School operations

Behaviour – Students

9. Behaviour incidents and emergencies

If there's a risk to safety

If a student's behaviour poses a risk to others or themselves:

  • focus on protecting the safety of all students (including the student at risk of causing physical harm or danger to self or others), themselves and other staff
  • follow response procedures set out in your school's emergency management plan
  • call emergency services on 000 if necessary
  • you must report the incident to Incident Support and Operations Centre (ISOC) – refer to Reporting and Managing School Incidents (including emergencies).
  • refer to the Work-Related Violence in Schools Policy and Procedure to prevent, manage and respond to staff safety risks from student behaviours that are violent or aggressive.

If restraint or seclusion of a student is needed, you must follow the Restraint and Seclusion policy and guidance, including reporting to ISOC.

Security and response services

ISOC is available 24 hours by calling 1800 126 126.

They can assist with coordinating a response to emergencies and critical incidents.

Guidance officers, psychologists and social workers for emergency support are available through your closest regional officeExternal Link .

Sexual assault by students

Learn how to report and respond to allegations of student sexual assault.

Online incidents

The following resources can assist in managing an online incident.

Guidance chapter on managing behaviour incidents and emergencies

Reviewed 16 August 2024

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