School operations

Disability Inclusion Profile

Notification of Disability Inclusion Profile outcome

School and parents/carers receive a Disability Inclusion Profile report

The profile report will be available on the DIFS Portal within 4 school weeks after providing any further supporting information, or 4 school weeks after the profile meeting, where no further information is requested. For clarity, school weeks exclude school holidays. In rare cases, there may be a slight delay in receiving a profile outcome, as the facilitator service and the department may need to undertake quality assurance and moderation activities for specific profiles. Refer to: the DIFS Portal User Guide (PDF)External Link .

The associated School Resource Notification will also be uploaded onto the DIFS Portal with the profile report.

Schools should provide a copy of the profile report to the parents/carers as soon as practically possible. If required, schools should support them in understanding the report. Guidance will be provided to school leadership when the profile report and School Resource Notification is sent to the school.

For families where an interpreter has been involved in the profile meeting, schools must ask the parents/carers whether they want the profile report translated, if they prefer verbal feedback through an interpreter or both. Where a request is made for the report to be translated, this is funded by the school, as per existing processes.

Where appropriate, particularly where a student attends the profile meeting, the school and the SSG should provide feedback to the student about the outcomes of the profile meeting. This might include discussing the implementation of supports and adjustments.

This report includes information about the student’s:

  • current strengths
  • aspirations
  • functional needs
  • adjustments to the learning environment.

The profile report will also outline when the subsequent profile for the student should be completed by.

The parents/carers should be assured the adjustments being implemented for students are detailed in their individual education plan, and that the student support group regularly monitors both the student’s responsiveness to these adjustments and whether these adjustments are being implemented as intended.

Schools should contact if they have any queries or if there are any inaccuracies in the profile report or School Resource Notification.

The profile report and School Resource Notification should be discussed at the student’s next SSG and the findings and outcomes from the profile should be incorporated into the planning, implementing and monitoring of adjustments for the student, including incorporating into the student’s IEP, where appropriate. Efforts should be made to hold the meetings as soon as possible after the profile report is provided to the parent. Refer to: Steps following notification of Disability Inclusion Profile outcome.

A copy of the Disability Inclusion Profile report and School Resource Notification must be provided to any future school the student attends.

Schools should consider any opportunities for the profile report to be used to inform other planning and monitoring processes for the student. This could, if appropriate, input into the student’s Educational Needs Analysis.

The profile report and the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability

The Disability Inclusion Profile does not determine a level of adjustment for the purpose of the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD). However, it will provide further information and evidence to support the school team's professional judgement in determining the level of adjustment recorded for the student.

It is important that all students who have undertaken a profile be included in the NCCD.

Refer to: NCCD and Disability Inclusion.

Schools receive a school resource notification

The school resource notification includes, for students eligible for tier 3, an indicative tier 3 funding allocation.

This is an indicative funding allocation only. The exact funding amount will be reflected in end of term Student Resource Package (SRP) updates. The school will be provided an end of term tier 3 funding summary via email shortly after the SRP update detailing confirmed funding amounts. Should the student have alternative enrolment arrangements (attends 2 schools), the final allocation will reflect this. Refer to: Tier 3 student-level funding.

It is highly recommended that the school resource notification is communicated to the parents/carers. The school resource notification should be tabled at the student’s next SSG meeting. Guidance will be provided to school leadership on communications to parent/carers when the profile report and school resource notification is sent to the school. Refer to: Steps following notification of Disability Inclusion Profile outcome.

For questions about the funding allocation, timelines, or process, please contact

Disability coordinator is notified of the outcome of the Disability Inclusion Profile

Disability coordinators can access the profile report and School Resource Notification via the DIFS Portal. This advises disability coordinators of the outcomes of the profile, so they can support schools with any queries.

Timetable for funding allocations

Disability Inclusion funding support does not have deadlines, annual rounds, or submission dates. Funding for students supported by the Program for Students with Disabilities (PSD) will continue for individual students until a profile is completed. Schools can request a profile for students at any time if the student meets the request requirements. The facilitator service will prioritise students with the highest functional needs for profile meetings.

Generally, any Disability Inclusion tier 3 funding that results from a profile will apply from the term following the receipt of a complete profile meeting request. Funding may commence at a later date if the profile request process is postponed by the school.

For students who have enrolled at a new school, tier 3 funding will be backdated for eligible students if a complete profile request is received within 2 terms of student enrolment. (Note: The profile meeting itself does not have to be held within 2 terms).

For the definition of a ‘complete profile request’ refer to Requirements to submit a ‘complete profile request’External Link .

Important: Submitting the screening questions alone will not meet the eligibility requirements to access backdated funding.

Schools will receive confirmation of funding allocations in the school’s termly budget update.

For existing students supported through the PSD who are yet to undertake a profile, their PSD funding allocation will continue to appear in schools’ budget reports as they do currently.

Information on the Disability Inclusion Profile Report

Reviewed 23 January 2025

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