This policy outlines how schools can plan for and implement the Disability Inclusion funding model, which is being introduced to all Victorian government schools, including supported inclusion , between 2021 and 2025.
- The Disability Inclusion reform package is being introduced over a staged rollout between 2021 to 2025 as a new funding and support model for students with disability.
- Schools in the Bayside Peninsula, Barwon, Loddon Campaspe, Mallee, Central Highlands, and Outer Eastern Melbourne areas, and 7 supported inclusion schools participated in years 1 and 2 of the rollout in 2021 and 2022.
- Schools in the Inner Gippsland, Ovens Murray and Western Melbourne areas, and an additional 3 supported inclusion schools are participating in year 3 of the rollout in 2023.
- Schools in the North Eastern Melbourne, Southern Melbourne, Brimbank Melton, and Goulburn areas and an additional 2 supported inclusion schools are participating in year 4 of the rollout in 2024.
- Schools in Hume Merri-bek, Outer Gippsland, Wimmera South West, and Inner Eastern Melbourne areas are participating in year 5 of the rollout in 2025. Note that Year 5 schools commenced receiving Tier 2 funding from 2024 to support their transition to DI Profiles in 2025.
- From June 2023, English language schools will receive Tier 2 school level funding, and receive the funding as per the rollout schedule.
- Schools must meet their legal obligations under the Equal Opportunity Act 2010 (Vic), the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth), and the Disability Standards for Education 2005 (Cth) to make reasonable adjustments to accommodate students with disability. These obligations apply to all students with disability, not just those who are eligible for support under targeted funding programs. For further information on the Disability Inclusion vision for inclusion, refer to: vision for inclusive education .
- The Program for Students with Disabilities process will remain unchanged for schools in all other areas in 2024. Refer to Program for Students with .
- Schools may refer to the guidelines to support implementation on the Guidance tab, and information on funding allocation in the Student Resource Package: Student Disability Inclusion Tier 2 school-level funding and Disability Inclusion Tier 3 student-level funding.
- Disability Inclusion will progressively replace the PSD and the Language and Learning Disabilities Support Program (LLDSP), with a significant increase in investment.
Disability Inclusion is introducing:
- a new school funding model for students with disability, with 2 new funding allocations (Tier 2 school-level funding and Tier 3 student-level funding) to support inclusive practice in schools
- a new Disability Inclusion Profile process to help schools and families identify the strengths, needs and educational adjustments schools can make to assist students with disability – this process will inform Tier 3 student-level funding allocations
- new initiatives to strengthen skills and knowledge in inclusive education across the school system
- additional regional disability support roles and dedicated implementation teams.
For further information on the Disability Inclusion vision for inclusion, refer to: vision for inclusive education .
Legal obligations
Schools must make reasonable adjustments to ensure that students with disability can access and participate in education on the same basis as students without disability, regardless of the availability of additional funding. Refer to: Students with Disability.
Disability Inclusion funding model
The Disability Inclusion funding model has 3 tiers, based on the increasing level of need for educational adjustments and targeted support:
- Tier 1 – Core student learning funding: funding for all students' core learning needs through the Student Resource Package (SRP). This funding includes students with disability and additional needs, and will not change with the introduction of Disability Inclusion. Refer to: Core student learning allocation funding.
- Tier 2 – School-level funding: additional funding to strengthen capacity and capability to deliver adjustments and inclusive practice for students with disability. Refer to the SRP – Disability Inclusion Tier 2 school-level funding for information on how funding is allocated, and the Guidance tab for Tier 2 funding and support implementation.
- Tier 3 – Student-level funding: additional funding to Tier 1 and 2, to support schools to deliver adjustments for individual students with complex and high needs. For information on how schools receive Tier 3 funding, refer to: Tier 3 student-level funding. For information on how to undertake this process, refer to: Disability Inclusion Profile. Refer to SRP – Disability Inclusion Tier 3 school-level funding for further information on Disability Inclusion Tier 3 funding.
The tiered funding model will progressively replace the PSD and the LLDSP. The model includes a significant increase in available support and expenditure.
Disability Inclusion implementation roll-out
The new funding allocations and the Disability Inclusion Profile will be introduced to schools based on their areas between 2021 and 2025.
Rollout to date – Year 1, Year 2, Year 3 and Year 4 schools
2021 – Year 1 schools
- Bayside Peninsula (South Eastern Victoria Region – Metropolitan)
- Barwon (South Western Victoria Region – Rural)
- Loddon Campaspe (North Western Victoria Region – Rural)
- 5 supported inclusion
2022 – Year 2 schools
- Outer Eastern Melbourne (North Eastern Victoria Region – Metropolitan)
- Central Highlands (South Western Victoria Region – Rural)
- Mallee (North Western Victoria Region – Rural)
- 2 additional supported inclusion
2023 – Year 3 schools
- Inner Gippsland (South Eastern Victoria Region – Regional)
- Ovens Murray (North Eastern Victoria Region – Regional)
- Western Melbourne (South Western Victoria Region – Metropolitan)
- 3 additional supported inclusion
Schools will receive their Tier 2 school-level funding annual allocations through the regular SRP cycle. Refer to: Student Resource Package.
Schools in Year 1, Year 2, Year 3 and Year 4 areas should plan and prepare for Disability Inclusion Profiles in order to access Tier-3 student level funding. PSD processes are no longer available to these schools.
2024 – Year 4 schools
- North Eastern Melbourne (North Western Victoria Region – Metropolitan)
- Southern Melbourne (South Eastern Victoria Region – Metropolitan)
- Brimbank Melton (South Western Victoria Region – Metropolitan)
- Goulburn (North Eastern Victoria Region – Regional)
- 2 additional supported inclusion
Year 4 schools received the new Tier 2 school-level funding allocation commencing from the Revised SRP (June 2023). The annual Tier 2 school-level funding annual allocations are provided through the regular SRP cycle. Refer to: Student Resource Package.
PSD processes applied to Year 4 schools for new applications until 29 February 2024. Year 4 schools should now commence requesting Disability Inclusion Profiles in order to access Tier-3 student level funding.
2025 – Year 5 schools
- Hume Merri-bek (North Western Victoria Region – Metropolitan)
- Outer Gippsland (South Eastern Victoria Region – Regional)
- Wimmera South West (South Western Victoria Region – Regional)
- Inner Eastern Melbourne (North Eastern Victoria Region – Metropolitan)
Year 5 schools will receive the new Tier 2 school-level funding allocation from 2024. Schools will receive their Tier 2 school-level funding annual allocations through the regular SRP cycle. Refer to: Student Resource Package.
Current processes under the PSD will apply to Year 5 schools for new applications until census date 2025 (28 February 2025). After this date, Year 5 schools should commence requesting Disability Inclusion Profiles in order to access Tier-3 student level funding.
Refer to the Disability Inclusion reform principal checklist for a guide to implementation.
Related policies
- Disability Inclusion Profile
- Behaviour — Students
- Education Support Staff Working in Classroom Support Roles
- Individual Education Plans
- NDIS Funded therapy in schools
- SRP – Disability Inclusion Tier 2 school-level funding
- SRP – Disability Inclusion Tier 3 student-level funding
- Student Support Groups
- Student Support Services
- Students with Disability
Relevant legislation
- Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006
- Disability Discrimination Act 1992
- Disability Standards for Education 2005
- Equal Opportunity Act 2010
For general queries about Disability Inclusion, contact: disability.inclusion@education.vic.gov.au
For questions about Disability Inclusion Profile outcomes, including the profile report and school resource notification and the Tier 3 funding allocation, timelines, or process, contact: disability.inclusion.outcomes@education.vic.gov.au
Regional Implementation Teams are available to support schools in transitioning to Disability Inclusion. Refer to the Disability Inclusion reform principal checklist for a guide to implementation.
North Eastern Victoria Region
South Western Victoria Region
South Eastern Victoria Region
North Western Victoria Region
Schools with queries related to individual students may also contact their regional disability coordinator by contacting their local regional office.
Reviewed 04 March 2025