Find operational policies and guidance for schools from the Department of Education
Human resources information and services for principals, managers and school staff including employment conditions, workforce management, recruitment and respectful workplaces (previously on HRWeb)
Information on all finance and procurement requirements for schools including the Finance Manual, the Student Resource Package, procurement, budget and accounting requirements
Policies and guidance to support student health and wellbeing including child safety, specific health conditions, students with disabilities, duty of care, students at risk and bullying
Information to support planning, building and management of school infrastructure and facilities including Victorian School Building Authority policy, guidelines and resources
Information to support employee health, safety and wellbeing in schools including all topics that form part of the Department’s OHS management system (OHSMS)
Operational policies and guidance relating to school operations and student administration including school hours, enrolment, excursions, OSHC, parent payments, and mobile phones
Key information and policies relevant to school councils including information to support school council governance
Policies and guidance to support curriculum delivery and school improvement including assessment and reporting, career education, and school performance data
Information and support to manage ICT resources in schools including hardware, software, ICT security, privacy and records management