Department Information Communications Technology (ICT) resources are provided to improve and enhance learning and teaching and for the conduct of the business and functions of the Department. Using information technology, accessing information and communicating electronically can be cost-effective, timely and efficient.
All users of Department ICT resources are expected to exercise responsibility, use the resources ethically, respect the rights and privacy of others and operate within the laws of the State and Commonwealth, including anti-discrimination and sexual harassment laws, and the rules and policies of the Department, including occupational health and safety obligations to employees and students.
Department ICT resources should not be used for inappropriate or improper activities. This includes pornography, fraud, defamation, breach of copyright, unlawful discrimination or vilification, harassment, including sexual harassment, stalking, bullying, privacy violations and illegal activity, including illegal peer-to-peer file sharing. The audience of an electronic message may be unexpected and widespread and users should be mindful of this when using ICT resources.
The Department’s Acceptable Use of ICT Resources Policy (this policy) applies to all users of Department ICT resources.
This policy is not intended to apply to students. Schools have their own acceptable use policies for students.
Related policies
- Complaints, Misconduct and Unsatisfactory Performance
- EduPASS — Identity and Access Management in Schools
- Information Security — InfoSafe
- Intellectual Property and Copyright
- Portable Storage Device ( Staff login required)
- Records Management — Employee Information
- Records Management — School Records
- Student Acceptable Use
Relevant legislation
- Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) (Enforcement) Act 1995
- Copyright Act 1968
- Crimes Act 1958
- Cybercrime Act 2001
- Privacy Act 1988
- Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014
- Public Interest Disclosures Act 2012 (formerly known as the Protected Disclosure Act 2012)
- Spam Act 2003
Contact information
Reviewed 25 February 2025