Principals Guide to School Council Elections

The Principals Guide to School Council Elections has been developed to assist principals to understand and conduct school council elections in accordance with Ministerial Order 1280 Constitution of Government School Councils.

The guide provides advice on the stages of the election to be followed, examples of good practice, relevant forms and schedules to be used and fact sheets for parents, principals and students.

A complete set of schedules relating to elections can be found in the Principals Guide to School Council Elections:


Induction materials for new school council members can be found in School Council – Training and Good Governance.

These materials include a school council induction video and training options available on the Policy tab, and a sample ‘welcome’ letter for new school council members on the Resources tab.

Student member category – alternative arrangement requirements

Student members on school councils provide unique perspectives that enrich school governance. Schools with students in year 7 and above must have 2 student member positions on their school council, unless the school has sought and received an exemption from this requirement.

If you are a small school, a rural school, a special school, or if other exceptional circumstances exist that justify granting the exemption and your school council does not believe that it can identify suitable student members for their school council, the principal and school council president can apply for an exemption by completing the Student school council member – alternative arrangement form (DOCX)External Link . The principal sends the form to the regional director for approval, demonstrating how the school council will seek student input into their school’s discussion and decision making.

Principals will be required to submit this information to their regional director for consideration by the end of Term 4.

Guidance page providing the Principals Guide to School Council Elections

Reviewed 14 May 2024

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