Log in to eduMail or education mailExternal Link

Your employee number/email address and password are required


  • eduMail is the department’s messaging service. It manages email, calendar and contacts.
  • All employees, school council presidents and contractors have access to an eduMail account for the duration of their employment.
  • There are 3 ways that eduMail can be accessed:
    • Microsoft Outlook Client on a dedicated PC or laptop
    • Microsoft Outlook Web App, using a web browser such as Microsoft Edge
    • mobile device such as Android or iPhone.
  • A comprehensive suite of information and resources for using eduMail has been developed for staff members and is available in the Guidance and Resources tabs.
  • At all times, users must adhere to the department’s Acceptable Use Policy for ICT Resources, eduPass – Identity and Access Management in Schools policies and the department’s Password PolicyExternal Link (staff login required).
  • The eduMail service is a business service tool, provided to all staff, and personal use should be limited in accordance with the Acceptable Use Policy, which states that, 'Users may use department ICT resources for personal reasons provided the use is not excessive and does not breach this policy.'
  • All items within employee eduMail accounts are the property of the department.


Setting up eduMail for a new staff member

Staff are automatically provisioned with an eduMail account upon commencement of employment following their details being processed in the department’s human resources system (eduPay). The account will remain active until they cease employment with the department.

To ensure staff are provisioned with an eduMail account, schools must ensure that staff details are entered into eduPay upon commencement of employment, according to the Recruitment in Schools policy.

For school staff, their eduMail account details (including email address and password) will automatically be emailed to the staff member’s school account which is managed by the school principal or business manager.

Upon provisioning of the staff member’s account, they will automatically be added to essential distribution lists which will not only allow them access to various resources but also allow them to receive important emails related to their work.

Account details will include a temporary password. The account owner is required to change their password and set their secret question and answers in eduPass within 14 days of the account being provisioned.

Staff must log in using these details and proceed to:

  • set up self-service password reset (SSPR) by selecting a set of secret questions and answers
  • change the account password
  • accept the department’s Acceptable Use Policy.

Options for accessing eduMail

There are 3 ways that eduMail can be accessed:

  • Microsoft Outlook on a dedicated PC or laptop
  • Microsoft Outlook Web App (OWA), using web browser such as Microsoft Edge
  • mobile device such as Android or iPhone.

Logging in using Microsoft Outlook on a dedicated PC or laptop

A guide to setting up and using the Microsoft Outlook Client on Windows or Mac is available in the Resources tab.

Logging in using Microsoft Outlook Web App

Outlook Web App (OWA) allows you to access your eduMail account via a web browser. Staff are reminded that accessing eduMail using OWA should only be done on a secure device with the latest antivirus and Windows updates.

The eduMail Outlook on the web quick reference guide is available in the Resources tab.

Logging in using a mobile device

You can also access your eduMail account via your personal mobile device.

For instructions to help you set up your account on your Android or iPhone , refer to the eduMail mobile devices – quick reference guide in the Resources tab.

Advice for Department and school staff on using eduMail, the Department's messaging service for email, calendar and contacts

Reviewed 11 July 2024

Policy last updated

11 July 2024


  • Schools
  • All Department staff


Service Gateway

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