
This policy supports implementation of the Career Start program.


Career Start supports first-year graduate teachers to successfully transition into the classroom. This includes:

  • a reduction in face-to-face teaching
  • time with a dedicated mentor to accelerate the development of their teaching practice
  • networking opportunities with other graduates via a local learning alliance
  • professional learning designed to develop their professional identity, wellbeing and orientation.

Career Start mentor teachers are also supported via:

  • time release to engage in extended practice-focused mentoring with their graduates – schools can refer to the guidance chapter on Time release for graduate and mentor teachers for further details
  • one-on-one support from learning alliance leaders to build their mentoring skills.


Career Start is a structured program for graduate teachers which aims to improve their experience as they are inducted into the profession. Career Start provides time release, mentoring, professional development opportunities and a range of additional supports to graduate teachers and their mentors to accelerate the development of graduate teachers’ professional practice and support their wellbeing.

Following a successful 3-year pilot in primary and special schools in 3 areas, Career Start will expand in 2024 to support eligible graduate teachers in every Victorian government school (including secondary schools) in:

  • inner Gippsland
  • north eastern Melbourne
  • outer eastern Melbourne
  • southern Melbourne
  • western Melbourne.

In 2025, Career Start will expand to an additional 8 areas – Hume Merri-bek, Brimbank Melton, Goulburn, Ovens-Murray, Mallee, Outer Gippsland, Barwon, and Central Highlands.


The department will utilise eduPay data to identify eligible graduate teachers.

Graduate teachers will participate in the Career Start program in 2024 if they:

  • commenced their first period of employment within the Victorian government school system on or after 1 July 2023
  • are employed at the classification of Classroom Teacher Range 1-1 (CT1-1) at a Victorian government school within the participating areas, as outlined above.


For further information on the Career Start program, please email:

Department policy supporting implementation of the Career Start program

Reviewed 28 May 2024

Policy last updated

28 May 2024


  • Schools
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