School operations

Health, Wellbeing and Inclusion Workforces

Student Support Services referral process

For Student Support Services response in the event of a critical incident or emergency

In the event of an incident or near-miss relating to the wellbeing of students, schools must follow the Managing and Reporting School Incidents policy. Schools are advised to lodge a report on eduSafe Plus and call the Incident Support and Operations Centre (ISOC) at 1800 126 126 for support relating to managing high-risk, critical incidents or emergencies relating to students.

The Student Support Services (SSS) team may engage with the school to provide immediate support outside of the referral process discussed in this policy, following a report being entered on eduSafe Plus or a call to ISOC where the incident has been reported as high or critical risk. For more information schools should refer to the Managing and Reporting School Incidents policy.

For staff support following an incident or near miss, refer to Employee Wellbeing Support Services.

For all other referrals

The referral process outlined below is essential to access SSS services and to ensure that timely support is provided. It allows the SSS workforce to gain a better understanding of the student’s needs and to allocate the referral to the appropriate SSS professional for recommendations, support and interventions.

SSS referral process

To request access to SSS, schools must complete the 3 key steps detailed below.

1. Pre referral process

Schools must:

  • check the Student Online Case System (SOCS)External Link for previous referrals or active cases related to the individual student
  • review previous recommendations or school-based actions and history of any previous referrals for individual student referrals
  • discuss the potential referral with their SSS Key Contact (SSS KC) or Health Wellbeing Key Contact (HWKC) at the regular meeting. They will assist in determining if a referral is appropriate. To find the full list of current SSS KCs, please refer to the Regional Map and Data website (staff login required)External Link .
2. Making the referral

Schools must:

  • obtain informed consent from the relevant parties which could be: the student, parent, caregiver or legal guardian to provide SSS services (refer to Informed consent to access the Student Support Services or Visiting Teacher Service)
  • complete the relevant sections of the Student information form (SIF) with the appropriate school staff, parents, carers or legal guardians
  • share the Student information form with the SSS KC for further discussion and clarification
  • lodge a new case referral on the SOCS
  • upload the Student information form and signed consent form into the SOCS referral for allocation by the SSS Team Leader or SSS Branch Manager.
3. SSS allocation

The SSS Branch Manager or Team Leader will:

  • discuss the SOCS referral at a SSS team intake meeting
  • advise the school of the intake outcome, assigned SSS professional and service delivery timeline
  • inform the school if the service request is better suited for a service other than the SSS, so that a referral can be made to the appropriate service.

Once allocated, the SSS allied health professional will:

  • establish aims for service delivery and recommended SSS support and complete these
  • provide regular updates and reviews of the SSS service with the school wellbeing contact through SSS KC, HWKC meetings or as required
  • provide a copy of recommendations, assessments or reports to the school and parent, caregiver or legal guardian
  • communicate with the school and parent, caregiver or legal guardian (as appropriate) when the service support is complete
  • close the case on SOCS.
Includes information on the Student Support Services referral process in the event of a critical incident or emergency, and all other referrals

Reviewed 27 February 2025

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