The purpose of this policy is to ensure that schools follow the correct process when authorising an exemption from attendance and enrolment.
- Under the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 , schooling is compulsory for students who have turned 6 until they turn 17, unless an exemption has been granted.
- The Education and Training Reform Act 2006 (Vic) allows exemptions from attendance and enrolment in certain circumstances and this will be decided on a case by case basis.
- Schools must follow the department’s student exemption processes as set out in the Exemption from attendance and enrolment guidelines in the guidance tab.
- Any student of compulsory school age wishing to be employed in the entertainment industry during school hours requires a written exemption from school attendance before undertaking employment. For information on this process, refer to Exemption process – Students employed or seeking employment during school hours in the entertainment industry in the guidance tab.
- For information on exemptions from maximum and minimum age requirements to enrol in and attend school, refer to the Enrolment guidelines – School age requirements and age exemptions.
Schools must follow the department’s exemption from school attendance and enrolment processes set out in the Exemption from attendance and enrolment guidelines.
Attending school every school day for the whole day enables students to participate in the school’s educational program as well as develop their social skills. Regular attendance enables the school to:
- plan an organised educational program that is delivered in a consistent way and has continuity
- facilitate shared student learning experiences that support the educational program
- monitor student progress and adjust the educational program to meet student needs.
The Education and Training Reform Act 2006 allows exemptions from school attendance and enrolment to be granted in certain circumstances, where the student:
- is a child who turns 6 (compulsory school age) while attending kindergarten
- will be participating in approved education or training, or employment, or both, on a full time basis
- is employed or seeking employment during school hours in the entertainment industry.
An exemption from school attendance and enrolment may also be granted where leaving school is in the best interests of the student.
All applications for exemptions are considered on a case by case basis, with the student's best interests as the guiding principle for decision-making. In making a decision, the potential benefits or negative consequences of granting the exemption to the student's educational progress, wellbeing and development are also considered.
Note: No exemption is required if a student is not of compulsory school age (6 to 17 years of age).
A student must continue attending school until an exemption is granted.
Exemptions can only be authorised by a regional director, or in some instances, the principal.
For information on the various school attendance and enrolment exemption categories, and the application and approval process required for each exemption category, refer to the Guidance tab.
Schools may contact their regional office for help or questions related to exemptions from school attendance or enrolment.
Refer to Office for contact details for each regional office.
Related policies
- Attendance
- Enrolment
- Home Schooling and Partial Enrolments
- School Hours
- Student Engagement
- Transition – Year 6 to 7
Relevant legislation
- Education and Training Reform Act 2006
- Ministerial Order 705 (staff login required)
- Ministerial Order 713 (staff login required) – Exemption for children turning 6 years of age while attending a second year of kindergarten
- Ministerial Order 714 (staff login required) – Exemption to allow for employment in the entertainment industry
- Ministerial Order 715 (staff login required) – Exemption if leaving school is in the best interests of the child
Reviewed 26 February 2025