This policy applies to all Victorian government schools from 28 February 2025.
The Program for Students with Disabilities (PSD) process will remain in place until 28 February 2025 for the following areas:
- Hume Merri-bek
- Outer Gippsland
- Wimmera South West
- Inner Eastern Melbourne.
This includes processes for Foundation students commencing school in 2025 and students transferring from other systems.
Schools unable to complete PSD applications by the deadline should plan for a Disability Inclusion Profile instead, as incomplete or late applications received after 28 February 2025 will not be processed. From this date forward, all schools must use Disability Inclusion Profile processes.
This policy outlines the Disability Inclusion Profile (the profile) and surrounding process that is designed to help schools and families identify the strengths, needs, and educational adjustments schools can make for individual students.
- The department is committed to embedding inclusive education in all school environments for students with disability and additional needs.
- Schools must meet their legal obligations under the Equal Opportunity Act 2010 , the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 , and the Disability Standards for Education 2005 to make reasonable adjustments to accommodate students with disability.
- These obligations apply to all students with disability, not just those who are eligible for support under targeted funding programs.
- Further information on the Disability Inclusion vision for inclusion can be found in the Vision for inclusive education .
- The Disability Inclusion Profile (profile) is a new tool and process to help schools and families identify the strengths, needs and educational adjustments schools can make for the individual student.
- The profile and surrounding process are progressively replacing the PSD application process. From 28 February 2025, all schools must use Disability Inclusion Profile processes. Refer to the Guidance tab for information on how to undertake the profile.
- Schools will need to prepare for, co-ordinate, and participate in the profile process, with parents/carers, to receive Disability Inclusion Tier 3 student-level funding.
- The profile is part of the department's Disability Inclusion . Refer to Disability Inclusion Funding and Support for information on the Disability Inclusion funding model and implementation phases across Victorian government schools.
The Disability Inclusion Profile and surrounding process helps schools and families identify the strengths, functional needs, and educational adjustments schools make to assist students with disability and additional learning needs.
The profile is part of the department’s Disability Inclusion , which aims to strengthen inclusive education across the school system. Refer to Disability Inclusion Funding and Support for information on the Disability Inclusion funding model and roll-out schedule. To learn more about the Disability Inclusion vision for inclusion, refer to Vision for inclusive education .
The Disability Inclusion Profile (the profile) uses a strength and functional needs based approach that is designed to:
- highlight the student’s strengths, aspirations and goals
- help schools and families identify functional needs and adjustments for students with disability
- inform individual education plans (IEPs), student learning goals, and school-wide planning
- determine Disability Inclusion tier 3 student-level funding allocations to support schools to deliver adjustments for individual students with complex and high needs.
What are functional needs?
Functional needs are the adjustments a person requires to enable them to participate in activities on the same basis as their peers. For the purpose of the Disability Inclusion Profile, participation refers to involvement in activities in an educational environment.
What is a reasonable adjustment?
An adjustment is a measure or action taken to assist students to participate in education and training on the same basis as their peers without a disability.
All students have the potential to learn and the right to participate in a learning environment that is committed to supporting their educational development and genuine participation, including students with complex communication needs.
Adjustments can be student-specific or school-wide.
Under both state and Commonwealth laws schools must make ‘reasonable adjustments’ to accommodate students with disability.
Refer to: Students with Disability, Supporting information guidance for schools and School-wide adjustments guidance for further information.
Disability Inclusion Profile overview
The profile and the Disability Inclusion funding model will gradually replace the Program for Students with Disabilities (PSD). As schools transition to Disability Inclusion, the profile process will replace the current PSD application process, including the use of the Educational Needs Questionnaire.
The Disability Inclusion Facilitator Service (DIFS or facilitator service) administers the profile. To manage the profile process, schools use an online platform called the DIFS Portal. The DIFS Portal allows schools to request, view and upload information and engage with the facilitator service. Schools can seek access to the DIFS Portal by contacting DIFS on Refer to: the DIFS Portal User Guide .
Schools need to prepare for, co-ordinate and participate in the profile, with parents/carers and the student, where appropriate to receive Disability Inclusion tier 3 student-level funding. Refer to: Tier 3 student-level funding.
Schools must make reasonable adjustments to ensure that students with disability can access and participate in education on the same basis as students without disability, regardless of the availability of additional funding. Refer to the Students with Disability Policy.
The profile is not compulsory for any student and requires consent from the student's parents/carers. The school, in partnership with the parents/carers, the student, and SSG are responsible for deciding whether to undertake a profile. Refer to: Identifying students to undertake a Disability Inclusion Profile.
Easy English resources are available to support parents/carers understand the profile process and the profile meeting .
Overview of the profile process
This policy applies to all Victorian Government schools from 28 February 2025.
A summary of the steps for schools to complete a profile is provided below and in the flowchart Disability Inclusion Profile – end to end process . More detailed guidance is provided within the Guidance tab.
End to end process
1. Identify the student to undertake a profile
The school identifies a student to undertake the profile, in partnership with their parents/carers and SSG. Access to the profile is not limited to only students who may be eligible for Tier 3 funding. Refer to: Identifying students to undertake a Disability Inclusion Profile.
2. Request a profile meeting with the facilitator service
The school requests a profile meeting with the facilitator service through the DIFS Portal. Refer to: Requesting a Disability Inclusion Profile meeting.
Schools are encouraged to contact their regional implementation team for advice and guidance before requesting their first 3 profile meeting requests. This will support schools through the profile process and minimise delays.
For students who have enrolled at a new school (for example, Prep/Foundation students or other new enrolments), tier 3 funding will be backdated for eligible students if a complete profile request is received within 2 terms of the student commencing at the school. Refer to: Requirements to submit a ‘complete profile .
3. Demonstrate the student meets the requirements for a profile meeting
The school provides information to the facilitator service to demonstrate that the student meets the screening requirements for a profile meeting.
The facilitator service confirms the student meets the requirements for a profile. Refer to: Requesting a Disability Inclusion Profile meeting.
4. Gather and submit supporting information for the profile process
Once approved, the school gathers and submits information to support the profile meeting through the DIFS Portal. This includes a completed profile information form and the optional school-wide adjustment form .
Refer to:
- Supporting information required for the Disability Inclusion Profile
- Optional school-wide adjustment form
- School-wide adjustment guidance and examples
- DIFS Portal User Guide
It is recommended that schools upload a maximum of 15 high-quality and relevant documents as supporting information to the DIFS Portal before the meeting. Schools are encouraged to upload the documents under the available categories within the Supporting Information Upload fields in the DIFS Portal. Refer to: the DIFS Portal User Guide .
Schools are encouraged to use the optional Profile Adjustments and Supporting Information Summary Tool (Profile ASIST) to support the collation of supporting information. For examples on how to complete the Profile ASIST, refer to the Profile Adjustment and Supporting Information Summary Tool (Profile ASIST) – Annotated Example .
Schools should consult with their disability coordinator, health wellbeing or student support services key contact before requesting a profile to discuss the documentation required to support a profile request.
Once supporting information has been uploaded, the profile request is considered complete for the purposes of accessing backdated funding.
5. Schedule the profile meeting
The facilitator service will work with the school to identify the most appropriate date and time for the profile meeting. Schools are then responsible for coordinating the attendance of profile meeting participants for the full duration of the meeting. Refer to: Scheduling a Disability Inclusion Profile meeting.
6. Prepare for the meeting
The school, in collaboration with the parents/carers and student prepare for the profile meeting. Refer to: Preparing for a Disability Inclusion Profile meeting – roles and responsibilities.
A range of resources are available to support student and parent/carer participation in the profile meeting, including social scripts and Easy English resources. Refer to: Resources tab and Disability Inclusion: a new approach for students with .
7. Participate in the meeting
The profile meeting is led by a trained facilitator. To prepare for the profile meetings, the facilitator will review core documentation. Schools should be able to talk about the supporting information at the profile meeting and connect it to the relevant activities within the profile. Refer to: Participating in the Disability Inclusion Profile meeting – roles and responsibilities.
8. Provide additional supporting information, if required
The facilitator service may request additional supporting information after the meeting.
If uncertain about the additional information request, schools may clarify with the facilitator service.
9. Receive finalised profile and school resource notification, if applicable via the DIFS Portal
The profile is finalised by the facilitator service.
The finalised profile informs tier 3 student-level funding allocations for individual students with complex and high needs.
The school receives a Disability Inclusion Profile report (profile report) and a School Resource Notification, that outlines any tier 3 student-level funding allocation. Refer to: Finalising the Disability Inclusion Profile, Notification of Disability Inclusion Profile outcome and the DIFS Portal User Guide .
10. Discuss the finalised report with the SSG
The school meets with the SSG to discuss the profile report and incorporate any learnings into the student’s IEP.
Disability Inclusion tier 3 student-level funding will be provided via the school’s Student Resource Package (SRP). Refer to: Steps following notification of Disability Inclusion Profile outcome.
The Disability Inclusion Profile meeting
The profile is completed through a structured meeting with the student’s student support group (SSG), which is led by a trained Disability Inclusion Facilitator (facilitator). Facilitators generally lead profile meetings by focusing on the student’s functional needs and adjustments at a domain level . This approach provides a holistic view of the student’s experience and needs within the school environment.
During the meeting, the facilitator supports the SSG members to work together to complete the profile. This includes agreeing on the indicative levels of adjustment needed for the student’s participation and learning at school. Indicative levels of adjustment are subject to the moderation and quality assurance processes. Refer to: Moderation and quality assurance of the Disability Inclusion .
The Disability Inclusion Profile structures this discussion.
The video below provides an example of how the profile meeting works, and the roles and responsibilities of attendees. A shorter version of this video for parents/carers is available at Disability Inclusion: a new approach for students with .
The Guidance tab provides more information on roles and responsibilities of profile meeting attendees.
Building school staff capability with the profile process
Schools are encouraged to:
- review the content in the guidance tab of this policy page
- schedule a practice profile meeting. Schools can submit a practice session request through the Disability Inclusion Facilitator
- speak with your regional implementation team (RIT), disability coordinator, health wellbeing or student support services key contact
- access professional learning on Disability Inclusion, refer to: and Arc regional pages
- complete the Disability Inclusion eLearning modules. These can be found by searching ‘Disability Inclusion’ in LearnED/edupay.
Schools can request profile meetings for eligible students at any time, though there are recommendations around ideal timing for specific cohorts of students. Refer to: Identifying students to undertake a Disability Inclusion Profile and the Disability Inclusion reform principal checklist .
It is recommended that profile meetings take place after the student has spent at least 10 weeks in the school environment. During this time, schools and students/families can identify, implement, and monitor appropriate adjustments to support the student’s needs. The recommendation for 10 weeks applies to all settings including primary, secondary and specialist settings. If a student is an existing student and adjustments have been in place for 10 weeks previously, schools do not need to wait 10 further weeks before submitting a profile request.
New students entering the Victorian government school system can access the profile prior to their commencement in school or early in their commencement year, where the student is receiving ongoing extensive or substantial support from an inclusion or disability support service. Tier 3 student-level funding for eligible students who have recently enrolled at a new school will be provided from the student’s date of enrolment if a completed profile request has been received by the facilitator service within 2 terms of the student commencing at the school. A complete profile request means that screening requirements, a completed profile information form and all supporting information is uploaded to the DIFS Portal within 2 terms of enrolment. The meeting does not have to be held within 2 terms. Refer to: Requirements to submit a ‘complete profile .
Contact your regional implementation team, disability coordinator, health wellbeing key contact or student support services key contact for further support in identifying and prioritising students for profile meetings.
Transition timelines
Mainstream schools have 3 years from the commencement of profiles in their area to complete a profile for students who are eligible under PSD. This timeframe does not apply to specialist schools due to the concentration of students supported through the PSD in these settings.
Mainstream schools with a high concentration of students supported through the PSD and/or staff resourcing pressures can request an extended timeframe to complete their transition.
Contact your regional implementation team (details below) for further support with transition planning and refer to the Disability Inclusion reform principal checklist for a guide to implementation.
The Disability Inclusion Facilitator Service (the facilitator service)
The facilitator service delivers parts of the profile process, including the facilitator role. These services are delivered by Australian Healthcare Associates (AHA) on behalf of the department. AHA recruit and manage facilitators.
Related policies
- Behaviour – Students
- Decision Making Responsibilities for Students
- Disability Inclusion Funding and Support
- Education Support Staff Working in Classroom Support Roles
- Enrolment
- Individual Education Plans
- Interpreting and Translation Services
- Koorie Education
- LGBTIQA+ Student Support
- NDIS Funded Therapy in Schools
- Parent Payments
- Privacy and Information Sharing
- Student Support Groups
- Student Support Services
- Students with Disability
- Team Around the Learner
Relevant legislation
- Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006
- Disability Discrimination Act 1992
- Disability Standards for Education 2005
- Equal Opportunity Act 2010
- Health Records Act 2001
- Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014
For general queries about Disability Inclusion, contact:
For queries relating to the profile process, requesting and scheduling profiles, and the status of existing profile requests, please contact the facilitator service:
- Phone: 1800 951 430 (9 am to 5 pm business days)
- Email address:
- Schools can submit a new profile request at: Disability Inclusion Facilitator
For queries relating to profile outcomes, including the profile report and School Resource Notification and tier 3 funding allocations, timelines, or processes, contact:
For support with transitioning to the profile, contact your regional implementation team:
- North Eastern Victoria Region:
- South Western Victoria Region:
- South Eastern Victoria Region:
- North Western Victoria Region:
For queries relating to profiles for individual students, contact your disability coordinator, health and wellbeing or student support services key contact.
The department is continually looking to improve and refine policies and processes. Should you have any feedback on the Disability Inclusion Profile or process please provide it to:
To provide feedback on a specific facilitator or profile meeting, please contact the facilitator service:
Reviewed 23 January 2025