Policy last updated

25 November 2024


  • Schools

July 2023



The department is delivering several workforce initiatives to support schools. This page provides information about the types of initiatives currently being delivered to support schools to attract, recruit and support teachers.


The department’s attraction initiatives provide new pathways and supports to become a classroom teacher and consider employment in regional and rural locations.

These initiatives provide supports for:

  • aspiring teachers undertaking studies with Initial Teacher Education (ITE) providers
  • Pre-service Teacher Placements in schools
  • supporting future Koorie teachers
  • attracting new teachers to rural and regional schools.

Refer to the chapter on Attraction initiatives for more information.


The department’s recruitment initiatives seek to reduce administrative burdens, facilitate recruitment efficiencies, and support schools to recruit new teachers.

These initiatives provide supports to:

  • streamline and support school recruitment processes
  • build the supply of graduate teacher recruitment
  • International teacher recruitment.

Refer to the chapter on Recruitment initiatives for more information.

Supporting early-career teachers

The department is delivering a range of supports to provide teachers with the best start to their career, and to support them to grow and to help school leaders find the balance they need to excel.

These initiatives provide supports to:

  • new teachers in the early years of their career
  • enhance the mentoring skills of existing teachers
  • develop and grow STEM teaching skills of teachers
  • facilitate professional growth and support for the existing workforce.

Refer to the chapter on Support initiatives for more information.


The department’s retention initiatives aim to retain teachers and school leaders in Victorian government schools. These initiatives also assist registered teachers, not currently teaching, to return to and remain in the profession.

These initiatives provide supports to:

  • reduction in maximum face-to-face teaching time
  • access free professional development through the Returning Teacher Support Service
  • funded placements for returning teachers under the Teacher Re-Engagement Initiative.

Refer to the chapter on Retention initiatives for more information.

Career development

The department provides teachers, principals and school support staff with career pathways, scholarship opportunities, flexible working arrangements and opportunities to grow and develop throughout their career. Access to part time and flexible working arrangements is important in facilitating those opportunities.

These initiatives provide supports to:

  • development opportunities and recognition to the workforce
  • professional growth in inclusive education, driving a positive, system-wide change
  • flexible work for school leaders
  • flexible work for classroom teachers.

Refer to the chapter on Career development initiatives for more information.

Policy and Guidelines

Policy and Guidelines for Workforce Support and Initiatives for Schools

The Policy and Guidelines for Workforce Support and Initiatives for Schools contains the following chapters:

  • Attraction
  • Recruitment
  • Supporting early-career teachers
  • Retention
  • Career development



The department’s attraction initiatives provide new pathways and supports to become a classroom teacher and consider employment in regional and rural locations.

Know someone interested in/currently studying teaching – what supports can they access?

Secondary Teaching Scholarships – supporting secondary teaching degree students with their HELP fees

In September 2023, the Victorian Government announced an investment of $93.2 million to deliver scholarships supporting secondary teaching degree students with the cost of studying and living.

The scholarships are available to students who enrol in accredited Victorian secondary school teaching degrees for the first time in 2024 or 2025, with further payments if they work in Victorian government secondary or specialist school settings after they graduate.

The total scholarship payments available for students who complete their studies successfully and then work in Victorian government secondary or specialist school settings for 2 years will match the standard student (HELP) fees for a Commonwealth Supported Place in an initial teacher education degree.

Further information

For further information about scholarship eligibility criteria and the application process, refer to: Scholarships for secondary teaching degreesExternal Link .

Teach Today and Teach Tomorrow – supporting aspiring teachers to change careers through innovative and accelerated employment-based teaching degrees

Teach Today and Teach Tomorrow programs will fast-track up to 1,200 student teachers into classrooms through innovative employment-based teaching degrees. These programs offer Victorian government schools a valuable opportunity to address their staffing needs and invest in their future workforce with teaching paraprofessionals while they complete their teaching degrees.

Working in partnership with the 8 initial teacher education (ITE) providers, students will be supported by a university mentor and a school-based mentor from their host school and receive a department-funded scholarship while they study for 18 to 24 months.

Further information

Aspiring Koorie Teachers Now - supporting future First Nations teachers through employment-based studies

Aspiring Koorie Teachers Now offers Victorian government schools an opportunity to address their staffing needs and invest in their future workforce with First Nations pre-service teachers (PSTs) and/or Education Support (ES) trainees who are completing their Certificate IV training and teaching degrees.

Working in partnership with VET and ITE providers, eligible First Nations PSTs and/or ES trainees can be hired as education support staff and will receive department-subsidised remuneration through schools while they study for 12 to 24 months. These participants will be supported by cultural mentors, university mentors and school-based mentors.

Further information

Pre-Service Teacher Placement Grants Program – encourage pre-service teacher placements at schools through ITE providers

In the 2023–24 Budget, the Victorian Government invested $32.2 million to support pre-service teachers completing a teaching placement in eligible regional, remote or specialist Victorian government schools. Under the Pre-Service Teacher Placement Grant (PPG) Program, pre-service teachers completing placements at eligible schools are supported with a per-day allowance that can be used to cover costs associated with undertaking placements in these schools, such as accommodation, travel, and meal costs. Grants are available for placements completed at eligible schools between 1 July 2023 and 31 December 2025. Grant payments vary based on eligible areas:

  • $140 per day for placements in a specialist setting in metropolitan Melbourne
  • $140 per day for all schools in regional urban centres
  • $280 per day for all schools in inner regional placements
  • $420 per day for all schools in outer regional and remote placements.

Further information

For further information about the eligibility criteria for the PPG program, refer to: Pre-Service Teacher Placement Grants Program.

To express interest in completing a placement in an eligible school, pre-service teachers should contact their placement coordinator.

Building a pipeline of future recruits

Teach Today and Teach Tomorrow – supporting aspiring teachers to change careers through innovative and accelerated employment-based teaching degrees

Teach Today and Teach Tomorrow programs will fast-track up to 1,200 student teachers into classrooms through innovative employment-based teaching degrees. These programs offer Victorian government schools a valuable opportunity to address their staffing needs and invest in their future workforce with teaching paraprofessionals while they complete their teaching degrees.

Working in partnership with the 8 initial teacher education (ITE) providers, students will be supported by a university mentor and a school-based mentor from their host school and receive a department-funded scholarship while they study for 18 to 24 months.

Further information

Aspiring Koorie Teachers Now - supporting future First Nations teachers through employment-based studies

Aspiring Koorie Teachers Now offers Victorian government schools an opportunity to address their staffing needs and invest in their future workforce with First Nations pre-service teachers (PSTs) and/or Education Support (ES) trainees who are completing their Certificate IV training and teaching degrees.

Working in partnership with VET and ITE providers, eligible First Nations PSTs and/or ES trainees can be hired as education support staff and will receive department-subsidised remuneration through schools while they study for 12 to 24 months. These participants will be supported by cultural mentors, university mentors and school-based mentors.

Further information

Placements Plus – partnering with Victorian ITE providers to build the quality of pre-service teacher placements

The Placements Plus programs are department-funded partnerships between ITE providers and clusters of Victorian government schools in target locations.

The Placements Plus initiative aims to build and strengthen partnerships between Victorian ITE providers and participating Victorian government schools to improve the quality of pre-service teacher (PST) placements. Participating PSTs receive comprehensive and wraparound placement supports tailored to the context of the host-school environment, including professional learning and supports to strengthen peer, school, and community connections. Tailored supports will also be provided to participating host-schools, such as additional professional learning for supervising and mentor teachers

This initiative builds on the previous Teaching Academies of Professional Practice (TAPPs) initiative and has been rebranded to reflect the revised objectives of the program.

Further information

Further information on the 2024-25 Placements Plus initiative is available at: Rural and Regional Pre-service Teacher PlacementsExternal Link and Initial teacher education reformsExternal Link .

Engage a third or final year Pre-Service Teacher with Permission to Teach – schools can engage third year PST’s to provide support in their schools with Permission to Teach

Many Victorian government schools are employing pre-service teachers with PTT (General) to help meet their staffing needs. The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) sets out the parameters and guidelines with respect to pre-service teachers working in Victorian government schools with PTT (General).

The MOU provides a framework for schools and initial teacher education providers to support pre-service teachers who are working in schools with PTT (General) to meet their employment obligations and the academic requirements of their initial teacher education degree, including their pre-service teacher placement requirements.

Further information

Further Information can be found at Pre-service Teachers Working with Permission to Teach

For information about employment of PSTs with PTT (General) contact:

Schools Recruitment Unit
Phone: 1800 641 943

For information about the policy contact:

Reform of Initial Teacher Education

Pre-Service Teacher Placement Grants Program – encourage pre-service teacher placements at schools through ITE providers

In the 2023–24 Budget, the Victorian Government invested $32.2 million to support pre-service teachers completing a teaching placement in eligible regional, remote or specialist Victorian government schools. Under the Pre-Service Teacher Placement Grant (PPG) Program, pre-service teachers completing placements at eligible schools are supported with a per-day allowance that can be used to cover costs associated with undertaking placements in these schools, such as accommodation, travel, and meal costs. Grants are available for placements completed at eligible schools between 1 July 2023 and 31 December 2025. Grant payments vary based on eligible areas:

  • $140 per day for placements in a specialist setting in metropolitan Melbourne
  • $140 per day for all schools in regional urban centres
  • $280 per day for all schools in inner regional placements
  • $420 per day for all schools in outer regional and remote placements.

Further information

For further information about the eligibility criteria for the PPG program, refer to: Pre-Service Teacher Placement Grants Program.

To express interest in completing a placement in an eligible school, pre-service teachers should contact their placement coordinator.

Teach Rural Program – host pre-service teachers as part of this department and Country Education Partnership program

The department funded Teach Rural Program involves Country Education Partnership coordinating and supporting groups of pre-service teachers to undertake placements in clusters of rural and regional Victorian government schools, with a suite of supports including fully subsidised accommodation.

Further information

More information on the program is available at: Rural and Regional Pre-service Teacher PlacementsExternal Link and Teach ruralExternal Link .

Teacher Financial Incentives – incentives available to support rural, regional and remote schools with attracting excellent teachers to fill hard-to-staff positions

The Victorian Government is providing a funding boost to attract excellent teachers to fill hard-to-staff positions in rural, regional and remote government schools and support those teachers to relocate, and settle into their new roles.

Eligible schools may be eligible to advertise a position with an incentive of up to $50,000 (pre-tax) to attract suitably qualified teachers with further funding available to support eligible teachers to relocate.

Further information

To find out more on how schools can express their interest or for further information, refer to the Targeted initiative to attract more teachers websiteExternal Link or email School Recruitment – Financial Incentives at



The department’s recruitment initiatives seek to reduce administrative burdens, facilitate recruitment efficiencies, and support schools to recruit new teachers.

What support is available to recruit more teachers and who can assist?

Direct vacancy (classroom teacher) – streamlined recruitment process for schools and applicants through the Applicant Pool

A direct vacancy (classroom teacher) simplifies recruitment for schools and applicants by centralising applicants in the Applicant Pool. It provides easier access for teachers seeking roles in Victorian government schools, minimises individual role advertisements, reduces administrative burden, and enables quicker interviews for local vacancies.

A direct vacancy (classroom teacher) is designed to assist school recruiters and teachers by streamlining the recruitment process. There are 2 ways to apply for classroom teaching jobs in Victoria, by:

  • submitting interest in the Applicant Pool to be matched with direct vacancies, or
  • searching and applying for available vacancies.

Both processes use School Jobs Vic, however, with the direct vacancy, classroom teachers and graduate teachers will benefit from auto-matching to vacancies based on their preferences and will no longer be required to submit a written response to selection criteria. Instead, these criteria will be addressed during the interview stage.

All vacancies must be filled in accordance with the department’s selection procedures (merit based) as set out in the Recruitment in Schools policy and comply with Ministerial Order 1388– Teaching Service (employment conditions, salaries, allowances, selection and conduct) Order 2022.

How a direct vacancy works and its benefits

For Applicants:
  • Simplified application process: Applicants register their interest once, attaching a Cover Letter and a CV/Resume, for all classroom and graduate teacher positions in the Applicant Pool, saving the time needed to manage multiple applications.
  • Auto-matching: The Applicant Pool will match applicants based on their work preferences, including location, role and subject preferences.
  • Flexibility: Applicants receive email notifications when they are matched with vacancies. They will be able to track their applications, withdraw from unsuitable matches and deselect schools as required.
  • No written selection criteria responses: Written responses to the selection criteria are no longer required during the application process. Selection criteria is assessed during the interview stage, making the process more efficient.
For School Recruiters:
  • Streamlined recruitment: School recruiters will automatically receive matched applicants against their vacancies without the need to advertise locally.
  • Flexibility: School recruiters can use both recruitment methods, one after the other, and can manually search and link applicants to direct vacancies (classroom teacher), shortlist, interview, and appoint.
  • Reduced vacancy posting time: Vacancies are to remain open for a minimum of 3 days, instead of the usual 14-day period with an advertised vacancy, allowing time to inform internal staff of the job opportunity available at the school.
  • Efficient candidate selection: School recruiters can access applications after the initial 3-day match period to shortlist, interview and address selection criteria, and appoint candidates.

For policy advice relating to direct vacancies (classroom teacher) through the Applicant Pool, please refer to the advertising vacancies section of the Recruitment in Schools policy.

For recruiter direct vacancy (classroom teacher) user guides and fact sheets, please refer to the School Jobs Vic help for recruitersExternal Link (staff login required).

For applicant direct vacancy (classroom teacher) user guides and fact sheets, please refer to the Applicant Help - School Jobs Vic applicant helpExternal Link (staff login required).

International Teacher Recruitment Supports reducing administrative and financial burdens and helping schools recruit international teachers

Schools can access support for the recruitment of international teachers, including access to free advice and support through the Migration Support Service (MSS).

The MSS provides government schools with access to free specialist migration advice on international teacher recruitment, migration, sponsorship, and visa arrangements.

Where schools are seeking to employ and sponsor a visa holder in a teaching position, these supports reduce the cost and administrative burden on schools, and ensures they have the most up to date migration advice and information regarding international recruitment.

The department is providing additional recruitment support to schools experiencing significant staffing challenges.

Additional information, guidance and resources are available to schools in the Employment and Sponsorship of Overseas Workers PAL pageExternal Link .

Further information

Central Workforce Support Service – providing personalised assistance and support to schools

Central Workforce Support Services (CWSS) provides dedicated support to schools facing teacher recruitment challenges by working closely with principals and offering tailored assistance. CWSS services range from candidate sourcing and accessing workforce initiatives designed to attract and retain teachers.

The services provided by CWSS include:

  • Comprehensive Recruitment Support: CWSS collaborates with schools to offer full support throughout the recruitment process, simplifying the steps involved in finding suitable candidates.
  • Personalised Recruitment and Retention Advice: CWSS provides strategic, tailored advice to meet the specific needs of each school. This guidance is aimed at helping schools effectively attract and retain qualified teachers.
  • Proactive Candidate Sourcing: The CWSS team actively sources candidates for both long-term and casual relief teacher (CRT) roles, ensuring schools have a pool of potential candidates ready when needed.
  • Access to department recruitment Initiatives: CWSS helps schools tap into a variety of departmental recruitment initiatives aimed at improving teacher attraction, recruitment, and retention, thereby streamlining and enhancing the hiring process.

Further information

For more information contact the Schools Workforce Initiatives and Support on:

How to attract more teachers to schools?

Graduate Teacher Recruitment Initiative – offers incentives of $5,650 (pre-tax) for eligible graduate teachers taking up a graduate position throughout 2024 and 2025

The Graduate Teacher Recruitment Initiative (GTRI) offers incentives of $5,650 (pre-tax) for eligible graduate teachers taking up a graduate position through to June 30, 2025.

This initiative provides schools with strategic recruitment advice and actively supports the promotion and recruitment of Teacher Graduate Recruitment program vacancies.

To be eligible for employment under this initiative, candidates must:

  • be a teaching graduate who has completed all course requirements and graduated within the past 4 years
  • not be employed as a teacher by the department at the time the advertised position is to commence
  • commit to a minimum one-year employment at a Victorian government school to retain the incentive
  • be currently registered (or eligible for registration) with the Victorian Institute of Teaching
  • not be a Graduate Teacher Incentive recipient from a previous vacancy.

Schools can advertise between 2.0 and 8.0 FTE graduate positions per year, based on their school type and SRP:

  • up to 2.0 FTE in primary, P–12, and specialist schools
  • an additional 2.0 FTE for primary, P–12 or specialist schools with SRP over $2 million, and secondary schools with SRP over $5 million
  • an additional 4.0 FTE for SRP over $8 million.

Schools who are yet to fill their designated Teacher Graduate Recruitment vacancies can advertise their vacancies with the provision of the $5,650 financial incentive to help attract graduate teacher applicants.

The GTRI process guide can be found on the Resources tab.

The GTRI has established partnerships with various education providers to support the transition of pre-service teaching students and graduates into the teaching workforce. To attract aspiring graduate teachers and promote department graduate employment opportunities, GTRI also conducts engaging online and in-person presentations that inform graduates of available job opportunities, the benefits of employment in a Victorian government school, and guides them through the application process.

Further information

Use special payments to help attract and retain teachers – provide payments of up to $10,000 to help attract or retain teachers for schools

Schools can offer special payments of up to $10,000 to help attract or retain teachers for their schools. These payments can be paid as a lump sum or on a fortnightly basis.

Special payments may range between $925 and $10,000 per annum (in one or more lump sum payments).

Further information

For more information on using special payments, refer to Special PaymentsExternal Link .

Supporting early-career teachers

Supporting early-career teachers

The department is delivering a range of supports to provide teachers with the best start to their career, and to support them to grow and to help school leaders find the balance they need to excel.

First-year teachers who could do with more support

Career Start – transforming the first years of the teaching career

Career Start is a structured program for graduate teachers which aims to improve the experience of graduate teachers as they are inducted into the profession. Career Start provides time release, practice-focused mentoring, professional development and access to a regionally-based Learning Alliance Leader (experienced teacher) to graduate teachers and their mentors to accelerate the development of graduate teachers’ professional practice and support their wellbeing. Following a successful 3-year pilot in primary and special schools in 3 areas, Career Start expanded in 2024 to support eligible graduate teachers in every Victorian government school (including secondary schools) in Inner Gippsland, North eastern Melbourne, Outer eastern Melbourne, Southern Melbourne, and Western Melbourne. In 2025, Career Start will expand to an additional 8 areas:

  • Hume Merri-bek,
  • Brimbank Melton,
  • Goulburn,
  • Ovens-Murray,
  • Mallee,
  • Outer Gippsland,
  • Barwon, and
  • Central Highlands.

For further information, refer to Career Start: transforming the first years of the teaching careerExternal Link .

VIT mentor programs – enhancing the mentoring knowledge and skills of experienced teachers

The Effective Mentoring Program (EMP) is designed to enhance the mentoring knowledge and skills of experienced teachers who hold full registration with the Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT) so they can support graduate and returning teachers to progress from provisional to full registration with the VIT, and act as the VIT-trained mentor on workplace recommendations panels.

The program is delivered as a partnership between the department and the VIT.

For further information, refer to Effective Mentoring ProgramExternal Link .



The department’s retention initiatives aim to retain hard working and highly skilled teachers and school leaders. The initiatives also assist registered teachers, not currently teaching, to return to and remain in the profession.

Reduction in maximum face-to-face teaching time

The Victorian Government Schools Agreement 2022 included a landmark reduction in the maximum face-to-face teaching hours for primary, secondary and specialist school teachers by 1 hour in 2023, with a further reduction of 30 minutes in 2024. Through additional funding of $779 million, this initiative gives teachers more time to plan and collaborate and means teachers will have the lowest face to face teaching time of government school teachers across the country.

Returning Teacher Support Service – providing individualised support to assist non-practicing teachers to return to the workforce

The Returning Teachers Support Service (RTSS) supports teachers to return to the workforce. Teachers not currently working in schools, who are interested in a return to the classroom in a full time, part time or casual capacity, can register for this service. RTSS offers non-practicing teachers access to individualised support to assist them transition successfully back into the teacher workforce, whether they have retired, been on extended leave or changed professions and wish to return.

The supports offered to returning teachers include an initial consult with a member of the Teacher Re-engagement team to determine support needed, as well as discussing professional development options which can entail:

  • 1-on-1 employability coaching on resume writing, addressing key selection criteria, and interview skills
  • Mental health and wellbeing tools
  • Teaching writing, including narrative, persuasive, and informative writing courses
  • Effective teaching strategies, including High Impact Teaching Strategies (HITS)
  • Classroom behaviour management
  • Use of technology and internet in the classroom
  • Curriculum planning and assessment
  • support in creating a School Jobs Vic account, Applicant Pool profile and job applications
  • matching returning teachers to current school vacancies
  • regular contact with each returning teacher throughout the process, up until the returning teacher has successfully re-entered the teacher workforce.

A dedicated Teacher Re-engagement team has been established to customise and coordinate these supports and are available 5 days a week to support teachers in returning to the workforce.

Further information

Teacher Re-Engagement Initiative – supporting returning teachers through funded placements of up to 40 days in Victorian government schools

The Teacher Re-Engagement Initiative (TREI) supports returning teachers through funded placements of up to 40 days in Victorian government schools. Participating teachers can re-familiarise themselves with the school environment, take part in classroom observations and other teaching activities, and receive mentoring from current teachers.

The TREI supports:

  • teachers returning from retirement or a career break of greater than 1 year, and
  • teachers returning from extended parental absence of greater than 2 years.

Principals and returning teachers will determine the teachers’ activities while on placement, which will consider the best way to support their return to the school workforce.

Further information

For further information about the TREI:

Career development

Career Development

Teachers who could do with more professional opportunities/recognition

Subsidised programs to develop STEM teachers – encourage teachers to participate in subsidised programs to develop their STEM teaching specialisms

Targeted initiatives in STEM for teacher training include:

  • the Secondary Sciences, Technologies and Mathematics (SSTM) Initiative which increases the number of in-field mathematics and science teachers in Victoria, and in participating schools, by providing a fully-funded postgraduate qualification (through Deakin University) at no cost to out-of-field teachers or their schools
  • the Primary Mathematics and Science Specialist Initiative (PMSS) is a 2-year program designed to drive whole school change through upskilling primary teachers in government schools to become specialists in either science or mathematics – contact:
  • Two new postgraduate qualifications (Graduate Certificates) in Secondary Digital Technologies and Secondary Design and Technologies, with a total of 100 out- of-field teaching participants (50 for each course) – contact:

Establish Leading Teachers and Learning Specialist roles – provide career pathways to teachers and build leadership profiles and provide greater support to classroom teachers

Leading teacher and learning specialist positions are tenured for up to 5 years with the tenure specified in the position advertisement. The successful applicant will be ongoing with tenure in the leadership position.

These promotion opportunities provide a career path for teachers and focus on building teaching practice within schools.

For more information about Leading Teacher and Learning Specialist roles refer to Leading Teachers and Learning SpecialistsExternal Link

Victorian Academy of Teaching and Learning – support engagement in professional learning programs at the Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership

Support teachers to build their professional skills and explore the professional learning opportunities available to provide the training and support teacher needs to lead change and improve student outcomes.

For more information refer to Professional LearningExternal Link

Disability Inclusion Professional Learning opportunities for teachers – upskill in learning difficulties and inclusive and specialist education

The Master of Inclusive Education and Graduate Certificate Initiative provides access to funded postgraduate study in inclusive and specialist education or learning difficulties. It aims to build the capability and confidence of Victorian teachers and regional workforces to strengthen inclusive teaching practices for students with diverse learning needs.

Aligned with the Disability Inclusion reform, this substantial departmental investment empowers schools and regional teams to develop their expertise in inclusive education, driving a positive, system-wide impact. For more information, refer to the Master of Inclusive EducationExternal Link and Graduate Certificate in Education (Learning Difficulties)External Link webpages.

Email: or call 03 9084 8496.

Flexible Work Arrangements for School Leaders –supporting flexible work for principals and school leaders in 2025, by funding up to 300 grants to support job-share and part time arrangements

Flexible Work Arrangements for School Leaders initiative supports leaders at Victorian government schools, including principals, assistant principals, learning specialists and leading teachers, to try out part- time and job-share arrangements. The funding will allow participating school leaders to have a cross-over day with their job-share partner or will support a new or increased part-time arrangement within a school’s leadership team.

This initiative aims to reduce administrative burden on school leaders by providing additional leadership support and promoting work-life balance. Funding is available for up to 12 months and any schools that wish to continue flexible work arrangements for leaders after this time will need to fund this from their existing budget and may require school council approval.

For more information refer to Flexible Work for PrincipalsExternal Link .

For any questions, please contact

Flexible Work for Classroom Teachers – up to 300 grants are available in 2025 to support teachers in a job-share or part-time arrangement

The Flexible Work for Classroom Teachers program supports teachers in a job-share or part-time arrangement. The funding will allow eligible teachers to have a cross-over day with their job-share partner or will support a new or increased part-time arrangement. This initiative aims to reduce administrative burden on school leaders and teachers by providing additional support and promoting work-life balance.

Under this initiative, provides a grant of $20,000 to support a classroom teacher in an eligible flexible work arrangement for up to 12 months. Schools that wish to continue flexible work arrangements for classroom teachers after this time will need to fund this from their existing budget.

For more information refer to Flexible WorkExternal Link and Flexible Work for Classroom Teachers fundingExternal Link .

For any questions, please contact



Aspiring Koorie Teachers Now – Host School FAQs

Additional information for schools on hosting candidates participating in Aspiring Koorie Teachers Now:

Graduate Teacher Recruitment Initiative

The following process guide support schools with the process of recruiting a graduate teacher through the Graduate Teacher Recruitment Initiative:

Workforce Strategy

The Workforce Strategy outlines the department’s school workforce initiatives and support for teachers.

Reviewed 28 July 2023