The VTLM 2.0
The department is updating the Victorian Teaching and Learning Model (VTLM 2.0).
Refer to the VTLM 2.0 for more information.
This page will be updated shortly to provide teachers and schools with further information, guidance and resources.
All current VTLM resources will remain accessible in the meantime.
The VTLM 2.0 is reflected in the department’s position on the teaching of reading. For more information, refer to Victoria's approach to teaching reading F–2 .
This policy sets out the guidance for schools to implement the Victorian Teaching and Learning Model (VTLM).
- Schools are encouraged to implement the VTLM to reflect upon and improve teaching practice.
- VTLM translates the Framework for Improving Student Outcomes 2.0 (FISO 2.0) into classroom-level pedagogical principles and strategies that will positively impact student learning and wellbeing outcomes.
- Key components of the VTLM are accessible via the Guidance tab.
- Tools and resources that support schools in using the VTLM are accessible via the Resources tab.
The VTLM was introduced in 2019 for use in Victorian government schools.
The VTLM brings FISO 2.0 into the classroom, providing school leaders and teachers with a framework to systematically review student outcomes, reflect on current teaching practices and put in place evidence-based strategies to positively impact student learning and wellbeing.
It supports teachers and school leaders to:
- focus on high impact teaching and learning
- make evidence-based decisions to improve student outcomes.
The Quick Guide to the VTLM , released in 2022, aligns the VTLM with the core elements of FISO 2.0.
The VTLM encompasses 5 components:
- A vision for learning and wellbeing helps create a unified set of values and beliefs to drive a high-performance learning culture.
- The practice for excellence in teaching practice (practice principles) are 9 signature pedagogies which make the difference in improving student achievement, motivation and engagement
- The pedagogical describes what effective teaching looks like in the classroom and helps teachers effectively apply the practice principles.
- The high impact teaching strategies present 10 instructional practices that reliably increase student learning.
- The high impact wellbeing strategies are 7 practical, evidence-based strategies that have a significant effect on student wellbeing.
Classroom teachers of all experience levels can use the strategies and advice provided in the VTLM to enhance their lesson and unit planning.
Using the VTLM
The VTLM is a department endorsed model that schools may choose to implement, as a whole or in part, in line with their school improvement priorities. The VTLM is aligned to FISO 2.0 and is the department’s preferred evidence-based pedagogical framework for the Victorian system.
The practice principles, the pedagogical model, the HITS and the HIWS can assist school leaders and teachers to reflect on teaching practice and plan differentiated learning programs to achieve better outcomes for students. The HIWS empower school staff with the knowledge and skills to build student wellbeing. Schools who already have an instructional model can use the VTLM to benchmark their current model to ensure they have a comprehensive view of teaching, learning and wellbeing.
Related policies
- Annual Implementation Plan (AIP)
- Assessment of Student Achievement and Progress Foundation to 10
- Curriculum Programs Foundation to 10
- Framework for Improving Student Outcomes (FISO 2.0)
- Mental Health in Schools
- Mental Health Fund and Menu
- Middle Years Literacy and Numeracy Support (MYLNS)
- Professional Practice Days
- Professional Learning Communities
- Reporting Student Achievement and Progress Foundation to 10
- School Strategic Plan
Reviewed 13 June 2024