Finalising the Disability Inclusion Profile
Facilitator finalises Disability Inclusion Profile
Once the profile meeting has concluded, the facilitator will use the information provided by the participants at the meeting, and any supporting information to finalise the profile and complete the profile report. This includes:
- re-checking the details about the student that were submitted at the profile request stage
- finalising how the discussion of the student’s strengths and aspirations is recorded
- confirming the level of adjustment required to enable the student to participate in their education on the same basis as their peers. The facilitator will refer to the information provided in the meeting and supporting information to confirm the level of adjustment
- finalising how the discussion of the current and potential adjustments to the student’s learning environment is recorded
- finalising the student support group indicative date for the subsequent profile meeting, where applicable.
If the facilitator requests additional supporting information
Schools are required to provide supporting information prior to the profile meeting. Schools can also bring other supporting information to the meeting – this will not be collected by the facilitator at the meeting and must be provided electronically to the facilitator service. Refer to: Supporting information guidance for schools .
Where there is insufficient supporting information or supporting information discussed in the meeting but not already provided, facilitators may request further supporting information. These requests will be made through the school contact point via email generally within a week of the profile meeting. Schools should work closely with families to collate further supporting information in response to these requests.
Schools have 15 school days (3 school weeks) to provide the requested information to the Disability Inclusion Facilitator Service (facilitator service). Schools should contact the facilitator service to notify them if an extension is required. Extensions will only be granted in exceptional and unforeseen circumstances. Extensions are generally unlikely to be approved for reasons such as staff illness or leave. The 15-day timeframe excludes weekends and school holidays.
Facilitators can only consider additional supporting information that has been requested. Other documentation that may be provided cannot be considered. As such, schools should provide all relevant supporting information before the meeting and be able to talk to this at the meeting.
If the additional supporting information is not provided and an extension has not been provided, the facilitator service will finalise the profile based on the supporting information available.
Requests for further supporting information could occur where the:
- school did not upload all supporting information prior to the meeting
- relevant supporting information was tabled at the meeting
- supporting information is incomplete (for example, not all pages have been scanned and uploaded)
- supporting information that already exists was discussed in the meeting, and the facilitator felt that it would be useful to see this information to help them finalise the profile
- supporting information provided before the meeting indicates to the facilitator that a different level of adjustment is required, and the facilitator wants to ensure they accurately represent the student’s functional needs
- additional information on the student’s functional need is required, for example, input from an allied health practitioner or any other assessment as deemed appropriate.
The facilitator service will confirm receipt of additional information.
Schools are not required to provide supporting information after the meeting unless it was discussed at the profile meeting and the facilitator requests this information.
Facilitators will finalise the profile once the requested information has been provided.
Once the profile has been finalised it cannot be reopened again to consider additional supporting information.
For more information, refer to: Supporting information guidance for schools .
Moderation and quality assurance of the Disability Inclusion Profile
Every profile report is subject to quality assurance and may also be subject to moderation processes. These processes are in place to ensure that facilitators are consistently and accurately capturing student need across the state. This process occurs automatically as part of the profile process and is based upon the supporting information provided.
This process is led by facilitator team leaders employed by the facilitator service.
In some cases, this moderation process may lead to changes to the indicative levels of adjustment that were discussed in the profile meeting.
Where 6 or more levels of adjustment are changed through the moderation process an additional quality assurance process takes place.
The moderation process will also confirm the date for the subsequent profile meeting, where applicable. This will align with the general rule that subsequent profiles should not occur within 2 years (24 months). The moderation process may result in a final date for the subsequent profile meeting which varies from the indicative date discussed at the meeting. Similarly, processes may lead to changes in the subsequent profile date.
Tier 3 validation review
For cases where the student meets the threshold through the profile process, but does not meet the validation criteria, there is a department-led process to consider the student’s individual adjustments and whether tier 3 funding allocation is required, by exemption, to support the student’s functional needs. For more information, refer to: Tier 3 student-level funding.
A panel of central, regional and area staff has been established to review these individual cases. There may be a delay in receiving a profile outcome for profiles subject to this process.
Tier 3 student-level funding
The profile informs eligibility for tier 3 student-level funding and the amount of tier 3 funding allocated to schools. Refer to: Tier 3 student-level funding.
The facilitator service will provide all relevant profile documentation to the department for assessment and decision in relation to tier 3 student-level funding.
Reviewed 30 January 2025