
The Victorian Government is investing in employment-based teaching degrees to fast-track student teachers into classrooms.

These programs are often referred to as Teach Today and Teach Tomorrow programs and have undergraduate and postgraduate degree options available. Participating students will be employed as an education support staff member or a paraprofessional in a government school while they study to get real hands-on experience.

Further information on the universities offering employment-based degrees can be found in the following links:

Benefits for participating schools

Participating schools hosting a pre-service teacher enrolled in an employment-based degree have the valuable opportunity to address their staffing needs and invest in their future workforce and provide on the job training.

Priority will be given to participants who live or aspire to work in outer-metropolitan, regional or rural Victoria and can train in priority subject areas (subject to higher education provider entry requirements).

Priority subject areas include:

  • science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)
  • languages
  • specialist education, and
  • applied learning

All participants will need to be formally matched with a host school for the duration of the employment component of their degree. Participants will be assigned a university-based mentor and employing schools must agree to supporting them with a school-based mentor.

Additional information about each provider program can be found on the Resources tab.

Case study

View Teach the Future case study from Kurnai College.

How to express your interest as a host school

Watch how we can help match a student teacher to your school to help you address staffing needs and invest in your future workforce.

To register your school’s interest:

  1. Click the ‘Recruiting’ tile via School Jobs Vic
  2. Create a non-advertised vacancy and input template ID 1025
  3. Click next and add the subject and year level
  4. Submit by clicking ‘Create Job Opening’

*For multiple subjects, repeat this process to create multiple vacancies.

For a step-by-step guide on how to express your interest, refer to the instructions in the Resources tab.

Contact information

For further information, contact the teach via email on:

Prospective student teachers are encouraged to reach out to participating university providers directly for specific course enquiries. Please visit the employment-based teaching degrees websiteExternal Link for more information and links to participating universities.

Relevant legislation

Overview of innovative and employment-based initial teacher education (ITE) programs

Reviewed 14 February 2025

Policy last updated

16 February 2021


  • Schools


There are multiple contacts for this topic. Refer to the contact information heading at the bottom of the page

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