
Continua of practice

The continua of practice is a summative 4-point scale used by schools to self-evaluate against the FISO 2.0 outcomes and core elements. Schools use the continua of practice as part of a school review, and strategic and annual planning processes. The continua is available in the Strategic Planning Online Tool (SPOT)External Link (staff login required).

System measures (updated version coming soon)

System measures (DOCX)External Link provide a set of evidence-based measures for schools to use when evaluating and monitoring their practice. Examples include NAPLAN, Teacher Judgement, Attitudes to School Survey, and the School Staff Survey.

The system measures have been identified from analysis of Victorian government school data, with measures selected by their largest impact on, and correlation to, positive learning and wellbeing outcomes for Victorian government school students. They are also supported by Australian and international academic research.

Illustrations of practice

The Illustrations of practice (DOCX)External Link are examples of effective practice within each dimension of FISO 2.0. They are used to diagnose areas for improvement, and can be used as a benchmark against which to reflect on current practice.

Evidence base

The FISO 2.0 evidence base (DOCX)External Link provides detailed information about the evidence base for FISO 2.0.

FISO 2.0 is informed by contemporary research evidence, professional publications, government reports and research conducted by the department.

FISO 2.0 builds upon the in-depth research conducted for the original FISO, but with an enhanced focus on wellbeing as an enabler of learning outcomes and as an outcome in its own right.

Engaging families

A guide has been developed regarding engaging families in lifting student outcomes:

Other resources

Tools to support implementation of FISO 2.0 include:

Resources page containing supporting resources and links for the Framework for Improving Student Outcomes Policy

Reviewed 20 December 2024

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