Policy last updated
20 December 2024
- Schools
This policy sets out the Framework for Improving Student Outcomes (FISO 2.0) and its application in government schools.
- The Framework for Improving Student Outcomes (FISO 2.0) is the continuous improvement framework for all Victorian government schools.
- FISO 2.0 comprises of:
- the 2 outcomes of learning and wellbeing
- the 5 core elements of leadership, teaching and learning, assessment, engagement, and support and resources, underpinned by 10 dimensions that indicate priority areas of practice to improve students’ learning and wellbeing.
- By understanding the learning and wellbeing needs of students with reference to the five core elements, schools can better identify what is working and what practices need to change and be improved.
- Schools use FISO 2.0 to inform development of their School Strategic Plans and Annual Implementation Plans.
- Guidance, tools and resources to support schools to implement the new framework are provided on the Guidance tab and Resources tab for the latest versions.
The Framework for Improving Student Outcomes (FISO) was introduced in 2015 to focus schools’ improvement efforts on priorities shown to have the greatest impact on student outcomes.
FISO 2.0 builds on the evidence base and in-depth research that underpinned the original FISO, but with an enhanced focus on wellbeing in response to the findings of the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System and advice from the profession.
It presents a more simplified and streamlined approach to enable schools to focus on what matters most to improve students’ learning and wellbeing outcomes.
FISO 2.0 sets out 5 core elements that together realise the goals of excellence and equity through developing the learning and wellbeing of every Victorian student.
When integrated, these elements build a positive environment through strong relationships that enables all students to become:
- happy, healthy, and resilient
- successful lifelong learners
- active, informed members of just and sustainable communities.
The student learning and wellbeing outcomes at the centre of the FISO 2.0 work together. They define what every school community is working towards with every student.
- Wellbeing is the development of the capabilities necessary to thrive, contribute and respond positively to challenges and opportunities of life.
- Learning is the ongoing acquisition by students of knowledge, skills and capabilities, including those defined by the Victorian Curriculum and senior secondary pathways.
The 5 core elements are explained in detail in the Guidance tab, together with further guidance regarding application of FISO 2.0.
Related policies
- Annual Implementation Plan (AIP)
- Annual Report to the School Community
- Minimum Standards and School Registration
- School Review
- School Strategic Plan
Schools can contact schoolplanning@education.vic.gov.au for further information about FISO 2.0.
This guidance contains the following chapters:
- FISO 2.0 core elements and dimensions
- Using FISO 2.0 to plan for school improvement
FISO 2.0 core elements and dimensions
FISO 2.0 core elements and dimensions
Outlined below are the 5 core elements that reflect the evidence of what makes the most difference to all student outcomes, including for priority cohorts such as Koorie students, students with a disability and English as an Additional Language (EAL) students.
The 5 core elements are each underpinned by 2 dimensions which indicate priority areas of practice to improve students’ learning and wellbeing.
Leadership is the development of shared processes and actions by staff and students that build a positive school climate for learning and wellbeing. This is done through practices and relationships that are culturally inclusive, based on high expectations, shared values and a culture of trust.
The dimensions of leadership are:
- the strategic direction and deployment of resources to create shared goals and values, high expectations, and a positive, safe and orderly learning environment
- shared development of a culture of respect and collaboration, with positive and supportive relationships between students and staff at the core.
Teaching and learning
Teaching and learning refers to responsive practices and curriculum programs through which students develop their knowledge, skills and capabilities.
The dimensions of teaching and learning are:
- documented teaching and learning programs based on the Victorian Curriculum and senior secondary pathways, incorporating extra-curricular programs
- use of common and subject-specific high impact teaching and learning strategies as part of a shared and responsive teaching and learning model implemented through culturally sensitive, positive and supportive student-staff relationships.
Assessment is the use of evidence and data by school leaders and teachers to assess student learning growth, attainment and wellbeing capabilities. Assessment is used to design and implement priorities for improvement.
The dimensions of assessment are:
- systematic use of assessment strategies and measurement practices to obtain and provide feedback on student learning growth, attainment and wellbeing capabilities
- systematic use of data and evidence to drive the prioritisation, development, and implementation of actions in schools and classrooms.
Engagement refers to the relationships and actions that support student learning, participation and sense of belonging to their school community.
The dimensions of engagement are:
- activation of student voice, agency, leadership and learning, including a focus on the self-determination and agency of Koorie students, to strengthen students’ participation and engagement in school
- strong relationships and active partnerships between schools and families/carers, communities, and organisations to strengthen students’ participation and engagement in school.
Support and resources
Support and resources refers to the processes, products, services and partnerships that enable every student to strengthen their wellbeing capabilities and achieve the highest levels of learning growth.
The dimensions of support and resources are:
- responsive, tiered, culturally appropriate and contextualised approaches and strong relationships to support student learning, wellbeing and inclusion
- effective use of resources and active partnerships with families/carers, specialist providers and community organisations to provide responsive support to students.
Using FISO 2.0 to plan school improvement
Using FISO 2.0 to plan school improvement
The FISO 2.0 improvement cycle depicts the improvement process that Victorian government schools use to implement strategies and actions to improve students’ learning and wellbeing outcomes. The cycle embodies global best-practice research on school improvement and teacher professional learning.
The stages of the improvement cycle are:
- Evaluate and diagnose education challenges and areas for improvement based on the learning and wellbeing needs of every student.
- Prioritise and set goals for improvement strategies and initiatives that have the greatest impact on student learning and wellbeing.
- Develop and plan improvement strategies and initiatives to ensure successful implementation.
- Implement and monitor selected improvement strategies and initiatives, including the impact these have on student learning and wellbeing, to adapt and respond accordingly.
The improvement cycle supports school review and school strategic planning, annual implementation planning, and regular cycles of inquiry. It can be used at different levels, from the whole-of-school to the classroom, and over different time periods, from 4-week cycles to annual cycles.
Using FISO 2.0 to plan school improvement has been developed to assist school leaders and School Improvement Teams (SITs) to apply this cycle as part of the development of the Annual Implementation Plan . The guide provides a step-by-step approach to the use of data to determine priority areas for action to improve student learning and wellbeing.
Step 1: Gather and analyse data
This links to the Evaluate and diagnose stage of the improvement cycle.
Step 2: Examine current processes and practices
This links to the Prioritise and set goal stage of the improvement cycle.
Step 3: Identify and plan actions
This links to the Develop and plan stage of the improvement cycle.
Step 4: Implement and monitor impact
This links to the Implement and monitor stage of the improvement cycle.
When implementing the improvement cycle, schools should consider the following:
- The improvement process is not always linear – it requires schools to move back and forwards to check, learn and adjust practice as necessary.
- The success of improvement strategies depends on how well they are implemented.
- Implementation is an iterative process of actioning what is planned, identifying and celebrating what is working, and adapting when barriers are encountered.
Continua of practice
The continua of practice is a summative 4-point scale used by schools to self-evaluate against the FISO 2.0 outcomes and core elements. Schools use the continua of practice as part of a school review, and strategic and annual planning processes. The continua is available in the Strategic Planning Online Tool (staff login required).
System measures (updated version coming soon)
System measures provide a set of evidence-based measures for schools to use when evaluating and monitoring their practice. Examples include NAPLAN, Teacher Judgement, Attitudes to School Survey, and the School Staff Survey.
The system measures have been identified from analysis of Victorian government school data, with measures selected by their largest impact on, and correlation to, positive learning and wellbeing outcomes for Victorian government school students. They are also supported by Australian and international academic research.
Illustrations of practice
The Illustrations of practice are examples of effective practice within each dimension of FISO 2.0. They are used to diagnose areas for improvement, and can be used as a benchmark against which to reflect on current practice.
Evidence base
The FISO 2.0 evidence base provides detailed information about the evidence base for FISO 2.0.
FISO 2.0 is informed by contemporary research evidence, professional publications, government reports and research conducted by the department.
FISO 2.0 builds upon the in-depth research conducted for the original FISO, but with an enhanced focus on wellbeing as an enabler of learning outcomes and as an outcome in its own right.
Engaging families
A guide has been developed regarding engaging families in lifting student outcomes:
- Engaging families in lifting student outcomes: A guide for school leaders to support implementation of FISO 2.0
- Engaging families in lifting student outcomes: A guide for school leaders to support implementation of FISO 2.0 – accessible
Other resources
Tools to support implementation of FISO 2.0 include:
Reviewed 19 October 2021