School operations

Disability Inclusion Funding and Support

Tier 3 student-level funding

Tier 3 provides additional funding to Tier 1 and Tier 2, to support schools to deliver adjustments to meet the individual nature and acute impact of students with complex needs.

Schools must make reasonable adjustments to ensure that students with disability can access and participate in education on the same basis as students without disability. Additional resources provided to schools do not define or limit the support provided for student with disability. Refer to: Students with Disability.

For further information on the Disability Inclusion vision for inclusion, refer to vision for inclusive education (PPTX)External Link .

How the Disability Inclusion Profile informs Tier 3 student-level funding

The Disability Inclusion Profile (profile) and surrounding process is designed to help schools and families identify the strengths, needs, and educational adjustments schools can make for students with disability in Victorian government schools.

Schools will need to prepare for, co-ordinate, and participate in the profile process, with parent/carer(s), to receive Disability Inclusion Tier 3 student-level funding. Refer to Disability Inclusion Profile for more information on this process.

The profile is completed through a structured meeting with the student’s student support group, led by a trained facilitator. The facilitator will support meeting participants to discuss and agree on the ‘level of adjustment’ being provided or required for the student to participate in the profile’s 31 educational-related activities. Refer to: Disability Inclusion Profile (DOCX)External Link .

Supporting information is used to confirm that the ‘level of adjustment’ accurately matches the student’s needs. Schools are required to collate and submit supporting information as part of the profile process. Refer to: Supporting information guidance for schools (DOCX)External Link .

There are 5 ‘level of adjustment’ ratings possible for each of the profile’s 31 educational-related activities:

  • present environment of supports
  • differentiated teaching
  • supplementary adjustments
  • substantial adjustments
  • extensive adjustments.

The ‘level of adjustment’ ratings identified inform both the student's eligibility for Tier 3 funding and the amount of Tier 3 funding allocated to the school.

Eligibility for Tier 3 student-level funding

A student is considered eligible for Tier 3 student-level funding where it is confirmed that:

  • the school provides either substantial adjustments or extensive adjustments for at least 8 of the profile’s 31 educational-related activities or
  • the school provides extensive adjustments for at least 3 of the profile’s 31 educational-related activities.

Important note: should the student be eligible for Tier 3 funding, the student’s levels of adjustment across all 31 educational activities contribute to the Tier 3 funding allocation. As such, schools should provide supporting information related to all relevant activities and domains within the profile and not target a subset of activities.

In addition, there must be evidence to confirm that:

  • the student has a severe functional capacity limitation, as identified by an Adaptive Behaviour Composite 70 or below on the Vineland 3 Teacher Form Comprehensive Version (completed within the past 12 months) or
  • the student has a diagnosed condition that is known to cause a substantial increase in their functional needs. Refer to: Tier 3 validation – list of conditions (DOCX)External Link .

All students are required to complete the Vineland-3 as part of the Disability Inclusion Profile process.

A Vineland-3 parent/caregiver form is not permissible unless in exceptional circumstances, for example where a student has been home schooled. Refer to: Requesting a Disability Inclusion Profile meeting.

For students with a diagnosis of a condition that is listed in the Tier 3 list of conditions, at the point of registration the principal or delegate should upload a scanned copy of the report that confirms this diagnosis. This diagnosis must have been made by a suitable practitioner, following current diagnostic assessment guidelines or criteria, for example the National Guideline for Assessment and Diagnosis of Autism. The report or letter must be signed by the diagnosing practitioner.

Where evidence of a severe functional capacity limitation or diagnosed condition is not present, eligibility may also be informed by an enhanced moderation pathway. Under this pathway, the Disability Inclusion Facilitator Service will review the supporting information provided to confirm if the school provides 8 substantial adjustments or 3 extensive adjustments and one of the extensive adjustments in one of the following profile educational-related activities:

  • managing one’s own behaviour
  • looking after one’s safety
  • regulating behaviours within interactions
  • interacting according to social rules.

Students who are found eligible through the enhanced moderation pathway will require a review of their profile within 2 years.

The department will be reviewing these criteria as the Disability Inclusion roll-out progresses.

Tier 3 student-level funding allocation

If the eligibility is determined, an allocation of Tier 3 funding will be provided as part of the Student Resource Package of the school/s that the student attends in accordance with the student’s enrolment arrangements.

For information about the timing of profile outcomes and provision of Tier 3 funding: refer to Notification of Disability Inclusion Profile outcome.

The amount of Tier 3 funding allocated is determined based on the confirmed ‘level of adjustment’ ratings across all of the profile’s 31 educational-related activities for each eligible student.

All mainstream schools (primary, secondary, and combined) and specialist schools can be allocated Tier 3 funding.

Backdated funding for new enrolments

For students who have enrolled at a new school, tier 3 funding will be backdated for eligible students if a complete profile request is received within 2 terms of student enrolment. A complete profile request means that screening requirements, a completed profile information form and all supporting information is uploaded to the DIFS Portal within 2 terms of enrolment. Completing the screening questions alone will not meet the eligibility criteria for backdated funding. The meeting does not have to be held within 2 terms. Refer to: Requirements to submit a ‘complete profile request’External Link .

For further information about the funding allocation methodology, refer to: Student Resource Package - Disability Inclusion Tier 3 student-level funding (Reference 138).

Note: for international fee paying students, any Tier 3 funding will be allocated to the school the student attends separately to the Student Resource Package.

Implementing Tier 3 funding

When planning for the use of Tier 3 funding, schools must consider targeted, evidence-based strategies that will have lasting and long-term benefits for the individual student, as well as building the capacity of the school to provide an inclusive curriculum for students with additional learning needs.

Tier 3 funding can be used in a number of ways, including by providing:

  • evidence-based teaching strategies and programs, which may include direct instruction and targeted teaching using the response to intervention modelExternal Link
  • teaching staff
  • specialist staff, for example, a disability inclusion coordinator, occupational therapist, speech pathologist, or board-certified behaviour analyst
  • teacher professional development
  • specialist equipment/materials, including assistive technology
  • education support staff.

Where a school is allocated resources to support more than one student, the principal may choose to liaise with members of the student support groups to discuss and evaluate any common requirements, for example, the funding of therapy services or inclusive education teacher positions.

Information on Tier 3 student-level funding

Reviewed 27 May 2024

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