School operations

Reporting Student Achievement and Progress Foundation to 10

Guidance for reporting at each learning stage

The VCAA F–10 Reporting Guidelines provide guidance to meet the minimum requirements for student reporting. Below is a summary from the Guidelines of the minimum requirements of reporting against the achievement standards at each learning stage.

Foundation Stage: Prep to Year 2

The VCAA’s Curriculum Planning and Reporting Guidelines (VCAA Guidelines) for the Foundation Stage (Prep to Year 2), require schools to report student achievement and progress against the achievement standards in:

  • English or EAL (Reading and Viewing, Writing, and Speaking and Listening) twice a year, indicating the level of achievement reached by each student and the age-related expected level of achievement for each student
  • Mathematics twice a year, noting that:
    • as of Term 1 2025, all schools must report against Mathematics Version 2.0 at levels F to 10. Schools have the option to report against the revised Mathematics Version 2.0 for Foundation Levels A to D
    • schools reporting against the Victorian Curriculum Version 2.0: Mathematics achievement standards must report against the standards as a whole, indicating the level of achievement reached by each student and the age-related expected level of achievement for each student
    • Mathematics Version 1.0 and Version 2.0 are not directly comparable, meaning progress cannot be reported in Mathematics when schools are teaching Mathematics Version 2.0 for the first time
    • schools who have opted to continue using the Victorian Curriculum Mathematics Version 1.0 Towards Foundation (Levels A–D) in 2025 will report against the 3 strands of the achievement standards (Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability) for students being taught and assessed using this curriculum for Levels A–D only
  • Physical Education twice a year (separately to Health Education)
  • Health Education, the Arts, and the Personal and Social Capability. These are reported on as they are taught over this stage of schooling, in line with each individual school's learning program(s).

In addition, the VCAA Guidelines for the Foundation Stage require schools to draw on the following curriculum areas when developing a teaching and learning program:

  • Humanities (History and Geography)
  • Science
  • Technologies (Design and Technologies and Digital Technologies)
  • Capabilities (Critical and Creative Thinking, Ethical Capability, Intercultural Capability).

These are reported on as they are taught over the Foundation Stage.

The department's Languages Education policy for the Foundation Stage requires that schools must provide languages education across all year levels, delivered by a Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT) -registered teacher or staff with VIT Permission to Teach. Schools are required to report on Languages at least once a year.

Breadth Stage: Years 3 to 8

The VCAA Guidelines for the Breadth Stage (Years 3 to 8), require schools to report against the achievement standard in:

  • English or EAL (Reading and Viewing, Writing, and Speaking and Listening) twice a year indicating the level of achievement reached by each student and the age-related expected level of achievement for each student
  • Mathematics twice a year, noting that:
    • as of Term 1 2025, all schools must report against Mathematics Version 2.0 at levels F to 10. Schools have the option to report against the revised Mathematics Version 2.0 for Foundation Levels A to D
    • schools reporting against the Victorian Curriculum Version 2.0: Mathematics achievement standards must report against the standards as a whole, indicating the level of achievement reached by each student and the age-related expected level of achievement for each student
    • Mathematics Version 1.0 and Version 2.0 are not directly comparable, meaning progress cannot be reported in Mathematics when schools are teaching Mathematics Version 2.0 for the first time
    • schools who have opted to continue using the Victorian Curriculum Mathematics Version 1.0 Towards Foundation (Levels A–D) in 2025 will report against the 3 strands of the achievement standards (Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability) for students being taught and assessed using this curriculum Levels A–D only
  • Science at least once a year indicating the level of achievement reached by each student and the age-related expected level of achievement for each student
  • Physical Education twice a year. This is reported on separately to Health Education
  • all other learning areas and capabilities are reported on as they are taught over the 2-year band of school in line with each individual school's learning program(s). These include:
    • Health Education
    • the Humanities (History, Geography and Civics and Citizenship and, from Year 5, Economics and Business)
    • the Arts (all 5 Arts disciplines in Years 3 to 4, at least 2 Arts disciplines, one from Performing Arts and one from Visual Arts, in Years 5 to 6 and at Years 7–8)
    • the Technologies (both Design and Technologies, and Digital Technologies)
    • the 4 capabilities (Personal and Social Capability, Ethical Capability, Intercultural Capability, and Critical and Creative Thinking).

The department’s Languages Education policy for the Breadth Stage, requires that schools must provide languages education across all year levels, delivered by a VIT-registered teacher or staff with VIT Permission to Teach. Therefore, schools are required to report on Languages at least once a year.

Pathways Stage: Years 9 to 10

The VCAA Guidelines for the Pathways Stage (Years 9 to 10) require schools to report against the achievement standards in:

  • English or EAL (Reading and Viewing, Writing, and Speaking and Listening) twice a year indicating the level of achievement reached by each student and the age-related expected level of achievement for each student
  • Mathematics twice a year, noting that:
    • as of Term 1 2025, all schools must report against Mathematics Version 2.0 at levels F to 10. Schools have the option to report against the revised Mathematics Version 2.0 for Foundation Levels A to D
    • schools reporting against the Victorian Curriculum Version 2.0: Mathematics achievement standards must report against the standards as a whole, indicating the level of achievement reached by each student and the age-related expected level of achievement for each student
    • Mathematics Version 1.0 and Version 2.0 are not directly comparable, meaning progress cannot be reported in Mathematics when schools are teaching Mathematics Version 2.0 for the first time
    • schools who have opted to continue using the Victorian Curriculum Mathematics Version 1.0 Towards Foundation (Levels A–D) in 2025 will report against the 3 strands of the achievement standards (Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability) for students being taught and assessed using this curriculum for Levels A–D only
  • Science at least once a year, indicating the level of achievement reached by each student and the age-related expected level of achievement for each student
  • Physical Education and Health Education. These are to be reported on separately: Physical Education twice a year and Health Education over the 2-year band of school in line with the school’s teaching and learning program(s)
  • other curriculum areas in line with the school's teaching and learning programs over the 2-year band. Students must be provided with opportunities to engage with the full Victorian Curriculum F–10, including:
    • the Humanities (including a band of History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship, and Economics and Business)
    • the Arts (at least one art discipline)
    • Technologies (both Design and Technologies, and Digital Technologies)
    • the 4 capabilities (personal and social, ethical, intercultural, and critical and creative thinking).

The department’s Languages Education policy for the Pathways Stage requires that schools must provide languages education across all year levels, delivered by a VIT-registered teacher or staff with VIT Permission to Teach. Schools are required to report on Languages at least once a year.

The school-based curriculum program must recognise that in these years of schooling some students begin to focus on areas of specialisation related to both their future school years and intended pathways beyond school.

Schools must report against the VC F–10 achievement standards for English and Mathematics in Year 10 for all students; inclusive of students undertaking a Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) subject, the VCE Vocational Major and/or Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC) units.

Students must be provided with the opportunity to develop their knowledge and skills in the other 6 learning areas of the Victorian Curriculum F–10 in their Year 10 program.

For more information on reporting against the achievement standards at the different stages please refer to the VCAA F–10 Revised curriculum planning and reporting guidelinesExternal Link .

Guidance chapter providing a summary of the VCAA F-10 Reporting Guidelines, to support schools meet the minimum requirements for reporting

Reviewed 21 January 2025

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