School operations

Health, Wellbeing and Inclusion Workforces


This policy is intended to bring together key operational information for schools on the regional and area-based Health, Wellbeing and Inclusion Workforces (HWIW), including providing guidance on the Health Wellbeing Key Contact (HWKC) function.


The department values the health, wellbeing and inclusion of all students. The department’s priority initiatives include mental health, disability and inclusion and self-determination reforms, and the Framework for Improving Student Outcomes (FISO 2.0), placing wellbeing alongside learning at the heart of education outcomes.

The HWIW work as integrated, multidisciplinary teams to provide support to government schools across Victoria. They support schools in meeting the engagement, wellbeing, inclusion and learning needs of students. Each workforce within the HWIW has specific expertise to provide effective service delivery.

The HWIW is comprised of education and allied health professionals with specialist skills, knowledge and expertise in a range of health, wellbeing and learning needs of students and schools:

Each workforce has a specialised role, function and referral process for schools to engage their services. More information about the referral process for the VTS and SSS can be found in the guidance chapters of this policy. For information on primary and secondary school nurses, Koorie Engagement Support Officers, and other region or area-based staff whose key role is to provide health and wellbeing support to schools – see the Related policies section.

The Health and Wellbeing Key Contact (HWKC) is an individual HWIW staff member allocated to each school to support schools to engage HWIW supports and assist in the management of the school’s wellbeing approach as a whole. The HWKC enables schools to access timely advice regarding information and support for student, cohort and whole-school needs on matters of health, wellbeing, and inclusion. Further information on the role of HWKCs can be found in the Guidance tab.

To engage with SSS (except in emergencies or critical incidents) schools must:

  • follow the referral process outlined in the Guidance section
  • obtain informed consent using the SSS and VTS consent form
  • complete the Student information form and provide any other relevant documentation
  • lodge the referral on the Student Online Case System (SOCS).

For SSS response to emergencies or critical incidents, refer to the Managing and Reporting School Incidents (Including Emergencies) policy.

To engage with the Visiting Teacher Service, schools must:

  • obtain informed consent using the SSS and VTS consent form
  • lodge the referral on SOCS.

HWIW must provide services in a safe and respectful manner, consistent with the department's policies related to equal opportunity and human rights for both staff and students, including:


For advice regarding the health and wellbeing supports available for students, schools should contact their Health Wellbeing Key Contact via their regional officeExternal Link .

For general enquiries relating to the HWIW, contact the Health, Wellbeing, Inclusion and Resilience team who will direct your query:

Department policy bringing together key operational information for schools on the regional and area-based Health, Wellbeing and Inclusion Workforces

Reviewed 27 February 2025

Policy last updated

27 February 2025


  • Schools


There are multiple contacts for this topic. Refer to the contact section in the policy for details.

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