
The purpose of this policy is to provide information on conducting school council elections in accordance with the relevant legal requirements.


  • Principals must conduct school council elections in accordance with Ministerial Order 1280 Constitution of Government School Councils (DOCX)External Link .
  • The school council election process for all government schools must commence no earlier than the first day of the school year and be completed on or before 31 March for the parent, school employee and student member categories.
  • A Ministerial Order is required to hold an election outside of this time.
  • Principals are responsible for the conduct of the election but may appoint a person (typically another member of school staff such as an assistant principal) to act on their behalf.
  • By 30 April, principals must inform the department's secretary of the council membership by completing and submitting the Declaration of school council membership (formerly Schedule 7) online at the School Council Membership ReportingExternal Link site in the School Council Portal (principal login required).
  • The Principals Guide to School Council Elections (DOCX)External Link provides detailed guidance on holding school council elections. Principals must ensure they follow this guide throughout the school council election process.


Ministerial Order 1280 Constitution of Government School Councils specifies the total size of the council and the number of members in each category of council. There are 3 mandatory membership categories for a school council:

  1. parent members
  2. school employee members
  3. student members — for schools with students enrolled in years 7 and above

Many school councils also have community members.

Further information about school council membership categories is available under School Council – Composition and Office Bearers.

All parents or carers of students enrolled at the school are eligible to vote for parent members, staff vote for school employee members, and students vote for student members. Community members are co-opted by the school council.

Principals must conduct school council elections in accordance with the Principals Guide to School Council Elections (DOCX)External Link . This will ensure that elections are conducted within the legal framework of Ministerial Order 1280 Constitution of Government School Councils.

School Council Portal – declaration of school council membership

By 30 April, principals must inform the department's Secretary of the council membership, by completing and submitting the Declaration of school council membershipExternal Link (principal or business manager login required) in the School Council Portal. This video provides a summary of how to access, complete and submit the new Declaration of School Council Membership.

Election complaints

Any person who is aggrieved by any matter arising from the conduct of an election may, within 14 days of the date of the declaration of the poll, make a complaint in writing to the principal.

If the principal receives a complaint it must be referred to the school's Regional Director as soon as possible. The Regional Director or nominee will establish a committee to review the complaint and determine how the complaint will be dealt with and resolved.

Relevant legislation

Department policy on conducting school council elections in accordance with legal requirements

Reviewed 14 May 2024

Policy last updated

14 May 2024


  • Schools
  • School councils


School Operations and Governance Unit Operations and Governance Division

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