Steps following notification of Disability Inclusion Profile outcome
Discuss the profile report and School Resource Notification
It is the responsibility of the principal (or nominee) to reconvene the Student Support Group (SSG) to discuss the profile report and School Resource Notification and incorporate any learnings into the student’s Individual Education Plan (IEP). This may be done at the next regularly scheduled SSG meeting, or before. Efforts should be made to hold the meetings as soon as possible after the profile report is provided to the parent. The revised IEP should be discussed with the student’s teacher(s) to ensure that they are aware of any changes and the support needs required to enable the student to meet their learning goal(s).
Schools can decide with parents/carers if the profile report will be provided to other people, for example, allied health professionals or education support staff.
Once the profile has been finalised, the SSG will have a key role in working with the principal or principal’s nominee on the educational program for the student and the nature of the additional resources required to support the program, including those identified through the profile. The SSG may consider how the resources could best be used, however, it is the principal’s role to make decisions about resource allocation.
It is important that the SSG consider specific, targeted evidence-based strategies that will have lasting and long-term benefits for the student, as well as building the capacity of the school to provide an effective, inclusive curriculum for students with additional learning needs.
For example, where an individual student presents with challenging behaviour, implementing evidence-based strategies included in a behaviour support plan informed by a functional behaviour analysis will also build staff capacity to address behaviours of concern in other students.
Communicate the School Resource Notification
It is highly recommended that the School Resource Notification is communicated to the parents/carers. The School Resource Notification should be tabled at the student’s next SSG meeting. The school should advise the student’s parents/carers of the funding outcome at this meeting. While the focus of the meeting should be on the profile report and planning and implementing adjustments to meet the student’s needs, the tabling of the School Resource Notification is important to provide parents with transparency and ensure the SSG has a clear picture of the resources in place to support the student.
Schools must make reasonable adjustments to ensure that students with disability can access and participate in education on the same basis as students without disability, regardless of the availability of additional funding. Additional resources provided to schools do not define or limit the support provided for students with disability. Refer to: Students with Disability.
Should the student move schools, the schools must share the Profile Report and School Resource Notification with the student’s new school, as part of the student’s transition.
Reviewed 23 January 2025