Health, Wellbeing and Inclusion Workforces service provision in Victorian government schools
Service operations
Secure electronic information and record keeping
Schools must create, store and manage records related to Health, Wellbeing and Inclusion Workforces (HWIW) engagement securely, in line with the department’s Records Management policy. This applies to both hard copy and electronic records. HWIW staff employed by regions must ensure that all records are protected to the extent required by the Health Records Act 2001 and create, store and manage records in line with the Corporate Records Management (staff login required). All student records created by department employees remain the property of the department.
Working collaboratively in the education context
The department encourages a multidisciplinary approach in delivering health, wellbeing and inclusion services. HWIW consider in-depth the needs of schools and students. HWIW work in partnership with each other, their area and regional colleagues and external services to improve health, wellbeing and learning outcomes.
The Health Wellbeing Key Contact (HWKC) function supports schools to access services and supports to enhance student learning and wellbeing outcomes. As part of a multidisciplinary approach, the HWKC assists schools to prioritise and implement universal and targeted approaches to health, wellbeing and inclusion. For more information, refer to the Guidance chapter Health Wellbeing Key Contact function.
Reviewed 27 February 2025