The NDIS Navigators in Victorian specialist schools are funded through the 2023/24 Victorian Budget. The recommendation in the NDIS Independent Review to introduce a navigator function is separate from the NDIS Navigator initiative rolling out in Victorian specialist schools. For more information on the NDIS Independent Review, refer to: Working together to deliver the NDISExternal Link .


The purpose of this policy is to provide an overview of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Navigators initiative in Victorian government specialist schools. The NDIS Navigator supports parents and carers to understand, navigate and access the supports available to them under the NDIS.


  • Under the NDIS Navigators initiative, Victorian government specialist schools will be provided with funding and guidance to employ an NDIS Navigator.
  • NDIS Navigators will support parents and carers to understand, navigate and access the supports available to their children under the NDIS.
  • NDIS Navigators will be based in schools, reporting directly to the principal (or a member of the principal class).
  • A position description can be found on the Resources tab.


The NDIS provides Australians under the age of 65 who have a permanent and significant disability with the reasonable and necessary supports to participate in the community and achieve their goals.

Funding is allocated to the person (with their family, carer or advocate) who can choose who they will purchase services from and when, where and how they receive services. Eligibility is focused on lifelong, functional impairment.

The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) administers the NDIS. For more information about the NDIS, visit the National Disability Insurance Scheme websiteExternal Link .

NDIS Navigators initiative

The role of NDIS Navigators

NDIS Navigators will be employed in specialist schools where they will:

  • provide support and advice for parents and carers to build their capacity to understand, advocate for and access appropriate NDIS funded support services available to their children
  • develop and maintain relationships with parents, carers, school staff and local services to enable productive working relationships between schools, parents and carers and the NDIS
  • support collaborative practices between NDIS funded services and the school, including by providing appropriate information, documentation and logistical support for onsite visits by approved NDIS funded therapists – refer to NDIS Funded Therapy in Schools
  • support parents and carers to resolve issues experienced with the NDIS through appropriate channels.

NDIS Navigators will not:

  • provide individual student case management or crisis management
  • contact the NDIA or NDIS funded providers on behalf of parents or carers except in limited circumstances, following consultation with the principal
  • attempt to resolve issues experienced with the NDIS or NDIA, but will support parents and carers to resolve issues through appropriate channels
  • make decisions on requests for delivery of NDIS funded therapy services on school grounds or requests for NDIS funded therapists to observe students, or advocate for a particular outcome in relation to these requests – this will remain the responsibility of the principal in accordance with the department’s NDIS Funded Therapy in Schools policy
  • implement or perform supports and adjustments in schools
  • act as an advocate for parents and carers in matters that are the responsibility of the school.

In some circumstances the NDIS Navigator may need to consult with the principal to prioritise families that have more complex needs that require additional support.

Further information, including a position description, is provided on the Resources tab.

Operating model

NDIS Navigators will be school based, reporting to the principal (or other member of principal class). Schools will be provided with funding to employ an NDIS Navigator.

Schools will receive support and program implementation guidance from the Inclusive Education Division on the scope of the role, recruitment and financial processes. The central team will also support the NDIS Navigators to perform their role including through induction and facilitation of professional learning and guidance.

Implementation – rollout and FTE allocation

The NDIS Navigators initiative is funded from 2023 to 2024 for 4 years.

The NDIS Navigators initiative will be rolled out to specialist schools from Term 3, 2023. Refer to NDIS Navigators – schools (DOCX)External Link for a list of schools who have received funding and engaged NDIS Navigators. By the end of 2025 all specialist schools will have NDIS Navigator funding.

Schools will be provided with implementation and induction guidance as the initiative is rolled out to them.

The FTE allocated to schools will be determined using an allocation model based primarily on the school’s enrolment numbers.

The department will provide schools with a draft position description describing functions equivalent to an Education Support (ES) Level 1, Range 4 classification as outlined in the Victorian Government Schools Agreement 2022 dimensions of work. Schools will be provided with an FTE allocation of funding equivalent to the midpoint of an ES Level 1, Range 4 classification.

For further information about eligibility and funding allocation, refer to Student Resource Package – Targeted Initiatives: NDIS Navigators.

Department policy providing an overview of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Navigator initiative in government specialist schools

Reviewed 07 June 2024

Policy last updated

7 June 2024


  • Schools


NDIS and Strategic Projects Unit Inclusive Education Division

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