Human resources

Workforce Support and Initiatives for Schools


The department is delivering several workforce initiatives to support schools. This page provides information about the types of initiatives currently being delivered to support schools to attract, recruit and support teachers.


The department’s attraction initiatives provide new pathways and supports to become a classroom teacher and consider employment in regional and rural locations.

These initiatives provide supports for:

  • aspiring teachers undertaking studies with Initial Teacher Education (ITE) providers
  • Pre-service Teacher Placements in schools
  • Supporting future Koorie teachers
  • attracting new teachers to rural and regional schools.

Refer to the chapter on Attraction initiatives for more information.


The department’s recruitment initiatives seek to reduce administrative burdens, facilitate recruitment efficiencies, and support schools to recruit new teachers.

These initiatives provide supports to:

  • streamline and support school recruitment processes
  • build the supply of graduate and international teachers
  • help teachers to return to the workforce following extended absences.

Refer to the chapter on Recruitment initiatives for more information.

Supporting early-career teachers – retention – career development

The department is delivering a range of supports to provide teachers with the best start to their career, and to support them to grow and to help our leaders find the balance they need to excel.

These initiatives provide supports to:

  • new teachers in the early years of their career
  • enhance the mentoring skills of existing teachers
  • develop and grow STEM teaching skills of teachers
  • facilitate professional growth and support for the existing workforce
  • facilitate flexible work arrangements for school leaders.

Refer to the chapter on Support initiatives for more information.

Department policy providing an overview of supports and initiatives available to schools experiencing recruitment and retention challenges

Reviewed 10 July 2024

Policy last updated

8 December 2023


  • Schools


There are multiple contacts for this topic. Refer to each section for the relevant contact.

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