School operations

Exemption from School Attendance and Enrolment

3. Exemption process – Students who have not completed Year 10 and will participate full-time in approved education or training and/or employment

This section describes how to manage an attendance and enrolment exemption for students who have not completed Year 10 and will participate in approved education or training and/or employment on a full time basis (Ministerial Order 705 (PDF)External Link , Part 2) and who is responsible for each stage.

  1. Parent/carer – Approaches the school in writing about the student seeking to leave school.
  2. School – Speaks with the parents/carers and student about the:
    • student's goals, aspirations, issues and reasons for wanting to leave school (using a Career Action Plan)
    • student’s planned destination
    • possible alternatives to leaving school.
  3. Principal Must:
  4. Regional director – To grant an exemption, the regional director must:
    • determine that the student meets the requirements for exemption
    • consider the wellbeing and development needs of the student, taking into account:
      • the student’s aspirations and reasons for wanting to leave school, and
      • the views of the student’s family
    • assess the likelihood that the student will complete the education or training or stay with the employer while of compulsory school age
    • consider if there are possible alternate arrangements to exemption and
    • consider the best interests of the student
    • decide what, if any, conditions will apply to the exemption, for example, whether the exemption will be time-limited.

      In considering the best interests of the student, the regional director should consider:
      • steps taken to keep the student in school
      • the likelihood of the student completing the education, training or staying with the employer if the exemption is granted
      • whether the proposed employment (if applicable) complies with the Child Employment Act 2003 (Vic),External Link particularly whether it contains a training component
      • the likely outcome if the exemption is not granted.

        The regional director should then advise the school, the student and their parent/carer of his/her decision.
Guidance chapter outlining the exemption process for students who have not completed Year 10 and will participate full-time in approved education or training and/or employment

Reviewed 28 May 2024

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