School operations

Student Resource Package – Equity Funding (Student-Based Funding)


This policy provides information about how funding is allocated to schools through the Student Resource Package (SRP) for additional learning needs.


Equity funding is one of two types of student based funding. The other type of student based funding is Core Student Learning Allocation Funding.

Student based funding represents the main funding source for all schools and comprises approximately 90% of the total SRP provided to schools. This funding is designed to cover core teaching and learning, leadership, teaching support, professional development, relief teaching, payroll tax and superannuation costs for the school.

The SRP provides equity funding where additional funding is required to compensate for additional learning needs. The specific types of Equity funding are listed below.

The Guidance tab provides information about each of the specific types of equity funding:

Education State (including additional Gonski)

  • Equity (Social Disadvantage)
  • Equity (Catch Up)

Other equity

  • Mobility

Programs for Students with Disabilities

  • Program for Students with Disabilities Levels 1-6
  • Program for Students with Disabilities – Transition Support Funding
  • Special School Complexity
  • Interpreter Staff Salaries
  • Medical Intervention Support
  • Special School Transport Administrative Cost

English as an Additional Language

  • EAL Program Funding
  • EAL Contingency Funding

Disability Inclusion

Applicable to schools in Bayside Peninsula, Barwon, Central Highlands, Inner Gippsland, Loddon Campaspe Mallee, Outer Eastern Melbourne, Ovens Murray, Western Melbourne, North Eastern Melbourne, Southern Melbourne, Brimbank Melton, and Goulburn Areas, as well as 12 specified supported inclusion schoolsExternal Link in 2024:

  • Tier 2 School level funding
  • Tier 3 Student level funding
  • Disability Inclusion transition funding

Not all types of funding are available to all schools. Funding is assessed according to school and student needs.

In addition to the above areas, schools in Hume Merri-bek, Outer Gippsland, Wimmera South West, and Inner Eastern Melbourne Areas will receive the equivalent of a half-year allocation of Tier 2 school level funding in 2024.

Schools are expected to use SRP funds for the purpose for which it was allocated.

For more general information on the SRP, please refer to the Student Resource Package – Overview page.


SRP Support
Phone: 1800 641 943

Contact details: Services Portal (Service Request SRP Option)External Link phone: 1800 641 943

For queries regarding the PSD: Services PortalExternal Link (‘log a request’ and select ‘PSDMS’)

For queries regarding EAL:
Phone: 03 7022 1111

Department policy for schools on the allocation of SRP funds for additional learning needs

Reviewed 26 June 2024

Policy last updated

26 June 2024


  • Schools
  • School councils


There are multiple contacts for this topic. Refer also to the contacts heading at the bottom of the page

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