School operations

Reporting Student Achievement and Progress Foundation to 10

Student portfolio and reporting

Portfolios can:

  • assist teachers to make judgements about student achievement against the achievement standard that are:
    • on-balance
    • holistic
    • evidence-based
    • defensible
  • support teachers and students to explain and share student progress.

Using portfolios, teachers make judgements based on a planned and targeted selection of evidence of student learning collected during the reporting period. Examples in the student’s portfolio of work, such as assessment tasks, can be used to provide a greater level of detail of the student’s achievement and progress to parents and carers.

Schools are encouraged to use information directly from student portfolios when writing student reports, or by referring to the information contained in the portfolio on the student report.

Guidance chapter on using student portfolios to assist teacher judgements on student achievement and to support teachers and students to explain and share student progress

Reviewed 21 January 2025

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