
The following resources are available to support schools with EAL learners.

MEA handbook

For guidelines on the employment and roles of multicultural education aides (MEA) in Victorian government schools, refer to:


Government schools can access free interpreters (within guidelines) for activities such as learning more about a student’s educational background.

Refer to: Interpreting and Translation Services

Identifying EAL students

Government schools may wish to use the A closer look at the Language and Learning interviewExternal Link guide to gather key information about a student’s educational background and identify EAL students for assessment purposes. This guide includes information about how to ensure students are identified for funding purposes on CASES21.

CASES21 reports for individual students

CASES21 reports that show background information on EAL students to assist schools with program planning and delivery include:

  • Languages Background Other Than English (ST21034)
  • New Arrivals Data Collection (ST21031)
  • EAL Student Achievement (ST21905) which displays up to 7 years of student assessment data.

Panorama dashboards

EAL Panorama dashboards identify the performance of students by their EAL status:

  • Student Demographics Dashboard
  • EAL Teacher Judgement Dashboard.

A presentation on how to navigate the dashboards and the data that they provide can be accessed here: EAL Panorama dashboards (PDF)External Link (staff login required).

Department resources

The following resources have been developed to support EAL teachers and schools to plan and implement the Victorian Curriculum F–10 English as an Additional Language:

Languages and Multicultural Education Resource Centre

A range of factual and fictional materials in students’ home languages can be found at the Languages and Multicultural Education Resource Centre (LMERC)External Link .

Resources accessed through careers practitioners

Handbooks, reports and resources on Multicultural Education Aides (MEA) in schools.

Reviewed 31 May 2024

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