentsThis topic has been updated to include links to new resources available to schools: professional learning videos are available on Arc events to support school staff to better understand, prevent and respond to antisemitism.
    26 April 2023Disability Inclusion Funding and SupportThis topic was updated to include information on the availability of transition funding for students on the Program for Students with Disabilities (PSD) whose funding eligibility is due to cease in 2023.
    21 April 2023Outside School Hours Care – Decision Making Regarding the Provision of OSHCThis topic was updated to include information on how schools can apply for funding to either establish or expand an on-site Outside Hours School Care (OHSC) service in 2023. Grant application rounds will be open from 24 April 2023.
    21 April 2023Student Resource Package — Targeted InitiativesThe Late Enrolment and Senior Secondary Re-engagement guidance chapter was updated to reflect changes to application and payment deadlines for late enrolment and senior secondary re-engagement funding
    20 April 2023Notebooks for School Staff ProgramThis topic has been updated to reflect policy changes (implemented in term 1) for the Notebooks for School Staff Program (formerly the Teacher and Principal Notebook Program). Program resources have been changed to include new guidance around time fractions, eligibility for education support staff and new document names.
    14 April 2023Reporting Student Achievement and Progress Foundation to 10This topic has been updated to include revised versions of the following resources: Victorian Curriculum F-10 curriculum area reporting codes and scoring range (which now includes Victorian Curriculum F-10: EAL) and Vendor software specifications student reporting (which has been updated to include current dates and EAL scoring tables).
    14 April 2023Structured Workplace LearningThis topic has been updated to include updated COVID-19 advice and information on the Child Safe Standards. Updated resources about the Child Safe Standards and Work Experience Guidelines can be found on the Resources tab.
    14 April 2023Work ExperienceThis topic has been updated to include new information about the Structured Workplace Learning Statewide Portal, as well as updated COVID-19 advice and information on the Child Safe Standards. Updated resources about the Child Safe Standards and Work Experience Guidelines can be found on the Resources tab.
    12 April 2023Privacy and Information SharingThe health information guidance chapter was updated to include additional examples of records that may contain health information.
    5 April 2023Health Care NeedsThis topic was updated clarify that a Student health support plan is only required for students that need medical or health-related support at school, or who have health care needs or conditions that may impact the student at school or impact their engagement and participation in education.
    5 April 2023Student Resource Package — Core Student Learning Allocation funding (Student Based Funding)
    Student Resource Package — Equity Funding (Student Based Funding)
    Student Resource Package — School Infrastructure
    Student Resource Package — Managing the Budget
    Student Resource Package — School Specific Programs
    Student Resource Package — Targeted Initiatives
    These topics have been updated to reflect the release of the 2023 confirmed student resource package.
    5 April 2023Student Resource Package – OverviewThis topic has been updated with the 2023 student resource package confirmed guide, available from the Resources tab.
    4 April 2023School DatesThis topic has been updated to advise that from 2023 if the principal determines to hold a common professional practice day (PPD) for teachers at the school, school councils will schedule an additional, fifth student-free day, for use as the common PPD.
    4 April 2023Enrolment

    This policy has been updated to include:

    • changes to the Placement Policy to simplify the priority order of placement, including removal of curriculum grounds
    • a new chapter on the department’s standardised application and enrolment forms
    • revised guidance on processing enrolments and supporting documentation
    • improved clarity on types of schools that do not have a school zone and determining permanent residence
    • references to Foundation information packs for 2023-24 and the Year 6 to 7 placement packs for 2023-24.
    30 March 2023Bushfire and Grassfire PreparednessThis topic has been updated with information for schools in line with the introduction of the Australian Fire Danger Rating System, including updates to the ‘Bushfire and grassfire preparedness procedures for education facilities’, checklists for developing and enacting pre-emptive action plans, and communication templates.
    29 March 2023Vocational Education and Training Delivered to Secondary StudentsThis policy has been updated to include information about funding arrangements for 2023.
    27 March 2023Inclusive WorkplacesThe LGBTIQ guidance chapter of this topic has been updated to include further information on support services available for LGBTIQ+ staff and allies.
    24 March 2023Essential Safety MeasuresThis topic was updated to provide information on the new centralised essential safety measures model that will be set up to support schools to meet testing, inspection and reporting requirements in 2024.
    24 March 2023Health Care NeedsThis topic was updated to incorporate a reference to medical intervention support (MIS) funding that schools can apply for if they have a student that requires complex medical support at school.
    21 March 2023Tutor Learning InitiativeThis policy has been updated to reflect student selection and implementation guidance for the Tutor Learning Initiative in 2023.
    16 March 2023ExcursionsThis policy has been updated with specific guidance about supervision requirements for intra-school swimming carnivals, available on the Guidance tab.
    10 March 2023ExcursionsThis policy has been updated to include advice about using third-party software such as Compass to obtain and record medical information in place of the hardcopy medical information form. Additionally, updated advice regarding insurance coverage for overseas excursions is available on the Guidance tab.
    8 March 2023Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with DisabilityThis topic was updated to reflect the dates for the 2023 data collection.
    6 March 2023Research and Evaluation in SchoolsThis topic has been updated to reflect the change to the resumption of Research in schools and early childhood settings (RISEC). RISEC was suspended in March 2020, in response to COVID-19. An updated guide and application form to conduct research are available on the Resources tab.
    27 February 2023Annual Report to the School CommunityThis topic has been updated for clarity and to include further guidance on the development of the ‘about our school’ commentary section of the Annual Report.
    27 February 2023Flexible Learning Options (FLOsThis topic was updated to provide information on the new requirement to record student FLO placements in CASES21.
    24 February 2023Teaching and Learning Resources – Selecting Appropriate MaterialsThis topic has been updated to include references to assist teachers to teach about religious and cultural beliefs and practices with sensitivity, including information about not using images of deceased Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander persons, except where permission to use an image has been provided or where appropriate warnings about the images are given. The topic has also been updated to explain that images of the prophet Muhammad should not be used in teaching and learning programs.
    24 February 2023OHS Consultation and CommunicationThis topic was updated to clarify the use of the invite function on eduSafe Plus when sharing information with health and safety representatives.
    22 February 2023EAL Support and FundingThis topic was updated to include teachers with approved undergraduate EAL qualifications in the order of priority when assigning EAL positions.
    21 February 2023Teaching with AnimalsThis topic was updated to provide the Victorian Schools Animal Ethics Committee (VSAEC) 2023 meeting dates. All applications for VSAEC approval must be submitted two weeks prior to the committee meeting dates.
    21 February 2023School ReviewThis topic has been updated to include new guidance to support School Review panels to develop key directions for the next School Strategic Plan. This new guidance is available at Developing key directions for the next School Strategic Plan and as a printable handout version on the Resources tab.
    17 February 2023Reporting Student Achievement and Progress Foundation to 10This policy has been updated to include the most recent guidance to support schools implement the reporting requirements, including updated five point scale and unpacking student reporting resources available on the Resources tab.
    15 February 2023ImmunisationThis topic has been updated to reflect a change in dose for the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine offered by the Secondary School Immunisation Program.
    15 February 2023Time in Lieu – Teaching ServiceThe Resources tab for this topic has been updated with a new activity roster/planner, which has been revised to fix a technical issue. The activity roster/planner can be used to assist in the planning of time in lieu for school camps or other school activities.
    14 February 2023Asset Information Management System (AIMS)This topic has been updated to reflect the rollout of AIMS to schools in 2023.
    13 February 2023Sun and UV ProtectionThe guidance tab for this topic has been updated with new information for schools on encouraging, using, and providing sunscreen for students.
    9 February 2023EnrolmentThis policy has been updated to reflect updated Education and Training Reform Regulations 2017 in relation to minimum and maximum age requirements and to clarify compulsory school age.
    8 February 2023Disability Inclusion ProfileThis topic has been updated to reflect the progress of the Disability Inclusion roll-out in 2023, provide additional guidance on supporting information and the role of specialists and school-based experts, and to provide revised resources to support the profile process available on the Resources tab.
    7 February 2023Disability Inclusion Funding and SupportThis topic has been updated to reflect the progress of the Disability Inclusion roll-out in 2023 and to reflect additional advice on funding allocations for international students.
    3 February 2023Middle Years Literacy and Numeracy Support (MYLNS) initiativeThis policy has been updated to reflect funding and implementation arrangements for the MYLNS initiative in 2023.
    3 February 2023ExcursionsThis policy has been updated to include links to updated medical information forms for camps and excursions, as well as an updated proforma camps and excursions parent/carer consent form, available from the Resources tab. The Medical information form – camps and overseas excursions must be completed by a parent or carer prior to their child going on camp or an overseas excursion. Further information about these forms can be found in the relevant Guidance chapters. Additionally, the policy includes new information about pool-safety assessments, qualifications, supervision and ratio requirements and waterways definitions. A new swimming checklist can be found in the Camps, excursions, swimming and/or water-based activity checklist form. This form, and risk registers, must be signed by principals once completed.
    3 February 2023Ventilation and Air PurificationThis topic has been updated to more clearly define general purpose classrooms and other group learning spaces.
    2 February 2023Records Management — School RecordsThis topic contains an updated School Records Retention Guide, available on the Resources tab. The freeze on destroying records relating to child safety, health and wellbeing has been lifted, however schools must continue to apply the minimum retention periods described in the School Records Retention Guide for these records.
    1 February 2023Employment-Based Degrees: Teach Today and Teach Tomorrow Programs (previously Innovative and employment-based Initial Teacher Education (ITE) programs)This topic has been updated with new details for the Teach Today and Teach Tomorrow Programs (previously Innovative and employment-based Initial Teacher Education (ITE) programs), including details of each program.
    30 January 2023Study ToursThis topic has updated information for schools planning to host study tours, including details about consulting with the International Education Division, fees arrangements and agreements requirement for study tours.
    29 January 2023Mosquito Risk ManagementThis is a new topic setting our requirements and recommendations relating to preventing mosquito breeding on school grounds and managing the risk of mosquito bites and subsequent mosquito-borne diseases.
    27 January 2023Navigator ProgramThis topic was updated to provide clearer guidance about school responsibilities for Navigator program participants and supporting at-risk students to re-engage with education.
    26 January 2023Building Quality Standards Handbook (BQSH) – School Construction and Design StandardsThis topic has been updated to expand on the definition of universal design and incorporate the adoption of the Whole of Government Universal Design Policy.
    26 January 2023School Performance Reporting and DataThe supporting documents on the Resources tab have been updated for the annual School Performance Report for 2022.
    25 January 2023Mobile Area Resource Centre and Mobile Art Craft Centre ServicesThis is a new topic setting out the minimum expectations for Mobile Area Resource Centre (MARC) and the Mobile Art Craft Centre (MACC) services operating in Victorian government schools.
    24 January 2023Notebooks for School Staff Program (previously Teacher and Principal Notebook Program)This topic has been updated with new details for the Notebooks for School Staff Program (formerly the Teacher and Principal Notebook Program), including eligibility for education support staff.
    23 January 2023AnaphylaxisThis policy reflects the updated Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA) Action Plan for Anaphylaxis, resulting from new advice approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration on the administration time for Anapen autoinjectors for the treatment of anaphylaxis. Anapen autoinjectors are now to be held in place on the thigh for 3 seconds when administered. Schools can use revised templates containing the updated ASCIA Action Plan for Anaphylaxis (individual anaphylaxis management plan, anaphylaxis management briefing presentation, and training checklist for anaphylaxis supervisors) available on the Resources tab.
    23 January 2023AttendanceThis topic includes a new resource for engaging with families of students who are at risk of not regularly attending school in Term 1 2023. The Attendance and Absence Reporting Guide for schools has also been updated for the 2023 school year. These resources are available on the Resources tab.
    20 January 2023Occupational Health, Safety and Wellbeing Management in SchoolsThis topic has been updated with clearer guidance for schools to understand and effectively manage staff health, safety and wellbeing in the workplace, including the systems, resources and people to support this process. This topic presents a new detailed OHS management system structure containing information on, and links to the policies, procedures and guidance that schools must follow to manage occupational health, safety and wellbeing. The updated topic also includes new and improved chapters, including information for school health and safety representatives.
    18 January 2023School-funded Capital ProjectsThis topic has been updated to clarify when schools may be required to engage a building contractor from the Construction Supplier Register (the Victorian Government’s register of pre-approved building contractors and consultants). The topic has also been updated to clarify that schools must not fund new capital building projects using Student Resource Package (SRP) funding for essential safety measures.
    17 January 2023Students with Disabilities Transport Program (SDTP)This page has been updated to replace the previous route approval template with an updated route approval form, which replaces the MOU from 2023. The form can be found on the Resources tab.
    16 January 2023EnrolmentThis topic was updated to clarify the Specialist School Enrolment Verification Service and add further information about non-standard enrolments (being where the student does not meet the school’s eligibility criteria) in specialist schools.
    16 January 2023Noise ManagementThis topic has been updated with clearer guidance for schools to effectively prevent and manage excessive noise that may cause damage to hearing. This includes guidance on identifying and controlling hazards and risks, and referral to the OHS Advisory Service for support when sourcing audiometric testing.
    16 January 2023AttendanceThe Resources tab has been updated to include new examples of how to incorporate attendance as a goal in a school’s Annual Implementation Plan, as well as a link to the map of key mental health and wellbeing support options for students in Victorian government schools.
    12 January 2023OHS Consultation and CommunicationThis topic has been updated with clearer guidance for schools to effectively communicate on health and safety matters in the workplace. This includes further detail on consultation forums, providing health and safety information to health and safety representatives, and OHS noticeboard requirements.
    10 January 2023Wastewater Treatment SystemsThis topic was updated to provide more detailed information and advice on the actions schools must take to operate and maintain on-site wastewater management systems. It also includes new information on the various types of wastewater management systems and related permits and licences. The topic has also been updated to reflect language consistent with AIMS, and to add guidance for use of AIMS.
    4 January 2023Pre-service Teacher Placements in Victorian Government SchoolsThis topic has been updated to include the adjusted model and payment rates for pre-service teacher placements in 2023.
    3 January 2023Student Resource Package — Core Student Learning Allocation funding (Student Based Funding)
    Student Resource Package — Equity Funding (Student Based Funding)
    Student Resource Package — School Infrastructure
    Student Resource Package — Managing the Budget
    Student Resource Package — School Specific Programs
    Student Resource Package — Targeted Initiatives
    These topics have been updated to reflect to 2023 student resource package indicative guide.
  • Date of updateTopicChange
    22 December 2022Outside School Hours Care — Decision Making Regarding the Provision of OSHCThe Licence Agreement and list of third-party providers of Outside School Hours Care Programs have been updated on the Resources tab, along with information for schools intending to implement a transport solution. The OSHC establishment grants chapter has also been updated with the list of schools that were successful in round 3 of grant applications.
    20 December 2022School Community Safety OrdersThis topic has been updated to include a new template warning letter for schools to send to a parent/carer who has not met expectations to behave respectfully towards staff.
    20 December 2022Work-Related Violence in SchoolsThis topic has been updated to include a new template warning letter for schools to send to a parent/carer who has not met expectations to behave respectfully towards staff.
    19 December 2022Donating Furniture and EquipmentThe guidance chapter Recycling options for disposing furniture, playground equipment and other school equipment has been updated to include additional information on donating overseas.
    19 December 2022School Council – ElectionsThe 2023 Principal Guide to School Council Elections was published on the Guidance tab of this topic.
    15 December 2022Sun and UV ProtectionThis topic has updated guidance for sun protection measures. This includes an updated Sun Protection Policy template and additional resources for schools to refer to.
    15 December 2022Flags and Patriotic CeremoniesThe topic has been updated to include information regarding the procurement and safe installation of flagpoles at schools, in accordance with the Building Quality Standards Handbook.
    14 December 2022ImmunisationThis topic has been updated with information about COVID-19 vaccinations including resources for schools to share with parents and carers.
    13 December 2022Swimming Instruction and Water Safety EducationThe topic includes new resources to support schools to deliver the School Swimming Outside of School Hours Voucher Program.
    13 December 2022Calendars – HR AdministrationThis topic has been updated to add the 2023 pay finalisation calendars for admin staff.
    13 December 2022Parental Absence – Teaching ServiceThis topic has been updated to reflect the provisions of the Victorian Government Schools Agreement 2022 on parental absence entitlements and arrangements.
    8 December 2022Accessible Buildings ProgramThis topic has been updated to provide further guidance on the asset management of hearing equipment by schools aimed at supporting students transitioning from primary to secondary who would like to take their allocated hearing equipment with them. Other updates have been made to clarify the eligibility requirements and application and approval process.
    7 December 2022Performance and Development for Education Support Class EmployeesThe Resources tab of this topic has been updated to include information about the new School Administration Support Hub (SASH) which provides support with financial and payroll processes to reduce administrative workload for principals of small schools with up to 200 students enrolled.
    6 December 2022Congestion Levy FeesThis topic was updated to clarify the requirements and relevant dates for schools to submit annual return forms to the State Revenue Office in order for the levies to be paid by the department.
    6 December 2022ExcursionsThe updated policy sets out requirements for schools to plan and safely undertake camps, excursions and swimming and/or water-based activities. This includes a new excursions e-learning module; and updates to the principal approval form; camps, excursions, swimming and/or water-based activity checklist; swimming and water-based activity guidelines; excursions risk register and emergency management plan; and swimming and water activity risk register and emergency management plan form.
    6 December 2022ExcursionsThis policy has been updated to include links to updated Confidential medical information forms for day excursions and camps and overseas excursions. The Confidential medical information form – camps and overseas excursions must be completed by parents or carers before any camp or overseas excursion. It is recommended that schools use the Confidential medication information form – day excursions to fulfil the requirement for parents or carers to complete a confidential medical form prior to any excursion involving an adventure activity. The Guidance chapters on Student medical information and Overseas travel have been updated to include reference to these forms. The forms are also available on the Resources tab.
    6 December 2022Mental Health in SchoolsA starter pack for the Mental Health in Primary Schools Initiative has been added to the Resources tab of this topic to support implementation for primary schools participating in the initiative in 2023.
    5 December 2022EnrolmentThis topic has been updated with information on the new statewide Foundation (Prep) enrolment timeline to be followed in 2023 to support enrolments for the 2024 school year. The updated content includes the timeline and content for your school website on the new process.
    1 December 2022Essential Safety MeasuresThe Essential safety measures quick reference guide, available on this topic as a resource, has been updated to provide current contacts for essential safety measures providers.
    30 November 2022School Bus ProgramThe 2023 bus fare and dates for the 2023 Transport Special Cases Consideration Panel meetings have been added in the Guidance chapter on Ineligible students accessing the School Bus Program.
    30 November 2022Conveyance Allowance ProgramThe dates for the 2023 Transport Special Cases Consideration Panel meetings have been added to the policy.
    30 November 2022Students with Disabilities Transport ProgramThe dates for the 2023 Transport Special Cases Consideration Panel meetings have been added to the Guidance chapter on Criteria determining eligibility for the SDTP.
    28 November 2022Single-Use Plastics BanThis is a new topic outlining the Victorian government’s single-use plastics ban which comes into effect on 1 February 2023. The Resources tab includes fact sheets, posters and other useful resources to help school implement the ban.
    25 November 2022ExpulsionsA short, animated video has been added to the resources tab to provide school leaders with an overview of the expulsion of students in Victorian government schools.
    22 November 2022EnrolmentThis topic has been updated to reflect delegated responsibility for approving enrolments for students who do not meet the eligibility criteria for a specialist school.
    22 November 2022Workplace Safety InspectionsThis topic has been updated with clearer guidance to help schools to prevent, identify and manage hazards in schools by conducting workplace inspections.
    21 November 2022Student Support GroupsThis topic has been updated to include references to disability inclusion in addition to program for students with disability, and to outline requirements relating to Student Support Groups for students who attend two schools under a dual enrolment arrangement.
    21 November 2022School Administration SystemsThe Resources tab of this topic has been updated to include information about the new School Administration Support Hub (SASH) which provides support with financial and payroll processes to reduce administrative workload for principals of small schools with up to 200 students enrolled.
    21 November 2022Principal Health and WellbeingThe Resources tab of this topic has been updated to include information about the new School Administration Support Hub (SASH) which provides support with financial and payroll processes to reduce administrative workload for principals of small schools with up to 200 students enrolled.
    21 November 2022Finance Manual – Financial Management for SchoolsThe Resources tab of this topic has been updated to include information about the new School Administration Support Hub (SASH) which provides support with financial and payroll processes to reduce administrative workload for principals of small schools with up to 200 students enrolled.
    21 November 2022Student Resource Package – Managing the BudgetThe Resources tab of this topic has been updated to include information about the new School Administration Support Hub (SASH) which provides support with financial and payroll processes to reduce administrative workload for principals of small schools with up to 200 students enrolled.
    18 November 2022EnrolmentThe guidance chapter on Year 6 to 7 placement has been updated with the 2023 to 2024 placement timeline. Guidance packs for schools and parents will be available Term 2, 2023.
    16 November 2022Community Use of Schools – Community Joint Use AgreementsThis new topic explains how schools can enter community joint use agreements for the construction and ongoing management of jointly used community facilities such as stadiums, sporting grounds and theatres.
    16 November 2022Community Use of Schools – Hiring and LicensingThis new topic explains how schools can share their facilities with the local community by entering hire and licence agreements.
    14 November 2022International Student Program (ISP)This topic has been revised to include new and updated policies and procedures for travel, homestay arrangements, independent living, student safety card and the Victorian International Student Information Tool (VISIT). New templates and checklists are available from the ISP Toolkit, available on the Resources tab.
    11 November 2022CleaningThis topic has been updated to clarify the roles and responsibilities of schools and their cleaning service providers, particularly when there are issues with a service provider’s performance. The updated topic also includes simplified guidance material for regional and metropolitan schools, and improved contract management templates for regional schools.
    2 November 2022ExcursionsThis topic was updated to include when schools will need to follow the Amusement Rides, Attractions and Fireworks Policy in conjunction with the Excursions Policy.
    31 October 2022School Council – Training and Good GovernanceA ‘welcome to school council’ template letter has been added to this topic for principals to use when welcoming new members to school council.
    27 October 2022Essential Safety MeasuresThis update introduces a simplified process for schools to meet their essential safety measures maintenance and record keeping requirements. This simplified process is set out in the Essential Safety Measures quick reference guide, which replaces the lengthy Essential Safety Measures Compliance and Guidance Framework.
    25 October 2022EnrolmentThis topic has been updated to include a new chapter on managing requests for temporary enrolments relating to flood-related closures of another school: Temporary enrolments – emergency school closures.
    25 October 2022COVID-19 — Teaching and LearningThis topic has been removed from the Policy and Advisory Library.
    24 October 2022Buses – Owned, Hired or Chartered by a SchoolThis new topic set out the requirements for schools who purchase or hire buses, operate buses, or charter bus services.
    24 October 2022Vehicles (excluding buses) – Owned or Hired by a SchoolThis topic has been updated to set the requirements for vehicles owned or hired by a school, excluding buses. Dedicated information about buses is now located in Buses – Owned, Hired or Chartered by a School.
    21 October 2022ExpulsionsThis topic has been updated to reflect minor changes and clarifications to the expulsions policy, guidance and operational documentation. These changes clarify department processes and strengthen supports available to schools, students, parents and regional staff during the expulsion process. This includes new training packages to train and upskill department staff and schools on various aspects of the expulsion process.
    20 October 2022COVID-19 Special Leave – Teaching ServiceThis is a new topic to outline the policy and guidelines for COVID-19 special leave to cover the isolation period recommended by the Department of Health. This topic replaces information previously available in the topic, COVID-19 – Human Resources.
    18 October 2022Ventilation and Air PurificationThis topic has been updated with simplified requirements and management strategies for schools to prevent the spread of airborne infectious diseases. These updated requirements and strategies remain the same throughout the school year. The updated topic also contains advice for schools seeking to replace damaged, lost or stolen air purifiers.
    17 October 2022Vocational Education and Training Delivered to Secondary Students (VDSS)This topic has been updated to reflect the revised VDSS funding model for 2023, including an overview of the funding model, and resources to support for 2023 planning.
    17 October 2022Jobs, Skills and Pathways CoordinationThis topic has been updated with information about Jobs, Skills and Pathways Coordination funding support for 2023 and 2024 for eligible schools to help with the coordination and delivery of vocational and applied learning.
    17 October 2022EnrolmentThis page has been updated to include information on the new statewide Foundation enrolment timeline to be implemented in 2023 to support Foundation enrolments for the 2024 school year.
    13 October 2022COVID-19 Vaccinations – Visitors and Volunteers in SchoolsThis topic has been removed following the revocation of the Pandemic (Public Safety) Order 2022 (No. 5)External Link at 11:59 pm on 12 October 2022.
    13 October 2022COVID-19 Vaccinations – Teaching Service and School Council EmployeesThis topic has been removed following the revocation of the Pandemic (Public Safety) Order 2022 (No. 5)External Link at 11:59 pm on 12 October 2022.
    13 October 2022Flag Flying and Patriotic CeremoniesThis policy has been updated to include information regarding order of precedence for schools with 4 flagpoles.
    13 October 2022TravelThis page has been updated to clarify that for international travel not involving students, approval is to be sought from the Assistant Deputy Secretary, Schools and Regional Services.
    12 October 2022Parent PaymentsThe parent payments guidelines have been updated with additional information about extra-curricular items and activities and the recognition of voluntary contributions. The guidelines make clear that the cost of extra-curricular items and activities can include the cost of a casual relief teacher (CRT) who is engaged for the purpose of supporting the activity, during its operation.
    12 October 2022Interpreting and Translation ServicesThis topic has been updated to clarify that translation services can be accessed by schools to translate notices including consent forms, provided that they meet maximum word requirements. Additionally, this topic has been updated to clarify that bookings for interpreting and translation services must be cancelled during business days and more than 24 hours notice must be provided.
    12 October 2022Work ExperienceThis topic has been updated with revised versions of the following resources: Additional work experience form (COVID-19) and Mandatory COVID-19 vaccination orders and requirements for structured workplace learning and work experience.
    12 October 2022Structured Workplace LearningThis topic has been updated with revised versions of the following resources: Additional structured workplace learning form (COVID-19) and Mandatory COVID-19 vaccination orders and requirements for structured workplace learning and work experience.
    12 October 2022ExcursionsExcursion risk management and planning activities have been updated to align with the new Australian Fire Danger Rating System.
    12 October 2022Teaching with AnimalsThis topic has been updated with new biosecurity requirements for schools when working with plants and animals. These measures help schools manage the risk of pests and diseases in the environment and in the community.
    11 October 2022School-funded Capital ProjectsThis topic has been updated to clarify that schools can be required to engage a contractor from the Construction Supplier Register (the department’s register of pre-approved contractors) for school-funded capital projects considered high-risk.
    11 October 2022Transition — Year 6 to 7This topic has been updated with new guidance to help primary and secondary schools support students transitioning to secondary school in 2023.
    11 October 2022Digital Learning in SchoolsThis policy was updated to include new requirements for managing external access in online environments. Actions for schools to follow are detailed in the external access chapter of the Guidance tab.
    11 October 2022eduSTAR — ICT Services, Software and Advice for SchoolsThis policy was updated to reference new requirements for managing external access in online environments, detailed in the Digital Learning in Schools policy.
    10 October 2022Bushfire and Grassfire PreparednessThis topic has been updated to reflect the new Australian Fire Danger Rating System. Updated bushfire preparation and action requirements apply to some schools and early childhood services on or before days with a forecast Fire Danger Rating of High, Extreme or Catastrophic in their local government area.
    10 October 2022Amusement Rides, Attractions and FireworksThis new topic sets out the requirements and procedures schools must follow to ensure the safe operation of amusement rides, attractions and fireworks at school events.
    10 October 2022Time in Lieu – Teaching ServiceA new topic has been created to assist principals when planning and managing the accrual and acquittal of time in lieu, consistent with the time in lieu obligations set out in the Victorian Government Schools Agreement 2022.
    7 October 2022Middle Years Literacy and Numeracy Support (MYLNS) initiativeThis topic has been updated to include new guides to the MYLNS assessment tool and the Student engagement tool, available from the Resources tab.
    7 October 2022ExcursionsThis topic has been updated to clarify who can be counted in staff supervision ratios for excursions. The principal approval template has been updated to clarify the requirements for working with children checks for staff members and volunteers attending excursions.
    4 October 2022Members of Parliament and Candidates Visiting SchoolsThis topic has been updated to reflect the arrangements for the 2022 Victorian State election.
    4 October 2022AdvertisingThis topic has been updated to provide clearer information about the requirements for advertising undertaken by schools, as well as advertising by third parties on school sites and in school publications.
    4 October 2022SponsorshipThis topic has been updated to provide clearer information for schools to assess sponsorship opportunities and make decisions consistent with whole of Victorian government sponsorship policies.
    4 October 2022Annual Implementation PlanThis topic has been updated for alignment with the Framework for Improving Student Outcomes (FISO 2.0) and updated information and resources to support AIP planning for 2023.
    3 October 2022AttendanceThis topic has been updated with a new resource, the Schools’ guide to attendance, to support a whole school approach to attendance for the remainder of 2022 and 2023.
    30 September 2022Emergency and Critical Incident Management PlanningSeveral documents under the Resources tab of this topic have been updated with reference to the new Australian Fire Danger Rating System. This includes the Emergency and critical incident management planning guide for government schools, which replaces the Guide to developing your emergency management plan for government schools.
    29 September 2022Planned Maintenance ProgramThis topic has been updated to clarify that school-led projects funded by the planned maintenance program must commence within 9 months of the funding being provided. The Victorian School Building Authority will take over the delivery of the project using the allocated funds if the school-led project has not commenced within 9 months.
    29 September 2022Student Voice, Agency and LeadershipThis is a new topic that provides an overview of the role of schools in promoting student voice, agency and leadership, including where relevant guidance and programs can be found.
    28 September 2022Police – Department Protocol on Reporting Criminal ActivityThis topic has been updated to clarify that cybercrime offences are within scope of the department’s protocol for reporting criminal activity alleged to have been committed by students at school, or during a school activity.
    21 September 2022School Council – Training and Good GovernanceA revised Improving School Governance (ISG) training package for this topic includes updated sections on the new Child Safe Standards and the Framework for Improving Student Outcomes (FISO 2.0).
    21 September 2022Conflict of InterestThis topic has been updated with links to the refreshed eLearn module and animated video to support staff awareness and training.
    21 September 2022Fraud and Corruption ControlThis topic has been updated with links to the refreshed eLearn module and animated video to support staff awareness and training.
    21 September 2022ExpulsionsThis topic has been updated to include translated versions of the ‘Notice of expulsions and expulsions appeal form’. The document is now available in 17 languages.
    20 September 2022School DatesThis topic has been updated to advise that from 2023 one of the 4 student free days must be used for assessment and reporting. In addition, the National Day of Mourning (22 September 2022) has been listed under the public holidays section of this policy.
    16 September 2022Outside School Hours Care — Decision Making Regarding the Provision of OSHCThis topic has been updated to include the most recent information available on the OSHC Establishment Grants Initiative, including successful round 3 schools and the expected opening of round 4 in 2023. Resources for grant schools establishing new services or partnerships with services located at other schools have received some minor updates.
    14 September 2022Student Resource Package – OverviewThis topic has been updated with the new 2023 student resource package indicative guide, available from the Resources tab.
    13 September 2022Assessment of Student Achievement and Progress Foundation to 10This topic reflects updated English Online Interview (EOI) requirements for grade 1 students for implementation from 2023.
    9 September 2022School-Based Apprenticeships and TraineeshipsThis topic has been updated to include information about the new child safe standards and the expansion of Head Start to all government secondary students from 2023.
    9 September 2022Reportable ConductThis topic has been updated with new ‘Conversation Starter’ to support staff understanding of the scheme, available from the Resources tab.
    8 September 2022Teaching with AnimalsThis topic has been updated updated with a new online approval and notice of intent forms that schools may be required to complete as part of an application to teach with animals. These online forms are submitted to the Victorian Schools Animal Ethics Committee to review prior to schools commencing projects that require the approval of the Committee. The new forms are available on the Forms and record keeping chapter of the Guidance tab.
    7 September 2022Political ActivitiesThis topic has been updated to reflect the arrangements for the 2022 Victorian State election.
    7 September 2022Elections – Schools as Voting Centres and Polling PlacesThis topic has been updated to reflect the arrangements for the 2022 Victorian State election.
    6 September 2022School-funded Capital ProjectsThis topic has been updated with clearer and more detailed information to help schools navigate the approval process for school-funded capital projects, including school-funded projects managed by the department.
    6 September 2022DemolitionThis topic has been updated with a new online approval form for schools seeking to truncate, remove or demolish school buildings valued at $50,000 or more (including GST), or department-funded buildings of any value. The online approval form replaces the business case template that school were required to complete and manually submit to the department.
    5 September 2022Asset Information Management System (AIMS)This topic has been updated with information about the AIMS knowledge centre – a repository of practical information to help schools use the asset information management system (AIMS). Schools can access the AIMS knowledge centre by visiting the resources tab of the AIMS Advice topic on PAL.
    1 September 2022Framework for Improving Student Outcomes (FISO 2.0)This topic has been updated to include the new ‘Using FISO 2.0 to plan school improvement’ guide available from the Resources tab.
    1 September 2022School Bus ProgramThe School Bus Program emergency management operational guidelines have been updated with reference to the new Australian fire danger rating system that came into effect on 1 September 2022. Schools who access the School Bus Program must ensure their bus services are operated in line with the new fire danger rating system.
    1 September 2022Students with Disabilities Transport ProgramThe Students with Disabilities Transport Program emergency management operational guidelines have been updated with reference to the new Australian fire danger rating system that came into effect on 1 September 2022. Schools who access the Students with Disabilities Transport Program must ensure their bus services are operated in line with the new fire danger rating system.
    31 August 2022Drones

    This topic has been updated with clearer guidance about drone use on school grounds, including:

    • who is permitted to use drones
    • when drones can and cannot be operated
    • supervision requirements for students using drones
    • accreditation and registration requirements for commercial drone use.
    30 August 2022Water – Private Drinking WaterThis topic has been updated with new requirements for schools to decommission their private drinking water supplies following connection to urban mains water. The updated topic also includes new guidance for schools with private drinking water supplies to assess the feasibility of connecting to urban mains water.
    24 August 2022Parent PaymentsThe parent payment guidelines have been updated with additional information about payment arrangements for persons who share parental responsibility.
    24 August 2022School Community Safety OrdersThis topic has been updated to confirm that authorised persons (including principals) are not required to complete the school community safety order scheme eLearn training module before issuing an immediate order. Authorised persons remain strongly encouraged to complete the training before issuing an immediate order to understand the specific requirements and grounds for issuing these types of orders. Authorised persons are still required to complete the training module before issuing an ongoing order.
    18 August 2022Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF)This topic has been updated to include links to the 2023 Camps, Schools and Excursions Fund application form.
    17 August 2022Insurance for SchoolsThis topic has been updated to reflect the current insurance arrangements for school-based travel, including coverage arrangements for travellers who are diagnosed as COVID-19 positive. Various resources, including the Certificates of Currency and VMIA policies, have also been replaced with the current 2022-2023 versions.
    16 August 2022School Council — Training and Good GovernanceThis topic has been updated to include links to the School Council Portal (principal or business manager login required) and information about school council self-assessment. Additionally, the School Council self-assessment tool has been updated and is available on the Resources tab, and in the School Council Portal.
    10 August 2022School Community Safety OrdersThe Reporting an order chapter of the School Community Safety Order procedure has been updated to include manual reporting forms that can be used if eduSafe Plus is inaccessible at the time of reporting an order.
    4 August 2022EnrolmentThe Enrolment process – documentation and other requirements guidance chapter of this topic was updated to remove a reference to witness protection in the section on changing enrolment name. The preceding points in that section address these circumstances.
    3 August 2022Data Collection and SurveysThis topic has been updated to reflect the 2022 dates and survey frameworks for the School Staff Survey and the Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Opinion Survey.
    2 August 2022International Student Program (ISP)This topic has been updated with a new factsheet to help schools with international students meet their emergency management planning requirements. The new factsheet is available on the Resources tab.
    1 August 2022Curriculum Programs Foundation to 10This topic has been updated to include links to new learning sequences in English and mathematics for Levels 5 to 8. These materials are available in the Resources tab.
    1 August 2022Behaviour — StudentsThis topic includes an updated Behaviour Support Plan template available from the Resources tab.
    26 July 2022Teacher and Principal Notebook ProgramThis topic has been updated to reflect the inclusion of Education Support staff in the Notebook Program.
    20 July 2022Parent PaymentsThis topic has been updated to include an implementation guide that provides support for school leaders when developing parent payment arrangements and communicating these arrangements to parents.
    19 July 2022Teaching and Learning Resources — Selecting Appropriate MaterialsThe Teaching and Learning Resources – Selection of Resources policy has been updated to provide information to schools on the use of materials from third party organisations. Schools must not use materials that have been created for classroom use by inappropriate organisations. A list of inappropriate organisations is defined in the policy.
    19 July 2022Insurance for SchoolsAll travel insurance policy resources have been updated with the current 2022-2023 financial year documents. Guidance on travel insurance was also updated to reflect new arrangements providing limited coverage for COVID-19 positive travellers.
    18 July 2022Behaviour — StudentsThis topic was updated with information on how schools can join School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) in Term 3, 2022, for 2023 implementation.
    18 July 2022VCE Vocational Major and Victorian Pathways Certificate ProvisionThis policy has been updated to include the most recent resources to support schools with the transition and implementation of the VCE Vocational Major and the VPC in 2023, including communicating the changes to members of the school community.
    12 July 2022Procurement — SchoolsThis topic’s Schools Procurement Procedure and related templates have been updated to reflect the new Child Safe Standards that came into effect on 1 July 2022. These documents are available from the Resources tab.
    12 July 2022Working with Children Checks and other Suitability Checks for School Volunteers and VisitorsThis topic has been updated to reflect the new Child Safe Standards that came into effect on 1 July 2022.
    12 July 2022Protecting Children — Reporting and Other Legal ObligationsThis topic has been updated to reflect the new Child Safe Standards that came into effect on 1 July 2022.
    12 July 2022School Community Safety OrdersThis is a new topic to support schools to use the school community safety order scheme. The topic includes guidance for principals and department staff authorised to issue orders, including templates.
    11 July 2022Languages EducationThis topic has been updated to include the new Language assistants program guidelines and application form for 2023. These are now available in the Language assistants programs guidance chapter.
    6 July 2022Notebook Program for Teachers and PrincipalsThis topic has been updated to reflect new insurance arrangements in place for the TPN program.
    6 July 2022International Student ProgramThis topic has been updated to align with the new Child Safe Standards that came into effect on 1 July 2022. The updated topic also includes a new Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) training video for school staff who interact directly with international students.
    1 July 2022Child Safe StandardsThis topic has been updated to reflect the new Child Safe Standards that begin on 1 July 2022.
    23 June 2022Tutor Learning InitiativeThis topic has been updated to reflect new dates for the upload of data to CASES21, and guidance for schools, including the recruitment of tutors, student assessment and identification of students for TLI support.
    22 June 2022Work-Related Violence in SchoolsThis topic includes updated provider information for protective intervention training available to schools, available on the Risk controls – student challenging behaviours page.
    20 June 2022Managing and Reporting School Incidents (including emergencies)This topic includes updated severity matrix resources with revised ratings and clearer description, and the requirement for schools to contact Incident Support and Operations Centre (ISOC) for High and Extreme severity incidents. In addition, this topic now includes updated guidance on school evacuation and temporary closure in emergency situations, which was previously located in School Hours (including variation to hours).
    20 June 2022School Hours (including variation to hours)This topic has been updated to remove guidance on school evacuation and temporary closure in emergency situations, which is now located in Managing and Reporting School Incidents (including emergencies).
    20 June 2022Mental Health Fund and MenuThis topic has been updated to include a new version of the School Mental Health Planning Tool.
    14 June 2022Vocational and Applied Learning Coordination and Delivery Support for SchoolsThis topic has been updated with information about funding to help with the coordination and delivery of vocational and applied learning programs in 2023 and 2024.
    10 June 2022Parent PaymentsThis update to Parent Payments includes updated resources to support the policy, including updated parent payment arrangements templates, a new Parent Payments Policy Financial Transaction Guide (replacing the Finance implementation Guide and Business Managers FAQ), an updated one-page overview on camps and excursions, and a new one-page overview on subjects and electives. These updated resources are available on the Resources tab.
    3 June 2022Disability Inclusion Funding and SupportThis topic has been updated to reflect the progress of the Disability Inclusion roll-out in 2022.
    3 June 2022TravelTravel rules for school-based staff have been updated to reflect COVIDSafe Settings and COVID-19 considerations for travel. Interstate and international work-related travel is permitted under current COVIDSafe Settings in line with public health recommendations.
    2 June 2022Personal Hygiene

    Several resources on the Personal Hygiene topic have been updated to include age-appropriate information and guidance about pelvic pain, including:

    • the teachers’ guides to discussing menstruation with students
    • FAQs about the free sanitary pads and tampons in all government schools initiative
    • the myth busting menstruation resource.
    2 June 2022ExcursionsThis topic has been updated to include additional guidance on the use of public transport for excursions, including how to access concession and free travel for groups.
    1 June 2022Assessment of Student Achievement and Progress Foundation to 10This topic has been updated to include translated versions of the ‘Information for parents and carers about the EAL curriculum’ document. The document is now available in 21 languages.
    1 June 2022Restraint and SeclusionThis topic has been updated to include a new resource on school staff intervening in altercations between students.
    19 May 2022Disability Inclusion ProfileThis topic was updated to include the availability of profile practice sessions for schools to build an understanding of the Disability Inclusion Profile process, and further advice for schools on timelines for transitioning their students currently supported through the Program for Students with Disabilities (PSD) to Disability Inclusion. Information on profile reappraisals was also updated in the guidance chapter, as well as the resources available to support the profile process.
    16 May 2022Ventilation and Air PurificationUpdated fact sheets for use of air purifiers were published on the Resources tab of this topic.
    12 May 2022First Aid for Students and StaffThis topic has been updated to remove the requirement that schools must report first aid treatment given to students on eduSafe Plus. Schools are still required to report this information but can do this on either eduSafe Plus or through the school’s preferred third party platform.
    10 May 2022Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with DisabilityThis topic was updated to provide a distinction between the NCCD and Disability Inclusion processes, outlining the requirement for schools for participate in both initiatives to support students with disability. A fact sheet on both initiatives is also available.
    10 May 2022Child Safe StandardsThis topic has been updated to include information on the new Child Safe Standards and links to guidance, templates and training available to support schools to prepare for meeting the new standards by 1 July 2022.
    9 May 2022Excursions

    Several resources on the Excursions topic have been updated to clarify information related to parent payments:

    • Principal approval template
    • Planning checklist
    • Parent consent form.

    COVID 19 contact tracing requirements have also been removed from the parent consent form.

    3 May 2022Asset Management Planning — School UpgradesThis topic has been updated with clearer information about whether schools need to develop an Asset Management Plan after receiving state budget capital funding. The updated topic also provides more detailed project timelines for Phase 1 of the asset management planning process.
    2 May 2022International Student Program (ISP)The ISP Transfer Policy and ISP Transfer Procedure (available on the Resources tab of the International Student Program PAL topic) have been updated with clearer guidance for schools regarding students enrolled in the International Students Program (ISP) who wish to transfer from one Victorian government school to another, or from an ISP-accredited school to another provider registered on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students.
    26 April 2022COVID-19 – School OperationsThe School Operations Guide for Victorian government schools is now available for download from this topic. COVID-19 contact details and resources for schools are also listed under the Advice and Resources tabs.
    26 April 2022Members of Parliament and Candidates Visiting SchoolsThis policy has been amended to include additional information regarding MP and candidate visits to Victorian government schools.
    22 April 2022VCE Vocational Major and Victorian Pathways Certificate ProvisionThis policy has been updated to include the most recent resources to support schools with the transition and implementation of the VCE Vocational Major and the VPC in 2023, including communicating the changes to members of the school community.
    21 April 2022COVID-19 Vaccinations – Visitors and Volunteers on School SitesThis topic was updated with new information relating to parents, carers and other adult visitors who are no longer required to show evidence of two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine if not performing work or volunteering at the school. In addition, schools are no longer required to collect proof of vaccination from external providers who use or hire school facilities outside normal school hours, or where the facility is hired, leased or operated by a community group.
    19 April 2022AsthmaThis topic has been amended to reflect that Asthma Australia is no longer offering face to face asthma education training. Instead, schools can undertake this training online.
    19 April 2022EAL Support and FundingThis policy has been updated to include a link to a short presentation showing how to navigate the Panorama dashboards which identify EAL and Likely Refugee Background students, and view teacher judgement data against the Victorian Curriculum F–10 EAL.
    13 April 2022Assessment of Student Achievement and Progress Foundation to 10This topic has been updated to include translated versions of the ‘Information for parents and carers about the EAL curriculum’ document. The document is now available in 10 languages.
    7 April 2022School Council — Training and Good GovernanceThis topic has been updated to include the revised Improving School Governance modules which is now presented in a single reference manual.
    5 April 2022EnrolmentThis topic has been updated to provide schools and regions with greater clarity about the Department’s enrolment policies and processes. Guidance chapters about placement (the Placement Policy), determining permanent residence, and school zones have been updated, and a new guidance chapter for Year 6 to 7 placement has been added. This chapter includes the Year 6 to 7 placement timeline and the placement information pack for government schools.
    4 April 2022Transition — Year 6 to 7Procedural information about Year 6 to 7 placement has been removed from this topic. This information is now available in the Year 6 to 7 placement chapter of the Enrolment topic.
    4 April 2022Water – Private Drinking WaterThe Private Drinking Water topic has replaced the Rainwater Tanks topic. The new topic provides more comprehensive advice for schools with a range of private drinking water supplies, including rainwater tanks, groundwater and carted water. It also contains a new template that helps schools meet health and safety requirements for private drinking water supplies.
    4 April 2022COVID-19 Vaccinations – Visitors and Volunteers on School SitesThis topic has been updated with new information on the vaccination requirements and third dose deadlines for visitors and volunteers working on school sites who have had COVD-19 or who were a close contact, and minor additional updates to clarify the most recent health directions.
    1 April 2022ExcursionsThe Excursions Policy and Guidelines have been updated with several key changes, including an increase in staff-student supervision ratios and additional guidance regarding the planning and operation of overseas excursions. Requirements for some adventure activities have been amended and a new resource for planning adventure activities is now available in the Resources tab.
    25 March 2022NDIS Funded Therapy in SchoolsThis topic has been updated to include compliance with the department’s Restraint and Seclusion policy for restrictive practices, and updated versions of the licensing agreement and guide on the Resources tab.
    25 March 2022Outside School Hours Care — Decision Making Regarding the Provision of OSHCThis topic has been updated to include the most recent information available on the OSHC Establishment Grants Initiative, including the expected opening of Round 3 in mid-2022 and improved advice on grant acquittals. Resources for grant schools establishing new services or partnerships with services located at other schools have received some minor updates and corrections.
    23 March 2022Restraint and SeclusionThis policy has been updated to reflect new reporting arrangements for school incidents through eduSafe Plus.
    22 March 2022Student Enrolment CensusThe Student Enrolment Policy has been updated to incorporate references to the newly established Centre for Higher Education Studies (CHES). CHES will commence operating from 1 July 2022.
    21 March 2022Dental ServicesThis topic was updated with an additional guidance chapter regarding consent and other requirements for students accessing the Smile Squad school dental program. FAQs for parents/carers and schools about the program are also available in the Resources tab.
    21 March 2022Ventilation and Air PurificationThis topic has been updated with new winter room risk ratings and management strategies.
    18 March 2022School Bus ProgramThe School Bus Program guidance and resources have been updated with the new bus fare that will be applicable from Term 2, 2022.
    15 March 2022Assessment of Student Achievement and Progress Foundation to 10This policy has been updated for alignment with the Framework for Improving Student Outcomes (FISO 2.0). Additionally, this policy has been updated to include more information and an updated resource about formative assessments strategies.
    15 March 2022Reporting Student Achievement and Progress Foundation to 10This policy has been updated to include the most recent guidance and resources to support schools implement the reporting requirements, including updated examples of five-point scales for a range of curriculum areas including EAL and updated guidance for reporting for students with disability and/or additional needs.
    15 March 2022COVID-19 Vaccinations – Visitors and Volunteers on School SitesThe data collection statement for contractors and volunteers, provided as a resource for this topic, has been updated to incorporate new exceptions relating to COVID-19 vaccination requirements.
    9 March 2022VCE Vocational Major and Victorian Pathways Certificate ProvisionThis is a new topic that outlines the provision expectation for the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) Vocational Major and Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC) for Victorian government secondary schools from 2023.
    4 March 2022Emergency and Critical Incident Management PlanningThis topic has been updated with new template resources and checklists to support schools with their emergency management planning and to ensure consistency with the updated Guidelines to the Minimum Standards and Requirements for School Registration.
    3 March 2022Curriculum Programs Foundation to 10This topic has been updated for alignment with the Framework for Improving Student Outcomes (FISO) 2.0 and to provide information on related department policies and resources for Languages Education, Holocaust Education, Sexuality and Consent Education, Career Education, and Teaching and Learning Resources – Selecting Appropriate Material.
    1 March 2022School and Campus NamingThis topic has been updated to clarify the requirements relating to school and campus naming, and the naming of school buildings and spaces.
    28 February 2022Asset Information Management System (AIMS)This policy has been updated to include more information about the rollout of AIMS to schools, including an AIMS deployment schedule and more detailed advice for schools preparing for transition to AIMS.
    22 February 2022Privacy and Information SharingThe collection notice guidance for this topic has been updated to include a new section on the mandatory annual privacy reminder process and requirement for schools to publish the standard collection notice on their website.
    21 February 2022EAL Support and FundingThis policy has been updated to include information about and links to the Panorama dashboards, which include school information and data about EAL students. Links to the Language and Learning Interview and MEA Handbook resources have also been updated.
    18 February 2022Managing and Reporting School Incidents (including emergencies)This topic has been updated to reflect eduSafe Plus reporting arrangements for school incidents including emergencies.
    15 February 2022Elections — Schools as Polling PlacesThis topic has been updated to provide information on the Working With Children Check and cleaning requirements for schools that are used as polling places.
    14 February 2022Sensory Rooms and EquipmentThis topic has been updated with information about deep pressure therapy and the use of doors in sensory rooms.
    14 February 2022Physical Restraint and SeclusionThis topic has been updated to advise that restraint is not permitted to be used to vaccinate a student on school grounds. Updates have also been made to the sections on recording incidents of restraint and seclusion, to remove reference to the Student Online Case System. Two new resources have also been published on this topic; mechanical restraint and safety measures for locks and door handles.
    10 February 2022Emergency and Critical Incident ManagementThis topic has been updated to link to the updated Emergency response drill observers record. The Resources tab of this topic has also been updated to include information about the suite of emergency and critical incident eLearning modules available to school staff through the eduPay portal.
    10 February 2022Bushfire and Grassfire PreparednessThis topic has been updated to include information about the updated Schools and early childhood services at risk of grassfire – Category 4 Register. The resources tab of this topic has also been updated to include information about the suite of emergency and critical incident eLearning modules available to school staff through the eduPay portal.
    8 February 2022Ventilation and Air PurificationThis topic has been updated with new guidance and best practice recommendations for the cleaning and maintaining DET-supplied air purifiers.
    2 February 2022School Council — ElectionsThe 2022 Principal Guide to School Council Elections was published on the Guidance tab of this topic.
    1 February 2022COVID-19 Vaccinations – Visitors and Volunteers on School SitesThis topic has been updated with information on the requirements relating to third dose vaccinations for visitors and volunteers on school sites. Associated updates have been made to the template letter for contractors and other services, template letter for OHSC providers, template vaccination status register, and the data collection statement for contractors and volunteers. A new privacy resource has also been added to the Resources tab.
    31 January 2022Ventilation and Air PurificationThis topic has been updated to include mandatory OHS measures to ensure the safe movement of air purifiers. This update also provides new guidance about using ventilation and air purifiers to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission while maintaining thermal comfort for staff and students.
    28 January 2022COVID-19 Vaccinations – Teaching Service and School Council EmployeesThis topic has been updated to align with the newly amended COVID-19 Mandatory Vaccination (Specified Facilities) Order as made by the Minister for Health on 25 January 2022. The topic now includes information about COVID-19 booster dose requirements for teaching service and school council employees.
    27 January 2022SuspensionsThis topic has been amended to make a minor clarification regarding suspensions of more than 5 consecutive days and to update the contact information. Updated forms are now available on the Resources tab for principals seeking Regional Director approval for suspensions of more than 5 consecutive or 15 days in total.
    26 January 2022AttendanceThis topic has been amended to include the updated Attendance and Absence Reporting Guide for schools. The Guide is designed to assist schools to record different types of attendances and absences accurately in term 1, 2022. It updates the COVID related codes to reflect the latest School Operations Guide and includes the new prep transition code.
    25 January 2022Early Education ProgramsThis is a new topic that outlines requirements for schools operating approved early education programs in a defined group of specialist schools.
    25 January 2022ICT Support for SchoolsThis topic has been updated to reflect the implementation of the Workforce Management System which replaces the Technical Support to Schools Program (TSSP) Timesheet system.
    20 January 2022Parent PaymentsThis topic has been updated to improve readability and to integrate the additional advice provided to schools following webinars in Term 3, 2021.
    19 January 2022Graffiti – Prevention and ManagementThis is a new topic that outlines practical measures schools can take to prevent and respond to unwanted graffiti.
    10 January 2022Ventilation and Air PurificationThis topic has been updated to incorporate a link to an air purifiers in schools information video. This is a recording of an online information session that was held to support school leaders and school staff to operate their Samsung AX7500 air purification devices. The video also provides general information about how ventilation can reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission, and overviews a range of resources to support schools in managing COVID-19 related OHS risks and matters relating to employee health, safety and wellbeing. A further session will be held in Term 1 2022.
  • Date of updateTopicChange
    22 December 2021Mobile Phones — Student UseThis topic has been updated to explain that schools may choose to include wearable devices, iPads and other personal devices as part of their local policies on mobile phone use.
    20 December 2021Fundraising Activities (including fetes)Links to WorkSafe Victoria guidance for land-borne inflatable amusement devices (for example, jumping castles, zorb balls) and checklists for amusement rides were added to this page.
    14 December 2021School Performance Reporting and DataThe School Performance Reporting and Data pages on PAL have been updated to refer to the latest (2021) Differentiated School Performance Method (DSPM). The Resources section now includes links to a range of documents to assist schools in understanding their school performance report, performance groups and the DSPM.
    9 December 2021Principal SelectionThis topic has been updated to include information regarding successful applicants who are not employed by the Department and relevant probity checks that must be performed prior to appointment (ASIC and AFSA). The chapter on Managing principal vacancies has also been updated to include information on the VAPA requirements to be eligible for appointment to a principal position.
    9 December 2021Audits, Reviews and Assurance Programs in SchoolsThis topic has been updated to include information about the OHS Assurance Program and Pilot which will commence in 2022. A new fact sheet is also available on the Resources tab which provides information about the OHS Assurance Program.
    9 December 2021Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF)The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund topic has been updated to refer to the relevant dates for the 2022 school year and remove information specific to the 2021 school year. The Centrelink error proforma has also been updated to refer to relevant dates for the 2022 school year.
    7 December 2021Photographing, Filming and Recording StudentsThis policy has been updated to link to the new CCTV in Schools – Installation and Management Policy and CCTV privacy notice (template) (DOCX)External Link (staff login required), and provide expanded direction on privacy considerations in relation to CCTV in schools.
    7 December 2021Privacy and Information SharingThe Schools’ Privacy PolicyExternal Link has been updated to incorporate new content about consent and privacy impact assessments, more links to resources such as the new standard collection notice, reference to the Victorian Student Number (VSN) and expanded content about the transfer of student information when a student changes schools. To align with the updated policy, changes have also been made to guidance and resources for the PAL topic: Privacy and Information Sharing, including Schools’ Privacy Policy: frequently asked questions for staff (DOCX)External Link and Schools’ Privacy Policy: information for parentsExternal Link .
    6 December 2021CCTV in Schools – Installation and ManagementThis is a new topic that outlines the legal and policy requirements for schools to follow when installing and managing CCTV systems.
    6 December 2021Navigator ProgramThis is a new topic that outlines the referral and consent process and requirements relating to the Department’s Navigator Program. The topic contains specific step-by-step guidance for referrers, based on whether they are from the young person’s current school or education setting, the young person’s parent or carer or any other person.
    1 December 2021EnrolmentThis topic has been updated to include a guidance chapter about enrolment in specialist schools. This chapter includes information about the enrolment verification process for specialist schools in Disability Inclusion areas.
    1 December 2021School Bus ProgramThis topic has been updated with additional resources for school bus networks that have transitioned to the School Bus Management System (SBMS). These resources include forms to add school users for the SBMS and to add or remove a bus stop, and a guide to provide to families on how to register and apply for travel in the SBMS.
    30 November 2021Complaints — ParentsThis topic has been updated to include a link to resources for parents and carers on how to raise a complaint about a Victorian government school.
    30 November 2021Finance Manual — Financial Management for SchoolsSection 8 – Bank Accounts of the Finance Manual has been updated to reflect the new State Purchasing Contract. Schools that currently do not bank with Westpac (WPC), Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) or National Bank of Australia (NAB) are required to transition their bank accounts by 31 March 2022
    30 November 2021Buildings and Grounds Maintenance and Compliance This topic has been updated to incorporate the Department’s Safe Tree Program Guidelines. The Safe Tree Program is available to schools to apply for assistance and advice in assessing and managing the removal and/or pruning of high-risk trees, where schools do not otherwise have the financial capacity to do so. Additionally, the Safe Tree Program can assist schools in implementing the recommendations provided by a qualified arborist, when work is funded by the school.
    24 November 2021Work-Related Violence in SchoolsThis topic has been updated to include a new chapter on strategies to pro-actively prevent, manage, de-escalate and resolve parent/carer behaviours that are disrespectful, unsafe or otherwise unacceptable and to restore wellbeing after an incident. The resources tab of this topic has also been updated to include additional communication resources to support principals.
    18 November 2021Framework for Improving Student Outcomes (FISO 2.0)The Framework for Improving Student Outcomes (FISO 2.0) topic has been updated to incorporate the FISO 2.0 system measures. The system measures provide a reliable set of evidence-based measures for schools to use when completing the improvement cycle.
    15 November 2021Framework for Improving Student Outcomes (FISO 2.0)This topic has been updated to reflect the Framework for Improving Student Outcomes (FISO 2.0) new practice tools. The Continua of practice, Illustrations of practice, and system measures will support schools in implementing FISO 2.0, noting that further tools are still in development and will be available to schools soon.
    15 November 2021COVID-19 Vaccinations – Visitors and Volunteers on School SitesThis topic has been updated to include new information on evidence requirements for medical exceptions and to outline vaccination requirements for outdoor events such as fetes and school productions.
    15 November 2021Tutor Learning InitiativeThis topic was updated to incorporate guidance on the use of end-of year standardised assessment data for the 2021 TLI evaluation, and to inform student selection for TLI support in 2022.
    10 November 2021COVID-19 Vaccinations – Visitors and Volunteers on School SitesThis topic has been updated to include information on vaccination requirements relating to parents and carers on school sites and external parties using school sites outside of school hours.
    9 November 2021Gas Heater ManagementThis topic has been updated to include more detailed information to assist schools in managing compliance obligations relating to gas heaters. The requirements are not new, but have been set out to reflect the three key steps in the Department’s infrastructure compliance process (Identify, Manage and Monitor) and clarify what schools are expected to do at each step when managing gas heaters in their school.
    4 November 2021COVID-19 Vaccinations – Visitors and Volunteers Working on School SitesThis topic was updated to clarify requirements relating to when schools must collect, record and hold vaccination information relating to visitors and volunteers who are working on school sites at any time and to confirm that Assessments Australia staff are required to provide their vaccination information to schools.
    4 November 2021Air Quality – Impact of Smoke on HealthThis new topic supports schools to prepare for and minimise the potential health risks for students and staff when smoke from fire impacts air quality.
    4 November 2021Outdoor Education SchoolsThis is a new topic that addresses the delivery of Outdoor Education programs, including the provision of programs by the Department’s outdoor education schools. It outlines, the value of outdoor education to Victorian students, the curriculum planning and delivery requirements for the outdoor education schools, allocation of places and requirements for staff experience and qualifications.
    1 November 2021COVID-19 Vaccinations – Visitors and Volunteers Working on School SitesThe resources tab of this topic was updated to include information about updated template volunteer and visitors policies on the School Policy Templates Portal, and a new template procedures document developed to support schools to document their procedures for collecting, recording and holding vaccination information.
    1 November 2021Digital Learning in SchoolsThis topic has been consolidated with the Personal Devices – Access Policy (now retired) and updated to align with the refreshed Parent Payments Policy.
    1 November 2021Personal Devices – AccessThis topic has been consolidated with the Digital Learning in Schools Policy, and has now been archived. Refer to the Digital Learning in Schools Policy for information and guidance on the use of personal devices in schools.
    29 October 2021Transition — Year 6 to 7

    The Supporting a positive transition to secondary school in 2022 guidance has been updated in recognition of students’ learning experiences over the past two years and to align with COVID-19 health and safety advice, as outlined in the School Operations Guide, effective from 1 November 2021.

    The Template letter to Grade 6 families is a new resource. It has been developed for primary schools to send to families of their Grade 6 students and outlines how the transition to secondary school process can be supported by both primary and secondary schools as well as families.

    29 October 2021Repeating a Year LevelThe Repeating a Year Level Information for Principals resource has been updated to include the Tutor Learning Initiative in the list of student supports.
    29 October 2021Transition — Early Childhood to School

    The Supporting a positive start to school in 2022 guidance has been updated to align with COVID-19 health and safety advice, as outlined in the School Operations Guide, effective from 1 November 2021.

    The Primary school to kindergarten template letter resource has been updated to refer to the 2021 cohort of kindergarten students transitioning to school in 2022.

    27 October 2021Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF)The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) topic has been updated to refer to the relevant dates for the 2022 school year. The topic and CSEF Application Form have also been updated to provide greater clarification around CSEF eligibility (including the evidence required) and special consideration.
    27 October 2021COVID-19 Vaccinations – Visitors and Volunteers Working on School SitesThis topic has been updated to include information on collecting vaccination information from casual written examination supervisors employed by school council. This topic has also been updated to clarify the minimum information schools need to collect and record in relation to the vaccination requirements in schools. Schools meet the vaccination information requirements by sighting information (such as a COVID-19 Digital Vaccination Certificate) and recording specified details on a vaccination register that is held by the school.
    26 October 2021Audits, Reviews and Assurance Programs in SchoolsThis is a new PAL topic that provides an overview of the Department’s audits, reviews and other assurance programs held in Victorian government schools on a regular basis. The topic also provides information on the support the School Audit team can provide in regards to school queries about audit or review dates or concerns about school workload during a scheduled audit or review period.
    25 October 2021Work ExperienceThe Resources tab has been updated with information on student vaccination requirements to undertake work experience placements and an additional form for COVID-19 arrangements.
    25 October 2021Structured Workplace LearningThe Resources tab has been updated with information on student vaccination requirements to undertake structured workplace learning and an additional form for COVID-19 arrangements.
    22 October 2021COVID-19 Vaccinations – Visitors and Volunteers Working on School SitesThis topic has been updated to clarify the content and to introduce an optional template vaccination status register for schools to use to record vaccination information.
    22 October 2021COVID-19 — Health, Wellbeing and Inclusion WorkforcesThis topic has been updated to align advice for health, wellbeing and inclusion workforce service delivery with the School Operations Guide.
    21 October 2021Sister School PartnershipsThe Sister School Partnerships topic has been updated to include information about the newly introduced Australia’s Foreign Relations (State and Territory Arrangements) Act 2020 (the Act). The update includes definitions of the types of arrangements that fall within the scope of the Act, and a new notification and approval process that schools need to follow to ensure any new or amended foreign arrangements comply with the Act.
    19 October 2021Performance and Development for Principal, Teacher and Education Support Class EmployeesA new chapter, the 2022 Statement of Expectation for principal, teacher and education support class employees has been added to the performance and development topic for each employee class. The new chapters provide information and guidance on the alternative, opt-in performance and development process offered to all school-based employees in 2022.
    19 October 2021

    Framework for Improving Student Outcomes (FISO 2.0)

    (previously called 'Framework for Improving Student Outcomes (FISO)')

    This topic has been updated to reflect the revised Framework for Improving Student Outcomes (FISO 2.0). FISO 2.0 is simplified and streamlined to enable schools to focus on what matters most, and places learning and wellbeing at the centre of school improvement. The topic contains guidance and resources to support schools in understanding and implementing FISO 2.0, noting that further tools are in development and will be available to schools soon.
    15 October 2021 Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) This topic has been restructured and updated to provide improved guidance to schools for the Annual Implementation Planning (AIP) process. These changes include updates to the terminology used to describe AIP elements, guidance to support schools to navigate the inclusion of additional funding streams within the AIP, and specific advice and resources to support schools and regional staff to understand the adjustments that have been made to the 2022 AIP process.
    15 October 2021Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF)A new resource, CSEF Help for CASES21 Family FinancesExternal Link (staff login required), has been added to this topic to assist school administrators to resolve issues that may arise when receipting CSEF in CASES21.
    14 October 2021

    Suicide Response (Postvention)

    (previously called ‘Suicide Prevention and Response’)

    This topic was updated as new suicide response guidelines have been developed in partnership with headspace. The guidelines assist schools with secondary school students following the suicide or suspected suicide of a student and include steps undertaken in the immediate, short-term, and long-term phases of a response (also called postvention). The guidelines are supported with a range of resources, including scripts, templates and checklists.
    14 October 2021Self-Harm and Attempted SuicideThis new topic provides guidance to secondary schools to support them to respond to an incident of self-harm or an attempted suicide. It contains guidelines that were developed in partnership with headspace and includes a range of resources for schools, including templates and factsheets. The guidelines outline the core principles of effective management of self-harm incidents, including advice on how to support the student beyond the incident.
    14 October 2021Mental Health Fund and MenuThis is a new topic that provides information and guidance on how schools can plan for and implement the Schools Mental Health Fund and Menu initiative to support student mental health and wellbeing from the 2022 school year.
    13 October 2021COVID-19 Vaccinations – Visitors and Volunteers Working on School SitesThis is a new topic outlining how schools must manage the COVID-19 mandatory vaccination directions for visitors and volunteers working on school sites, including how they collect and record relevant vaccination information.
    13 October 2021COVID-19 Vaccinations – Teaching Service and School Council EmployeesThis is a new topic outlining COVDI-19 mandatory vaccination requirements that apply to Teaching Service employees and school council employees who perform work at Victorian government schools.
    6 October 2021Individual Education Plans (IEPs)This topic was updated to incorporate IEP requirements for students registered for a Disability Inclusion Profile, and the recommendation for schools to develop an IEP for high ability students who are not achieving their potential.
    6 October 2021Privacy and Information SharingThis topic was updated to incorporate new guidance for schools when considering the use of biometric technologies that capture biometric information (human characteristics unique to the individual, for example, fingerprints) as part of their functionality.
    3 October 2021 Ventilation and Air Purification — reducing COVID-19 transmission riskThis is a new topic that explains how schools can reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission through using outdoor learning spaces and ventilating indoor school spaces. It provides additional guidance on ventilation and air purification, as outlined in the School Operations Guide, including advice on the operation and placement of air purifiers being provided to schools by the Department. The topic also overviews the suite of return to school initiatives that the Department is providing to support schools in managing ventilation, air purification and outdoor learning, namely, the Ventilation Assessment Program, the School Shade Sails Fund, and the distribution of air purification devices to all government and low fee non-government schools.
    1 October 2021AnaphylaxisThis topic was updated as a result of the Therapeutic Goods Administration approving the Anapen for the treatment of anaphylaxis from 1 September 2021. The Anapen is a new device that will complement the Epipen in Australia and medical practitioners may prescribe this device to students at risk of anaphylaxis. The Anaphylaxis Policy, Guidelines and supporting resources have been amended to include information about the Anapen, including advice on how it is administered and updated training requirements.
    1 October 2021Parent PaymentsThe Parent Payments webinar FAQ resource has been updated and the resource on transacting under the Parent Payments Policy has been updated with new FAQs for business managers. New resources have also been added on parent payments for camps and excursions and communicating with parents.
    27 September 2021Land AcquisitionThis topic was updated to incorporate the Victorian Government School Site Selection Criteria Guidance which outlines the key factors considered by the Department when assessing proposed government school site options. While key users of the Guidance are internal Department teams, urban planners and designers, developers and local councils, it may also be of interest to school communities by providing reassurance that the selection of a proposed government school site is based on a comprehensive assessment of the site’s suitability.
    21 September 2021Requests for Information about StudentThis topic was updated to include information about student identity verification letters, including what information is generally included in this type of letter, and guidance as to what schools should consider when deciding whether to provide student identity verification letters.
    14 September 2021Disability Inclusion Funding and SupportThis topic was updated to incorporate new guidance for schools on accessing Tier 3 funding to support the delivery of adjustments for individual students with complex and high needs. This topic currently applies to schools in the Bayside Peninsula, Barwon, and Loddon Campaspe Areas as well as 5 specific Supported Inclusion Schools, and will apply to schools in the Mallee, Central Highlands, and Outer Eastern Melbourne Areas, and 2 newly opened supported inclusion schools in 2022.
    14 September 2021Disability Inclusion Profile

    This new topic outlines the Disability Inclusion Profile and surrounding process that is designed to help schools and families identify the strengths, needs, and educational adjustments schools can make for individual students. Profiles can also inform Disability Inclusion Tier 3 student-level funding.

    This policy currently applies to schools in Bayside Peninsula, Barwon and Loddon Campaspe Areas, and 5 Supported Inclusion Schools in 2021, and will apply to schools in the Mallee, Central Highlands, and Outer Eastern Melbourne Areas, and 2 newly opened supported inclusion schools in 2022.

    13 September 2021School Bus ProgramThe School Bus Program Policy has been updated to replace 'Public Transport Victoria' with the 'Department of Transport', replace 'Anticipated Traveller Loadings' with 'Confirmed Traveller Loadings', amend the requirements of coordinating schools on pupil-free days, and provide additional information about remittance of bus fares. All application forms and guides have also been updated and simplified including combining the previous Form 1 and Form 2 applications for travel into one application for all student travel (fare payers and non-fare payers)
    3 September 2021Disability Inclusion Funding and SupportThis policy now applies to schools in the Mallee, Central Highlands, and Outer Eastern Melbourne Areas, who will receive Tier 2 funding in 2022 in line with the Disability Inclusion rollout schedule.
    3 September 2021Parent PaymentsThe Parent Payments webinar FAQ has been updated with additional questions. The Parent payment arrangement templates have been updated to be clearer in terms of what schools must include in the template and what can be modified. The guidance relating to generic fees or levies and vocational education and training has been updated with minor changes to support clarity and understanding of the requirements.
    24 August 2021Work-Related Violence in SchoolsThe Occupational Violence and Aggression Policy and Procedure has been renamed Work-Related Violence in Schools Policy and Procedure to reflect the preferred language used by Worksafe. The content and resources have been updated and restructured to reflect this change in terminology. The definition remains the same, and still encompasses incidents in which a person is abused, threatened or assaulted in circumstances relating to their work.
    24 August 2021School ReviewThis topic has been updated to explain upcoming changes to how schools’ compliance with the Minimum Standards for school registration will be assessed.
    24 August 2021Minimum Standards and School RegistrationThis topic has been updated to explain upcoming changes to how schools’ compliance with the Minimum Standards for school registration will be assessed. Changes have also been made to include more detailed information on the minimum standards and to provide updated contact details for the School Compliance Unit.
    12 August 2021Selective Entry and Other Specialism Schools and ProgramsThis topic was updated to incorporate information on the new Centre for Higher Educational Studies (CHES), which will provide stretch and challenge opportunities for high achieving and high ability senior-secondary aged students from Term 3, 2022.
    10 August 2021Financial Help for FamiliesThis topic has been updated to align with the updates made to the Parent Payments Policy, to provide further guidance on recognising financial hardship and to outline the full range of resources that schools can refer to in order to support families experiencing financial hardship.
    10 August 2021Parent PaymentsThis topic has been updated to clarify requirements relating to parent payment arrangements and to provide schools with updated resources.
    10 August 2021Minimum Standards and School RegistrationThis topic has been updated to include more detailed information on the Department’s process for applying to register new government schools and to amend existing school registration. The topic has also been updated to include further information on the Department’s role in reviewing schools for compliance with the Minimum Standards for school registration.
    9 August 2021Pre-service Teacher Placements in Victorian Government SchoolsThis is a new topic outlining the processes agreed with initial teacher education providers for pre-service teacher placements in Victorian government schools.
    29 July 2021Gifts, Benefits and HospitalityThis topic has been updated to provide further details relating to when schools must refuse offers of gifts, benefits and hospitality and to include further information on gifts of appreciation for school staff. The topic has also been updated to link to the updated DET-wide policy on Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality.
    27 July 2021School Maintenance Plans and Rolling Facilities EvaluationsThis is a new topic that explains the process that schools must follow when creating their School Maintenance Plans. The School Maintenance Plan supports schools to address maintenance issues identified through the Rolling Facilities Evaluation, which gives schools comprehensive information about the condition of their assets.
    27 July 2021Conveyance Allowance ProgramApplication forms for the conveyance allowance have been updated and simplified. Form 5 has been added to include multimode travel applications in the one form, streamlining the application process for parents.
    21 July 2021ExcursionsThe Template Risk Assessment for Local and Day Excursions and the Risk register and Emergency Management Plan template have been updated to include information on excursion risks and treatments relating to COVID-19. These resources are available on the Excursions Resources tab, and are also available on the Excursion Guidelines, chapters Risk management planning and Emergency or critical incident management.
    19 July 2021Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with DisabilityThis new topic outlines the requirements for schools to participate in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD). This topic includes the key dates for the collection in 2021 and resources to support schools with the process.
    16 July 2021Victorian Teaching and Learning ModelThis is a new topic that outlines the Victorian Teaching and Learning Model (VTLM). Schools are encouraged to implement the VTLM to support excellence in pedagogical practice through evidence-based principles and strategies that will positively impact student outcomes. The VTLM provides valuable tools and guidance to reflect upon and improve teaching practice including the practice principles, pedagogical model and high impact teaching strategies.
    24 June 2021Disability Inclusion Funding and SupportThis new topic outlines the new Disability Inclusion Tier 2 funding, which is currently being implemented in schools in the Bayside Peninsula, Barwon and Loddon Campaspe Areas, as well as 5 supported inclusion schools. Guidance is provided for these schools to implement the new Tier 2 School level funding to strengthen inclusive practice for students with disability.
    24 June 2021Donating Furniture and EquipmentThis is a new topic that outlines the opportunities for schools to donate unwanted school furniture and equipment, including playground equipment, thereby reducing waste sent to landfill.
    3 June 2021Asset Management Planning – School UpgradesThis topic was updated to include guidance for principals on how they can best communicate with their school community throughout different phases of their capital works project. The update includes new templates that schools can download and use to announce capital funding and to provide project updates to their community.
    2 June 2021Equal Opportunity and Human Rights — StudentsThis topic was updated to include a definition of antisemitism.
    2 June 2021Bullying Prevention and ResponseThis topic has been updated to include the nationally agreed definition of bullying and to encourage schools to ensure this definition is included in their local bullying prevention policy.
    2 June 2021Personal HygieneThis topic has been updated to support the implementation of the Free Sanitary Pads and Tampons in all Government Schools initiative.
    28 May 2021Asset Information Management System (AIMS)This is a new topic that outlines the Asset Information Management System (AIMS) which is a web-based, centralised portal that will replace schools existing asset information management systems. It explains the benefits of AIMS, what the system will be used for and information regarding school transition (including staff support and training).
    26 May 2021Selective Entry and Other Specialism Schools and ProgramsThe Supported Inclusion Schools Operational Manual has been added as a resource to this topic, as well as to the Students with Disability and Enrolment topics. A Supported Inclusion School is a mainstream school with additional professional capabilities and facilities designed to cater to a higher proportion of students with significant disability. Students with disability are provided enhanced support to receive high quality, evidence-based educational provision alongside mainstream students in a safe, accessible and supportive environment. The manual supports school principals and the Department’s regional and central staff to implement the Supported Inclusion Schools model.
    26 May 2021Individual Education Plans (IEPs)This topic was updated to provide clarity on which students require an IEP. Professional Development for staff to develop meaningful IEPs are also available on the Resources tab.
    21 May 2021School-funded Capital ProjectsThis topic has been updated with a ‘Good Neighbour Guide’ for principals on engaging the community in capital works projects, and associated checklist and template letters.
    21 May 2021Capital Building Projects in SchoolsThis topic has been updated with a ‘Good Neighbour Guide’ for principals on engaging the community in capital works projects, and associated checklist and template letters.
    20 May 2021Asset Management Planning — School UpgradesA new resource, Donating Furniture and Equipment Initiative, has been added to this topic and another resource, Everything you need to know about a building project, has been updated to improve clarity and to update links. Minor updates have also been made to the policy content to clarify wording and update links.
    20 May 2021Vocational Education and Training (VET) Delivered to Secondary StudentsThis topic has been updated to include information on the new VET materials reimbursement funding available to schools from Term 1 2022. The updates include information about the purpose of the funding, eligibility criteria and the application process.
    13 May 2021Tutor Learning Initiative 2021This topic was updated to allow schools to employ speech therapists or occupational therapists as tutors for students to enable learning support for identified students. Additional guidance on tutor notebook provision, funding, and student reporting is provided, and new TLI hub professional learning resources are also available.
    12 May 2021Performance and Development for Principal, Teacher and Education Support Class topicsThe 3 PAL performance and development topics — Principal Class, Teacher Class and Education Support Class Employees guidelines for the 2021 Statement of Expectation as an alternative to the standard Performance and Development (PDP) plan have been updated with Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to assist schools to implement the process effectively.
    10 May 2021Flexible Learning Options (FLOs)This policy was updated to incorporate guidance for schools on using the FLO Online referral approval process. This includes information on the specific circumstances this process must be undertaken when referring students to FLOs.
    27 April 2021Transition — Early Childhood to SchoolThe guidance chapter Transition statements — information for schools has been updated to provide advice on sharing information under the new Information Sharing Schemes to promote a child’s wellbeing or safety or to manage family violence risk.
    22 April 2021International Student Program (ISP)This topic has been updated to incorporate advice on the higher financial risk for schools that international students represent. This includes the key factors that heighten risk and what schools must do to prevent the misuse of international students’ money and protect schools from reputational damage.
    19 April 2021Child and Family Violence Information Sharing SchemesThis topic has been updated with more detailed policy, guidance and resources for Victorian government schools on implementing the Child Information Sharing Scheme and the Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme. Consequential updates have also been made to other PAL topics, where required, to include information on using the schemes including to: Privacy and Information Sharing, Requests for Information About Students, Family Violence Support, Suicide Prevention and Response, Complaints — Parents, Health Care Needs, Attendance, and Enrolment.
    16 April 2021Sexuality and Consent EducationThis topic was updated to incorporate the mandatory teaching of consent in all Victorian government schools. This update includes links to resources to support schools to teach students about consent in an age-appropriate way.
    16 April 2021Outside School Hours Care — Decision Making Regarding the Provision of OSHCThe guidance has been updated to reflect changes to the Education and Care Services Regulations. The advice regarding schools’ responsibilities where third party providers are engaged to operate an OSHC service has been clarified. Information has also been included regarding the Department’s OSHC Establishment Grants initiative.
    15 April 2021Supervision of StudentsThis topic was updated to clarify that school students cannot be used as supervision staff.
    6 April 2021TravelThis topic has been updated to incorporate a COVID-19 policy on travel for school-based staff. All international travel is to be deferred and interstate travel is limited to essential trips only, where staff travel as part of their job.
    1 April 2021Bridging the Digital Divide — Loaned School Owned Computers Support InitiativeThis topic has been updated to clarify computer eligibility, including computers in programs where students had access both at school and at home.
    30 March 2021Enrolment Guidelines: Placement PolicyThe Department’s Placement Policy (which is part of the Enrolment Guidelines) has been updated to provide guidance and clarity on regional director enrolment restrictions and the sibling exemption process, student entry tests and interviews, and enrolment management plans.
    30 March 2021Transition — Year 6 to 7The Year 6 to Year 7 Transition Information Pack 2021-22: Guidance for all Government School is now available on this topic.
    29 March 2021Rainwater TanksThis is a new PAL topic that outlines the responsibilities of schools that rely on rainwater tanks for drinking water. This topic will be updated in the coming weeks with detailed guidance about developing a school water supply management plan.
    23 March 2021Student Sexual Offending and Problem Sexual BehaviourA new fact sheet is available on the Resources tab of this topic with guidance on school obligations to respond to a disclosure of student sexual offending, how schools can communicate with their school community about issues of consent, sexual assault and gender inequality, and who schools should contact for support.
    19 March 2021Intellectual Property and CopyrightThis topic was updated with a new template permission letter for schools to use when they need to seek permission to use copyright of an external third party copyright owner.
    16 March 2021School-funded Capital ProjectsThis topic has been updated to outline the new online approval process for school-funded capital projects and to update and simplify the guidance content for schools.
    16 March 2021Transition — Year 6 to 7This topic was updated to remove the link to the outdated Year 6 – 7 Transition Information Pack (for the 2020-2021 Year 6 to 7 transition process) and to inform schools that the 2021-2022 Year 6-7 Transition Information Pack will be available on this topic by the end of Term 1 2021.
    16 March 2021Child and Family Violence Information Sharing SchemesThis is a new topic outlining how Victorian government schools request and share information under the new Child Information Sharing Scheme and Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme. This topic will be updated in the coming weeks with further, more detailed policy and guidance prior to the schemes coming into effect on 19 April 2021.
    4 March 2021Data Collection and SurveysThis topic was updated to reflect changes to school data collection processes.
    26 February 2021Exemption from school attendance and enrolmentA new Exemption from School Application form has replaced the existing Transition from School form, for completion when any student of compulsory school age who has not completed Year 12 is seeking to leave school early.
    26 February 2021International Student Program (ISP)The International Education Division has developed an International Student Program (ISP) Unscored VCE Policy and Form to provide guidance to school in relation to ESOS international students enrolled in the Department’s ISP who wish to undertake an unscored VCE. ESOS international students are those students who are the primary visa holder of a 500 Student Schools Visa or a 571 School Sector Visa.
    24 February 2021Tutor Learning Initiative 2021This topic was updated to incorporate the requirements for recording students receiving targeted teaching through the Tutor Learning Initiative on CASES21 and a revised Implementation Checklist for Term 1, 2021. Links to additional implementation support including optional professional learning webinars and the TLI hub are now available on the Resource tab.
    22 February 2021SponsorshipThis topic was updated to include the restrictions on School Banking Programs in Victorian government schools.
    22 February 2021Financial LiteracyThis is a new PAL topic on the requirement for all Victorian Government Schools to deliver financial literacy education as part of their curriculum programs. It also outlines the prohibition on school banking programs from an Authorised Deposit-taking Institution (ADI), for example, banks, credit unions and building societies including use of learning and teaching resources created by an ADI to provide financial literacy education to students.
    19 February 2021Bridging the Digital Divide — Loaned School Owned Computers Support InitiativeThis is a new PAL topic outlining the arrangements in place for eligible schools to obtain a financial contribution towards the costs associated with students permanently retaining school computers loaned to them during the remote and flexible learning period of 2020.
    16 February 2021Performance and Development for Principal, Teacher and Education Support Class topicsThe 3 PAL performance and development topics — Principal Class, Teacher Class and Education Support Class Employees have been updated to include information on the 2021 Statement of Expectation, the alternative to the standard Performance and Development Plan process.
    3 February 2021Student Enrolment CensusThe Guidance section of this topic was updated to incorporate supplementary advice issued in 2020 about COVID-19.
    2 February 2021Equal Opportunity and Human Rights — StudentsThe Equal Opportunity – Students page has been added to PAL to provide schools with a high level overview of obligations under the Equal Opportunity Act, Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities and other anti-discrimination legislation. Related resources for schools are available in the Resources Tab of this PAL topic.
    2 February 2021Tutor Learning Initiative 2021This topic was updated to incorporate new guidance on assessing student learning as part of the Tutor Learning Initiative. A Term 1, 2021 Implementation Checklist for school leaders has been added as an additional resource on the Resource tab.
    1 February 2021Vocational and Applied Learning Coordination and Delivery Support for SchoolsThis policy outlines new funding support for eligible schools to help with the coordination and delivery of vocational and applied learning programs, and describes what the funding can be used for, along with some examples.
    27 January 2021Smoking and Vaping BanThis policy has been updated to clarify the law and policy around use of e-cigarettes on schools grounds. Under the Tobacco Act 1987 (Vic)External Link , a person must not smoke or use e-cigarettes on school premises or within 4 metres of any pedestrian access point to school premises.
    22 January 2021School Council — Composition and Office BearersThis topic was updated to incorporate information on the new Ministerial Order 1280: Ministerial Order (Constitution of Government School Councils) 2020.
    22 January 2021School Council — MeetingsThis topic was updated to incorporate information on the new Ministerial Order 1280: Ministerial Order (Constitution of Government School Councils) 2020.
    22 January 2021School Council — ElectionsThis topic was updated to incorporate information on the new Ministerial Order 1280: Ministerial Order (Constitution of Government School Councils) 2020.
    22 January 2021School Council — Establishing a new school councilThis topic was updated to incorporate information on the new Ministerial Order 1280: Ministerial Order (Constitution of Government School Councils) 2020.
    19 January 2021Outside School Hours Care — Decision Making Regarding the Provision of OSHCThe guidance has been updated to include information on the newly launched OSHC Establishment Grants which provides funding for Victorian government schools delivering primary aged education without an existing OSHC service.
    14 January 2021Inclusive WorkplacesThe new Inclusive Workplaces Guide assists everyone in Department workplaces to support employees with diverse and intersecting identities with chapters on Aboriginal inclusion, cultural diversity, disability, gender equality, generational diversity and LGBTIQ.
    14 January 2021Casual Relief Teachers (CRTs)The Policy and Guidelines includes information for Principal and School Council obligations as a Public Sector Employer to manage and avoid Conflict of Interest in employment.
    14 January 2021School Council EmploymentThe Policy and Guidelines includes information for Principal and School Council obligations as a Public Sector Employer to manage and avoid Conflict of Interest in employment.
    11 January 2021Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF)The Camps Sports and Education Fund had a temporary policy change in 2020 to help with at home learning. The policy now has gone back to its original state before these changes were made.
    8 January 2021Planned Maintenance ProgramA standalone Planned Maintenance Program (PMP) policy has been developed. The PMP is now separate from the Building and Grounds Maintenance Policy. The new and updated policy includes more detailed policy information and guidance for schools in different PMP funding categories. A key change is that a declaration form has been introduced for schools in the up to $50,000 category. Schools in this category no longer need to seek quotes and submit a budget template in order to receive their funding allocation.
  • Date of updateTopicChange
    30 December 2020Disability and Reasonable Adjustment — EmployeesThe Disability and Reasonable Adjustment policy has been completely reworked to make the process for requesting and making workplace adjustments more clear, and to update support resources available to school leaders and staff.
    21 December 2020Tutor Learning Initiative 2021Guidance on small-group learning has been added to the Tutor Learning Initiative guidance tab. The content in this topic has also been re-structured to accommodate the additional guidance content, with the majority of content now in guidance chapters on the Guidance tab.
    17 December 2020Bushfire and Grassfire PreparednessThis topic was updated to incorporate the new arrangements for schools and early childhood services at risk of grassfire (category 4) to close on a determined Code Red day, along with all schools on the Bushfire At-Risk Register (BARR).
    15 December 2020Recruitment in Schools

    The Recruitment in Schools — Qualifications page for the Principal class has been updated to reflect the VAPA requirement commencing August 2021.

    Additional updates have been made to the Employment, promotion or transfer page to reflect the clarification of policy for ongoing employees on transfer where the school year, including all school vacation periods is longer than 12 months.

    15 December 2020Finance Manual — Financial Management for SchoolsThe Chart of Accounts resource document available in the resource tab of the Finance Manual — Financial Management for Schools was updated. The updated resource will take effect upon the CASES21 Major Upgrade having been completed.
    13 December 2020Tutor Learning Initiative 2021The Tutor Learning Initiative Guidance tab has been updated with guidance on assessing and identifying students for support through the Initiative. Further guidance on implementing the Tutor Learning Initiative will be published shortly.
    10 December 2020Holocaust Education — Delivery RequirementsThis is a new PAL topic outlining the requirements for Holocaust Education in school-based curriculum programs in Victorian government secondary schools.
    9 December 2020Swimming Pools on School GroundsThe Swimming Pools on School Grounds topic has been updated to incorporate new registration requirements under the Public Health and Wellbeing Regulation 2019. A new section has also been added to the Procedure tab for this topic, with advice on developing a water quality risk management plan.
    8 December 2020Re-engagement ProgramsThis topic has been updated so that it sets out the 2021 Re-engagement Program Placement Fees.
    8 December 2020Tutor Learning Initiative 2021The Tutor Learning Initiative topic has been updated to include information on appointing tutors and resources to support schools to communicate with their school community about the Tutor Learning Initiative and how it may impact their child’s learning in 2021.
    2 December 2020Medical Advisory ServiceThis topic has been updated to reflect the new contact details for the Medical Advisory Service. The information has also been relocated to a standalone page on PAL, for ease of reference.
    1 December 2020Community VCALThis updated PAL topic sets out the requirements for schools entering into contracts with Non-School Senior Secondary Providers (NSSPs) for the delivery of Community Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (CVCAL).
    25 November 2020Insurance for SchoolsThe Insurance policies guidance chapter of the Insurance for Schools topic has been changed to reflect updated premiums for the Department’s travel insurance arrangements.
    23 November 2020Asset Management Planning — School UpgradesThis topic has been updated to provide up-to-date guidance and information for the capital works program. Additional sections include guidance for schools receiving funding in the 2020-21 State Budget.
    20 November 2020Conveyance Allowance ProgramThe policy was updated to reflect the closing dates for 2021 applications.
    10 November 2020COVID-19 — Health, Wellbeing and Inclusion WorkforcesThis topic has been amended to reflect the updated arrangements and requirements for Health, Wellbeing and Inclusion Workforces working in schools. A summary of the changes is available on the guidance chapter of this topic — Recent changes to this guidance.
    10 November 2020Tutor Learning Initiative 2021This is a new PAL topic providing policy, advice and guidance to schools on arrangements for implementing the Tutor Learning Initiative in 2021. This topic will be updated with further, more detailed guidance in the coming weeks.
    9 November 2020Youth Justice — Additional Support for Young PeopleThis is a new PAL topic setting out advice for schools to deliver additional educational support for young people within Victoria’s youth justice system, both in custody and the community.
    4 November 2020Young Carers — Identification and SupportThis is a new PAL topic setting out the requirements for schools and education providers to identify young carers and ensure they are supported.
    20 October 2020Transition — Early Childhood to SchoolThis topic has been updated to incorporate content previously available on the intranet, providing information and resources to support a positive start to school for children in 2021.
    27 October 2020School Council — Powers and FunctionsThis topic was updated to incorporate information on the forthcoming Ministerial Order 1280: Ministerial Order (Constitution of Government School Councils) 2020.
    19 October 2020COVID-19 — Health, Wellbeing and Inclusion WorkforcesThis topic has been amended to reflect the updated arrangements and requirements for Health, Wellbeing and Inclusion Workforces working in schools. A summary of the changes is available on the guidance chapter of this topic — Recent changes to this guidance.
    19 October 2020Individual Education Plans (IEPs)Students in youth justice (custody and community) require an IEP. The IEP policy and IEP Summary Guide (in resources) have been updated to reflect this.
    13 October 2020AttendanceThis topic has been updated to incorporate additional guidance for schools on supporting student attendance when transitioning back to on-site learning for Term 4 2020.
    12 October 2020Transition — Year 6 to 7The policy on transitions from Year 6 to 7 has been updated to remove information on the Year 7 application process, now that the application process has been completed, and to introduce a new resource for schools on supporting a positive start to secondary school in 2021.
    9 October 2020Repeating a Year LevelAdditional resources have been added to the Repeating a Year Level Resources tab to support schools to communicate with families about repeating a year level.
    8 October 2020Transition — Early Childhood to SchoolNew guidance is available on the Transition — Early Childhood to School PAL topic, on Foundation teacher transition visits to kindergartens — Term 4 2020.
    5 October 2020Finance Manual — Financial Management for SchoolsThe Finance Manual in PAL has been reformatted so that all sections of the Finance Manual are now sitting in the Guidance tab of the Finance Manual — Financial Management for Schools page. Users can navigate through each section of the Finance Manual using the right hand menu of the Guidance tab. This means that schools need only access the one PAL topic now, rather than looking for the specific PAL topic on each section of the Finance Manual. There have otherwise been no changes to the content of the Finance Manual.
    1 October 2020COVID-19 — Health, Wellbeing and Inclusion WorkforcesThis topic has been amended to reflect the updated arrangements and requirements for Health, Wellbeing and Inclusion Workforces working in schools. A summary of the changes is available on the guidance chapter of this topic — Recent changes to this guidance.
    16 September 2020Repeating a Year LevelRepeating a Year Level has been updated to provide additional guidance to schools on managing requests and making decisions relating to students repeating a year level.
    16 September 2020Student Resource Package — Overview (and all other related SRP pages)Updates were made to the parts of the guidance tabs across all SRP pages to include examples of funding calculations and further clarify funding allocations. The Resources tabs for all SRP related pages were updated to include the 2020 Student Resource Package Guide (in PDF and Word) and the 2021 Indicative Student Resource Package Guide (in PDF and Word).
    16 September 2020Student Resource Package — School Specific ProgramsThe following new funding references were added to this category of funding: Joint Community Program (Reference 123) and Designated Bilingual Program (Reference 124).
    16 September 2020Student Resource Package — Targeted InitiativesThe following new funding reference was added to this category of funding: Primary Mathematics and Science Specialists Initiative (Reference 125).
    16 September 2020Student Resource Package — Managing the BudgetThe following new funding reference was added to this category of funding: Enrolment Variation Funding.
    31 August 2020Assistant Principal Contract RenewalThis is a new PAL topic which separates the Assistant Principal Contract renewal process from the Leading Teacher/Learning Specialist tenure renewal enabling a quick easy identification of the policy and process for each group of employees.
    20 August 2020Finance Manual — Section 03 Risk ManagementSection 3 of the Finance Manual was updated to reflect the requirement for schools, staff and school council members to comply with the Department’s Conflict of Interest policy.
    20 August 2020Finance Manual — Section 04 Internal ControlsIn line with the updates made to Section 3 of the Finance Manual, Section 4 was also updated to reflect the requirement for schools, staff and school council members to comply with the Department’s Conflict of Interest policy.
    20 August 2020Finance Manual — Section 11 Expenditure ManagementIn line with the updates made to Section 3 of the Finance Manual, Section 11 was also was updated to reflect the requirement for schools, staff and school council members to comply with the Department’s Conflict of Interest policy.
    17 August 2020Middle Years Literacy and Numeracy Support (MYLNS) initiativeThis is a new PAL topic to support schools to implement the Middle Years Literacy and Numeracy Support (MYLNS) initiative.
    17 August 2020Social Media Use to Support Student LearningThis is a new PAL topic outlining the requirements for the use of social media by school-based staff to support student learning.
    14 August 2020Individual Education Plans (IEPs)The IEP template key terms, and guidance on long-term goals, has been updated. In particular, the updates clarify that long-term goals are not required to be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Agreed, Relevant and Time-bound) whereas short-term goals are required to be SMART. When developing a student’s long-term goals, schools should provide a clear, summarised statement of 1 to 2 sentences, setting out the goals for the student to achieve over a longer period of time (for example, longer than a school term). The long term goals should assist in guiding the development of the SMART short-term goals.
    11 August 2020Parent PaymentsThe Parent Payments Policy and associated resources have been refreshed by the Department to better support implementation by schools. This includes a simplified and clearer Parent Payments Policy, easier to follow guidance and new resources to help support you to develop and implement your school’s parent payment arrangements.
    10 August 2020OHS Management System (OHSMS) OverviewA new PAL Guidance chapter has been added to the OHS Management System for schools — COVID-19 employee health, safety and wellbeing supports for schools. It provides tailored advice and links to supports for managing COVID-19 related OHS risks and matters relating to employee health, safety and wellbeing, including a link to COVID-19 Safety Management Plan.
    7 August 2020COVID-19 — Health, Wellbeing and Inclusion WorkforcesThis is a new PAL topic providing guidance to the Department’s region and area based Health, Wellbeing and Inclusion Workforces (HWIW) on operational practices in relation to COVID-19. HWIW comprise Students Support Services, Primary and Secondary School Nurses, Visiting Teachers and Koorie Engagement Support Officers.
    5 August 2020Performance and Development for Education Support Class EmployeesThis topic has been updated to provide new guidance on the performance and development process for Education Support Class Employees.
    22 July 2020Individual Education Plans (IEPs)The IEP template was updated. A new template (Word document) replaces the previous IEP template (writeable PDF). The IEP template (Word document) provides more flexibility for schools to make their own adjustments where required, so the IEP is better able to reflect the needs of the student. Format changes to the template include the ability to add more goals, repositioning of the current level entry skills section and better printing functionality. Content changes to the template include the addition of a recommendation to include advice from regional and area staff, clarification that students’ long-term goals can be a summarised statement of 1-2 sentences and the addition of ‘person responsible’ to the teaching strategies, adjustments and supports section.
    26 June 2020Student Resource Package — Targeted InitiativesThe following new funding references were added to this category of funding: VCE Revision Lectures (Reference 121), Professional Learning Communities (Reference 122), Early Years Koorie Literacy and Numeracy Program (Reference 88), Extended Koorie Literacy and Numeracy Program (Reference 90), Chaplaincy (Reference 117). Updates, including to rates, were made to the following funding references: Vocational Education and Training Delivered to Secondary School Students (Reference 56), Career Education Funding (Reference 91).
    26 June 2020Student Resource Package — Core Student Learning Allocation funding (Student Based FundingUpdates, including to rates, were made to Rural School Size Adjustment Factor (Reference 4).
    26 June 2020Student Resource Package — School Specific ProgramsUpdates, including to rates, were made to Location Index Funding (Reference 29).
    25 June 2020Finance Manual — Section 16 Reporting PerformanceThe requirement at section has changed so that schools and school councils must provide school council with a report outlining the financial outcome of all camps, excursions and fundraising. Previously the requirement was to report on financial outcomes of camps and excursions only.
    25 June 2020Finance Manual — Section 12 Trading OperationsThe requirement at section now states ‘For each trading operation, an annual budget (both revenue and expenditure) must be prepared, presented and reviewed by the finance committee (or by the school council if the school doesn’t have a finance committee) and approved by the school council.’ Previously, the requirement stated ‘For each trading operation, an annual budget (both revenue and expenditure) must be prepared, presented and approved by either the school council or the finance committee.’
    15 June 2020ExcursionsThe Excursions policy and guidelines consolidate all previous policy and guidance on excursions, including the Safety Guidelines for Education Outdoors. The new policy and guidelines clarify the role of school council in approving excursion, no longer requiring school council to approve the operational requirements of an excursion. All guidelines for adventure activities have been revised, including some changes to supervision ratios and required qualifications and experience. The guidance on overseas excursions has also been updated, including making travel insurance for overseas excursions mandatory.
    15 June 2020HomeworkThe Department’s policy and guidance on homework has been updated to better reflect the most up-to-date evidence regarding homework and student learning and performance. A new local school template policy on homework has also been developed and is available on the School Policy Templates Portal Homework pageExternal Link .
    15 June 2020School Administration SystemsThis is a new Department policy that defines the mandatory systems of record for school administration processes and information. This policy incorporates the previous CASES21 Policy on the School Policy and Advisory Guide (SPAG). It now covers all mandated Department systems and explains what each is to be used for including CASES21, Edupay, HART, SOCS, PSDMS, IRIS, SPOT and many others.
    15 June 2020Sensory RoomsThis is a new Department policy that explains Department requirements for when and how a sensory room may be used by a school to support a student.
    15 June 2020TrespassThis policy has been amended to include a requirement for principals to give a person the opportunity provide feedback about whether a Trespass Warning Notice should be issued against them and to consider any of the information they provide before issuing the Notice.
    15 June 2020Vehicles (including Buses) — Owned or Hired by a SchoolThis policy has been amended to allow schools to purchase buses with 21 seats or more (with Regional Director approval and following all other requirements in the policy).
    7 May 2020Information Security — InfoSafeNew Department policy (previously published on the School Policy and Advisory Guide on 7 May 2020) which outlines requirements relating to the secure management of information within schools. This policy is part of the Department’s InfoSafe program and is designed to help strengthen information security to ensure information is stored and shared securely.
    20 March 2020EnrolmentA change was made to the placement policy aspect of the Enrolment Policy to clarify that schools must consider exceptional circumstances for enrolment as a separate consideration rather than as number 6 on the priority order of placement. This information can be found under the chapter called Placement Policy in the Enrolment Guidance tab.

In the process of transitioning all department policy over to the new PAL we have also made a number of overarching changes and updates to department policy, including:

  • providing a consistent policy structure, with a summary for quick reference, and full policy details sitting underneath
  • providing contact details for all topics, for school queries or feedback
  • updating language to remove ambiguities
  • clarifying the role of school council, where applicable, such as whether or not school council are the decision-making or consulting body for a particular issue
  • providing new and updated resources to support schools to implement department policy and guidance, such as template forms.

In transitioning all policy over to PAL we have re-set the date that the policy was last updated to reflect the date of PAL launch. This does not mean that all policies have been significantly changed in terms of school requirements. For significant changes, refer to the table above.

Any questions or feedback relating to these updates can be directed to the relevant contact listed on the policy or the Operational Policy, School Engagement and Compliance Division:
Phone: 03 7022 1888

We will continue to update and improve PAL content to ensure schools are able to access information that is clear and accurate and we welcome feedback from schools to support this process.

Reviewed 25 March 2025