The purpose of this policy is to ensure schools have measures in place to effectively screen, manage and supervise all visitors.
Schools must:
- develop their own school level policies and procedures to effectively screen, manage and supervise all visitors – refer to Working with Children Checks and Other Suitability Checks for School Volunteers and Visitors for more information
- ensure that any programs or content delivered by visitors comply with the requirement that education in Victorian government schools is secular (apart from the provision of Special Religious Instruction, which must operate as an opt in extra-curricular activity that students may only attend with parental consent). Note that general religious education classes or events may include guest speakers who are representatives of a particular faith to explain the workings and belief structures of their religion. However, the guest speakers must not provide instruction in their religion or promote the religion. For more information about general religious education refer to the Curriculum Programs Foundation to 10 topic
- ensure it has policies and procedures in place to meet the requirements of the Child Safe Standards
- refer to Members of Parliament and Candidates Visiting Schools for additional considerations when a member of parliament or a candidate for an election is proposing to visit your school.
- are responsible for all visitors to the school
- must develop policies and procedures to manage visitors to the school
- must ensure the policies and procedures address safety requirements and ascertain the appropriateness of visitors
- must ensure the policies and procedures are implemented.
At a minimum, these policies and procedures must:
- require all visitors arriving and departing during school hours to use a visitors book to record their name, signature, the date and time, and the purpose of the visit
- include procedures for assessment and verification of the suitability of visitors to be in a location where children freely move about, learn and play — refer to Working with Children and Other Suitability Checks for School Volunteers and Visitors
- meet the requirements of the Child Safe Standards, including for identifying and responding to child abuse
- ensure that any programs or content delivered by visitors complies with the requirement that education in Victorian government schools is secular (apart from the provision of Special Religious Instruction, which must operate as an opt in extra-curricular activity that students may only attend with parental consent)
- ensure that school policies and procedures that are relevant to visitors are available/visible to the visitor, including the requirement to abide by the school’s child safety code of conduct
- ensure that emergency exits and emergency procedures are available/visible to visitors
- ensure that any programs delivered by visitors are delivered in a manner that is not inconsistent with the Victorian Public Sector Values and the principles and practice of Australian democracy as outlined in the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 including a commitment to elected government, the rule of law, equal rights for all before the law, freedom of religion, freedom of speech and association and the values of openness and tolerance
- ensure that a record of all visitors to the school is kept in the event of a school emergency or any future investigation
- align with relevant department policies and procedures.
Further guidance on developing local policies and procedures for visitors in schools is available on the Guidance tab.
A Visitors Policy (staff login required) is available on the School Policy Template Portal. Schools can modify the template to suit their local circumstances.
Types of visitors
Visitors may include, but are not limited to:
- parents and carers of students attending school
- prospective parents and employees
- those who are addressing a learning or developmental need, such as:
- parent and community volunteers
- invited speakers
- sessional instructors
- representatives of community, business and service groups
- those who are conducting business such as:
- uniform suppliers
- booksellers
- official school photographers
- commercial salespeople
- trades people
- children’s services agents
- talent scouts
- instructors providing special religious instruction
- public officials (for example, ministers, members of parliament, mayor)
- department staff including allied health practitioners (regional and central offices)
- Department of Families, Fairness and Housing Child Protection workers, and Victoria Police, refer to Police and Child Protection Interviews.
Visiting speakers
School staff must:
- ensure the content of presentations and addresses contributes to the development of students’ knowledge and understanding
- ensure visiting speakers are directly supporting the school's educational programs
- ensure that visiting speakers do not use the school to campaign for or advance causes or beliefs, especially when speaking on controversial matters
- brief presenters about the nature of the school and its community
- ensure that visitors do not present information or programs that may conflict with the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 , policies of the department and the school
- ensure that the range of views held by students and their families is taken into account and respected when making decisions about visiting speakers.
For advice concerning the selection of lectures, speeches and performances refer to Teaching and Learning Resources — Selecting Appropriate Materials.
Talent scouts
Principals must consider the following when talent scouts approach a school.
Determine whether the school community:
- prefers parents or carers to privately contact talent scouts outside of school hours or
- supports the school facilitating contact with students and talent scouts, such as:
- children’s choirs
- orchestras
- drama groups
- sporting associations
- film companies looking for groups of ‘extras’ or undertaking individual casting
- modelling agencies.
Where the school community supports school visits by talent scouts, consider whether the activity being scouted:
- is likely to be regarded by the broader community as suitable for the age group being targeted
- will enrich learning and skill development for identified students
- will complement the identified students’ education
- has demonstrated an appropriate commitment to child safety and meeting duty of care obligations by the individual or organisation (for example, no prior convictions or complaints).
Other considerations include:
- allowing visits by approved organisations at negotiated, convenient times during school hours
- providing information to the parents and carers in the relevant year levels about opportunities so that, if desired, independent contact can be made
- planning sessions by approved organisations for interested students accompanied by their parents/carers, using school facilities and outside of school hours
- if after-hours auditions on school property are preferred, school councils will need to consider whether a fee for the use of facilities would be appropriate.
Related policies
- Child Safe Standards
- Members of Parliament and Candidates Visiting Schools
- Photographing, Filming and Recording Students
- Police and Child Protection Interviews
- Political Activities
- Reportable Conduct Scheme
- Requests for Information about Students
- Special Religious Instruction
- Supervision of Students
- Teaching and Learning Resources — Selecting Appropriate Materials
- Working with Children Checks and other Suitability Checks for School Volunteers and Visitors
Relevant legislation
Reviewed 23 February 2025