The following resources are provided to assist schools to report student achievement and progress across Foundation to Level 10 to parents/carers and the department.
Reporting to parents and carers
The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) provides guidelines and advice on the minimum requirements for reporting student achievement and progress to parents and carers:
Collection of information and advice on the requirements for reporting to parents/carers and the department:
Reporting advice relating to students with disability and/or additional needs:
An example of student report format:
Tips to assist teachers to write clear, easy to understand and informative reports:
Checklist designed to help teachers review the comments they have written to ensure they are communicating the right type of information in an appropriate way:
Information and resources to support the implementation of the Victorian Curriculum F–10 including whole-school curriculum planning, assessment and reporting:
To support the development of indicative progress descriptions, VCAA has provided:
- Curriculum area :
- indicative progress templates
- annotated indicative progress examples
- student work samples for specific curriculum areas.
Example of reporting achievement and progress along a continuum:
Information and examples of student reporting using five-point scales (including examples relating to EAL students):
A lookup matrix that may be used to determine an A-E rating or equivalent scale for English, mathematics and science. The use of the lookup matrix is only effective for reporting at age-expected levels.
- Student reporting VC lookup matrix (algorithm for developers)
- Student reporting VC lookup matrix (algorithm for developers)
Template letters to support schools to communicate changes to student reporting:
- Template letter to parents and carers regarding Level D and reporting
- Template letter to advise parents and carers of the Victorian Curriculum F–10: Mathematics Version 2.0 changes for student reporting
Reporting to the department
Schools must upload their student achievement data (teacher judgements) for each curriculum area taught for every student enrolled at the school via CASES21.
A step-by-step process for preparing student achievement data and sending summary results to the department is provided in the CASES21 administrative guide chapter 23 – Student Achievement (staff login required).
For all the unique reporting codes for each curriculum area (learning area and capabilities), and the scoring range for each curriculum area:
Information on using ‘did not participate’ or ‘DNP’ for when students are not being assessed in a curriculum area/strand/mode for the reporting period due to special circumstances:
Information required to meet the minimum mandatory requirements for the production of student reports for the software vendors and schools:
For the specific business systems requirements to enable the import and export of Victorian Curriculum F–10 report data to CASES21, please see:
Schools should contact the service desk prior to the end of the semester if they have data-entry concerns:
Self service: Services (staff login required)
Phone: 1800 641 943
Reviewed 22 January 2025