School operations

Disability Inclusion Profile

Requesting a subsequent Disability Inclusion Profile

Overview of subsequent profile processes

Disability Inclusion does not set specific timeframes for the frequency of profile meetings for students.

The period between profile meetings will be based on each student’s circumstances and their school environment.

Profile meetings should generally be scheduled at intervals of no less than 2 years (24 months) and no more than 7 years, depending on the student’s age and individual circumstances, except in exceptional circumstances. This timing applies to all completed profiles, including for those students that are ineligible for tier 3 – student-level funding, as a result of their last profile.

During a profile meeting, the facilitator will seek to reach a consensus with the student support group (SSG) about when best to have the subsequent meeting. The frequency of profiles for a student will reflect their age, their needs and the setting or settings they are attending. The SSG should also consider key transition points or any expected change in school setting, as the adjustments recorded in the profile are context-based.

Generally, many students may have a profile completed upon commencing school, in Years 3 or 4 and a final profile at the commencement of secondary school. As examples, the following exceptions may apply:

  • profile meetings may be scheduled more frequently for younger children in expectation of early developmental gains, but less frequently for an older student, such as those in secondary school.
  • a longer period before the subsequent profile may be advisable for students with stable functional needs that are unlikely to change
  • more regular profile meetings are recommended for students who have fluctuating needs, as their developmental trajectory may be less predictable, and their functional needs may vary
  • the student’s SSG should use their judgement to determine when the subsequent profile should occur for students that have undertaken a profile towards the end of their time in one school setting and will be moving to a new school setting. As a general rule, a subsequent profile should only occur if there are significant new adjustments required or are in place to enable the student’s learning and participation at the new setting.

A recommendation for the subsequent meeting date will be outlined in the profile report. For students eligible for tier 3 funding, the subsequent profile period outlined in the profile report will align to the funding period. The SSG may wish to undertake a profile before this date if the needs of the students change or the student changes settings.

Should the SSG wish to not undertake a subsequent profile, the school must continue to make reasonable adjustments to support the student in line with their legal obligations. Schools are encouraged to continue SSG and IEP processes for students with disability.

Parents/carers must be consulted in any decision regarding subsequent profiles.

Requesting the subsequent profile

Schools can submit a subsequent profile request at: Disability Inclusion Facilitator ServiceExternal Link .

Schools should submit the complete profile meeting request before the end of the suggested year in the 'Suggested Subsequent Disability Inclusion Profile' section of the existing Profile.

For more information, refer to: School and parents/carers receive a Disability Inclusion Profile report.

Requesting a profile for a student enrolled in a specialist school

For students enrolled in specialist schools, the timing of profile meetings should take into consideration when a student is scheduled for an enrolment review.

It is recommended that the enrolment review occur prior to the completion of a Disability Inclusion Profile to ensure the profile is undertaken in the correct setting.

For more information about reviewing enrolment for students in specialist settings, refer to: Enrolment in specialist schools and other specialist education settings.

Requesting a profile for a student that moves schools

If a student moves schools, the SSG at the new school may consider requesting the subsequent profile after the student commences at the new school. Alternatively, the SSG may wait until the timing agreed in the student’s previous profile to hold the subsequent profile meeting. When making this decision, the SSG should consider whether there are significant new adjustments required in the new setting that would make the profile a valuable exercise. Should the adjustments remain largely the same, an earlier profile may be less useful.

Completing the profile process is the responsibility of the school that the student is attending when the profile meeting is held. This includes when a student transitions from a primary school to a secondary school. The outgoing and incoming school should discuss the status of the profile request and agree to a plan for progressing through the profile process. The facilitator service must be notified of these arrangements in advance of the meeting. Either school may contact the facilitator service to arrange for the profile request to be transferred to the student’s new school. The facilitator service will advise both schools of their responsibilities and next steps for both schools to complete the profile process.

Both schools should attend the profile meeting if the student has moved within the last 6 months.

Requesting a subsequent profile within 24 months

Profile meetings should generally be scheduled at intervals of no less than 2 years (24 months) and no more than 7 years, depending on the student’s age and individual circumstances, except in exceptional circumstances.

Schools may wish to undertake a profile for the same student within 6 to 24 months of the last profile outcome (when the school receives the Profile Report and School Resource NotificationExternal Link ) if:

  • a student’s needs and presentation have meaningfully changed
  • there is a deteriorating medical condition
  • significant new adjustments are required to support the student.

In these cases, schools must contact their disability coordinator prior to requesting a profile within 24 months and seek their advice and guidance. The disability coordinator will advise if an early profile is appropriate. The facilitator service will confirm that the disability coordinator has provided guidance before progressing the subsequent profile request. The school should keep a record of the disability coordinator’s guidance. The final decision to submit a subsequent profile request within 6 to 24 months is the school’s responsibility after considering the disability coordinator’s guidance.

Only in particularly exceptional circumstances will a subsequent profile within less than 6 months of the last profile outcome be permitted. Schools should discuss this with their disability coordinator, who will seek the approval of the Executive Director, Inclusive Education Division.

Schools can submit a subsequent profile request within 24 months request at: Disability Inclusion Facilitator ServiceExternal Link .

Information on requesting a subsequent Disability Inclusion Profile

Reviewed 23 January 2025

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