School operations

Individual Education Plans (IEPs)


The purpose of this policy is to outline the requirements of an Individual Education Plan (IEP) and to assist government schools identify when an IEP is required to support a student with their education.


IEPs are required for:

IEPs are highly recommended for:


IEPs assist students who require a range of supports with their education.

An IEP is a written statement that describes the adjustments, goals and strategies to meet a student’s individual educational needs so they can reach their full potential. An IEP is essential as it helps you plan and monitor a student’s unique learning needs.

IEPs are also known as individual learning plans, individual learning improvement plans and Koorie education learning plans.


  • outlines clear educational goals for the student
  • encourages student voiceExternal Link to allow the student to engage and take part in their own learning
  • is strengths-based with a focus on the student’s potential to achieve positive educational outcomes
  • is age appropriate, holistic in its approach, supports cultural needs and safety, and is flexible and future orientated
  • includes short-term goals that will lead to the achievement of long-term goals
  • is developed in consultation with the student (where appropriate) and their parent/carer/guardian. A Student Support Group (SSG) is required for students supported under individualised disability funding programs including the PSD and Disability Inclusion and those in OOHC, and strongly encouraged for any students with additional learning needs
  • should be used (along with SSG minutes and documentation demonstrating student progress against agreed IEP goals) as supporting information for students participating in a Disability Inclusion Profile
  • communicates individual and shared responsibilities
  • includes a record of important decisions, actions and student progress
  • is supported and informed by other relevant plans such as a cultural plan or behaviour support plan
  • is reviewed regularly in accordance with the timeline as agreed by all members of the SSG (or at least once per term for students supported under individualised disability funding programs including the PSDExternal Link and Disability Inclusion and those in OOHC)
  • acknowledges and celebrates the achievement of student progress.

Teachers already undertake many activities that personalise learning experiences for students. Research has shown that when schools use a planning approach that supports personalised learning, the academic achievement of all students improves.

Students who need an individual education plan

IEPs are required for:

IEPs are highly recommended for:

  • students with additional needs
  • students not achieving to their potential (this may include high-ability students, where appropriate) – further guidance is available from the department’s High-ability toolkitExternal Link )
  • students at risk of disengagement
  • students who are young carers (where appropriate)
  • any other students determined by the school as needing an IEP.

Refer to the Guidance tab for advice on how to develop an IEP.

Relevant legislation

Department policy for Individual Education Plans (IEPs)

Reviewed 07 May 2024

Policy last updated

7 May 2024


  • Schools


Inclusive Education Professional Practice Branch

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