
This policy sets out requirements for schools and school councils to develop, implement and review their student dress code policies.


  • All school councils have the authority to develop dress codes for their students, should they choose to do so.
  • School councils must work with their school communities in developing and reviewing dress codes.
  • School councils are responsible for deciding on arrangements for the supply of school uniform items.
  • The principal may determine the consequences to be imposed on an individual student for not complying with the student dress code, in accordance with the relevant school and department policies. Refer to the Implementing and enforcing student dress codes section of the Guidance tab for further advice.
  • All student dress codes must:
    • comply with human rights and anti-discrimination legislation
    • support inclusion, which includes flexibility to affirm the gender of trans and gender diverse students and allows for cultural and religious expression, for example, a hijab or turban
    • include an exemption process
    • include health and safety considerations
    • explain requirements relating to uniform supply arrangements
    • be communicated clearly to students and parents or carers.


School councils have the authority to develop dress codes for their students, including:

  • whether or not the school will have a school uniform, and if wearing it will be mandatory or optional
  • clothing for specific activities (such as sport, laboratory experiments, bags)
  • exemption grounds
  • methods of enforcement (provided they are consistent with department and local school policies on student behaviour and engagement).

Dress code consultation

School councils must consult with the school community when developing and reviewing student dress codes and must provide an opportunity for a variety of viewpoints of parents or carers, teachers and students to be expressed.

The school council should carefully consider the forms of consultation that will be undertaken in developing or reviewing a dress code. Please refer to the Developing and reviewing dress codes section of the Guidance tab for further advice regarding modes of consultation.

Compliance with human rights and anti-discrimination law

Student dress codes must comply with human rights and anti-discrimination legislation.

Refer to the Human rights section in the Guidance tab for further explanation of these requirements.

Implementing and enforcing dress codes

If a student dress code is developed, schools must:

Health and safety considerations

Student dress codes must take into account health and safety considerations relating to sun protection and risks from jewellery, cords, chin straps, drawstrings or school bags. Refer to the Health and safety section in the Guidance tab for further advice.


Schools must have an exemption process in their dress code policy and must follow the exemption process contained in the Exemption procedures in the Guidance tab.

Uniform supply arrangements

School councils:

  • are responsible for deciding on arrangements for the supply of school uniform items
  • must comply with written agreements with clothing suppliers and may be subject to legal proceedings if a dispute arises between the parties
  • must not make any misrepresentations while making agreements with suppliers (for example, misrepresenting the number of students at the school)

For further guidance on uniform supply arrangements, refer to the Uniform supply arrangements section of the Guidance tab.

Policy template available

A Student Dress Code Policy templateExternal Link (staff login required) is available on the School Policy Templates Portal. Schools can modify the template to suit their local circumstances


Dress code
A written statement of school council expectations regarding student appearance. A dress code applies during school hours, while travelling to and from school, and when students are engaged in school activities out of school hours. A dress code may:

  • define standards for the general presentation of students
  • set out broad guidelines about student appearance
  • require students to wear a school uniform
  • define expectations for garment design and colour

Relevant legislation

Department policy on developing, implementing and reviewing student dress codes

Reviewed 15 July 2024

Policy last updated

15 July 2024


  • Schools
  • School councils


School Operations and Governance Unit Operations and Governance Division

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