The Victorian Curriculum F-10 English as an Additional Language (EAL) is the mandated curriculum for EAL students in all Victorian government schools.


This policy outlines the requirements for schools receiving English as an Additional Language (EAL) Index funding and best practice considerations for the delivery of school education programs to support EAL students.


  • EAL Index funding is allocated to Victorian government primary, secondary and combined primary-secondary schools through the Student Resource Package (SRP).
  • Schools receiving EAL Index funding must provide programs to develop the English language proficiency of EAL learners who are still in the process of learning English.
  • Principals must, wherever possible, ensure that these EAL programs are delivered by qualified EAL teachers.
  • It is strongly recommended that schools therefore consider the following:
    • a whole-school approach to EAL programming and provision
    • the development of a specialist EAL program
    • the ways in which EAL needs in mainstream classrooms are met
    • the professional learning needs of staff
  • Further information on planning and implementing effective EAL programs is available on the Guidance tab.


Primary, secondary and combined primary-secondary schools may receive EAL Index funding through the Student Resource Package (SRP) based on data from the Language Background Other Than English Census which is collected in August each year.

Funding is allocated to schools to provide EAL programs based on the number of students who meet criteria outlined in the SRP, refer to: Student Resources Package — Equity Funding, EAL Program Funding (Reference 26). The SRP Guide also contains information on how EAL Index funding is calculated for each school.

Principals of schools that receive EAL Index funding must:

  • provide programs to develop the English language proficiency of EAL learners who are still in the process of learning English
  • wherever possible, assign qualified Teaching English to Speakers of Another Language (TESOL) teachers to EAL positions so that programs are conducted by teachers who have relevant training in teaching English as an additional language
  • complete the EAL section of the mid-year supplementary census.

The following is the suggested priority order for assigning teachers to EAL positions:

  • teachers who hold a tertiary qualification in TESOL
  • teachers who do not hold a TESOL qualification but have had experience in teaching EAL learners
  • teachers who are undertaking a tertiary TESOL course.

EAL programs

All programs in which EAL learners participate need to provide optimal conditions for learning English. EAL learners in EAL Index funded schools will be learning their English through specialist EAL support programs as well as through EAL-informed classroom support.

In schools that do not receive EAL Index funding, EAL learners spend their time in mainstream classrooms, and need appropriate EAL-informed teaching. Classroom teachers must understand and be equipped to meet the educational needs of their EAL learners.

Therefore it is strongly recommended that schools consider:

  • a whole-school approach to EAL programming and provision
  • the development of a specialist EAL program
  • the ways in which EAL needs in mainstream classrooms are met
  • the professional learning needs of staff.

Refer to the Guidance tab for detailed advice on planning and implementing effective EAL programs, as well as support available for schools from regional offices.

EAL Contingency Funding

Schools that experience significant increases to their EAL student profile throughout the year may be eligible for EAL Contingency funding. For more information, refer to: EAL Contingency Funding (Reference 27).

Multicultural education aides

EAL Index funding is made available to schools to staff EAL programs with EAL teachers and multicultural education aides (MEAs).

MEAs assist with communication between the school and parents of students from language backgrounds other than English. They also assist students in the classroom in small groups or on a one-to-one basis.

The MEA Handbook provides advice to schools about the employment and roles of MEAs in Victorian government schools.

Refer to the Resources tab for the MEA Handbook.

Assessment and reporting for EAL students

EAL students require specific assessment and reporting processes. For information on these requirements refer to:

The requirements for schools receiving English as an Additional Language Index funding and best practice considerations for the delivery of education programs.

Reviewed 27 May 2024

Policy last updated

27 May 2024


  • Schools


EAL Unit, Learning and Teaching Division

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