
Challenging behaviour influences and triggers

Learn how to manage challenging behavioursExternal Link – online learning modules to support school staff manage behaviours of concern (or challenging behaviours)

Respond to challenging behaviour

Behaviour Support Plan

Behaviour Support Plan (DOCX)External Link

Functional behaviour assessment and gathering information

Behaviour incidents and emergencies

Identifying students with behavioural and emotional support needs

The student check-in resource is a screening tool teachers can use to efficiently identify students who may be at risk of social, emotional, and academic behaviours which interfere with their learning. This research-validated tool supplements other processes schools have in place to identify students who may require support:

Detailed information and instructions for use are provided in the following resources:

School-wide Positive Behaviour Support – apply to join for 2025

Schools can apply to join School-wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) through an annual process in term 3.

Applications are due by 30 August 2024. For further information or support please contact:

School-wide Positive Behaviour Support Unit
Phone: 03 7022 1383

Professional development

Professional learning portalExternal Link

Education for All (department program)

Education for allExternal Link

Resources page containing supporting resources and links for this topic, including a BSP template

Reviewed 14 June 2024

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