School operations

EAL Support and Funding

The mainstream classroom program

Even when they have additional support from an EAL teacher, EAL learners spend most of their school time with their classroom teacher in primary school, or with subject teachers in secondary school. Therefore, the day-to-day responsibility for ensuring that EAL learner needs are met will always rest with the classroom teacher or subject teachers.

The main way teachers can meet this responsibility is by planning and implementing a teaching program that caters to the EAL learner’s particular needs.

EAL teachers can assist classroom and subject teachers to develop appropriate programs for their EAL learners. This can include assisting them to:

  • identify the English language skills and needs of EAL learners across the learning areas and planning learning experiences that cater for them
  • choose resources that reflect the diverse nature of Australian society and are culturally sensitive
  • choose resources that are accessible for all students in terms of the language used, or plan activities that prepare EAL learners for these resources
  • plan ‘EAL-friendly’ teaching strategies and approaches that model language and processes and scaffold demanding tasks.
Mainstream classroom program for EAL learners

Reviewed 27 May 2024

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