
Minimum standards for school registration

The Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority's Guidelines to the Minimum Standards and Requirements for School RegistrationExternal Link outline that schools are required to provide all students with a planned and structured curriculum to equip them with the knowledge, skills and attributes needed to complete their schooling and to make a successful transition from school to work, training or further education.

F–10 curriculum planning guidelines

To support planning for mandatory and optional implementation of Version 2.0 curriculum areas from 2024, schools can access the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority’s (VCAA’s) Victorian Curriculum F–10 Version 2.0External Link website. Curriculum area-specific resources available include introductory videos, comparisons of curriculums (Victorian Curriculum F–10 Version 1.0 to Version 2.0), scope and sequences and glossaries.

The VCAA provides the following curriculum support resources:

Victorian Government priorities and departmental policies

The department provides information on the Victorian Teaching and Learning Model 2.0 (VTLM 2.0)External Link and its elements to support schools’ to enact their curriculum programs.

Resources are available to schools to support them to implement departmental policies.

Supports available to schools for implementing Victoria’s approach to teaching reading in F–2 include:

  • English lesson plansExternal Link aligned to the Big 6, the English Curriculum 2.0 and the Victorian Teaching and Learning Model 2.0. This includes the Phonics Plus program in F-2 which uses a systematic synthetic phonics approach to teach reading
  • webinars and other professional learning opportunities to support implementation of this approach to teaching reading
  • teaching resources available on ARC.

Learning sequencesExternal Link in English and Mathematics for Levels 5 to 8 include links to:

  • Victorian Curriculum-aligned teaching and learning resources
  • differentiated and cross-curriculum enriched content
  • advice for planning, delivery and assessment.

Physical and Sport Education resources include links to useful websites.

Languages Education resources include links to:

  • information resources for schools, regions and reviewers (login required)
  • the Victorian Curriculum: Languages
  • department teaching and learning resources
  • help for parents/carers to find a languages program in a Victorian government school.

Holocaust Education resources include links to:

  • teacher professional learning
  • background reading/viewing for teachers
  • teaching and learning resources.

Sexuality and Consent Education resources include links to:

  • professional learning
  • useful websites
  • department resources
  • external resources
  • information on working with parents and/or carers
  • external support services.

Career education resources include a dedicated Career Education resources websiteExternal Link produced by the VCAA. Resources are available for all learning areas and capabilities of the Victorian Curriculum.

Teaching and Learning Resources – Selecting Appropriate Materials resources includes a template Parent Consent Form for viewing M/MA films or computer games.

Teaching about world religions

Schools may book guest speakers who are able to speak with students about the key tenets of their respective religions and their lived experience as adherents of their faith. This can contribute to a school’s program of teaching about major religions and world views (PDF)External Link as part of the Victorian Curriculum F–10. Guest speakers must comply with the department’s Special Religious Instruction policy and Visitors in Schools policy.

Please refer to contacts listed within the Special Religious Instruction policy that can assist schools in identifying appropriate guest speakers. For teaching about Islam, refer to specific information below.

While not required, schools are requested to make a payment of $300 to the respective faith organisation when a speaker is booked. This is to cover administrative costs, travel costs and other sundry expenses. Additional expenses may be involved if a speaker is travelling a long distance or where overnight accommodation is required.

Teaching about Islam

The Islamic Council of Victoria can provide Muslim guest speakers who have:

The normal time for a presentation is about 45 minutes. On most occasions this will include the opportunity for questions and answers. Schools can discuss with the Council any particular issues or focus points they would like the speaker to address. The Council will help to match appropriate speakers with schools, giving consideration to factors such as geographic location.

Bookings can be made by contacting the Islamic Council of VictoriaExternal Link :

For information on the key considerations for schools in teaching about Islam, refer to: A discussion with Adel Salman – President of Islamic Council of VictoriaExternal Link on Arc.

Resources page containing supporting resources and links for this topic

Reviewed 21 January 2025

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