Timing and duration of structured workplace learning
Timing of structured workplace learning
Structured workplace learning must take place during the school year defined as the period between the first and last school day of the year, as determined by the school.
Students must be encouraged to undertake structured workplace learning during school time and within the school week.
Students may undertake structured workplace learning during the holidays in Terms 1, 2 and 3, but not during the holidays at the end of the year (that is, the Christmas/summer holiday period).
If structured workplace learning is undertaken during the school term holidays, the school’s structured workplace learning coordinator (refer to chapter Roles and responsibilities) must be available as a contact person for the student throughout the arrangement.
A structured workplace learning placement may only take place outside the school year if the principal or nominated person is satisfied that it is necessary for the purposes of the relevant accredited course of study.
Duration of structured workplace learning
The total number of structured workplace learning days for a student must not exceed:
- 40 days in a school year, but no more than 20 days with the same employer in a school year
- 10 days during any school term.
The principal or nominated person may permit, in writing, a student to undertake more than 10, but not more than 15, structured workplace learning days during a school term if the principal is satisfied that the student requires additional structured workplace learning days to acquire particular skills or satisfy the requirements of the accredited course of study.
A principal or nominated person may permit, in writing, a student to undertake more than 20 structured workplace learning days with the same employer during a school year if the principal is satisfied that:
- it is not possible for the student to undertake the additional structured workplace learning days with a different employer
- one or both of the following apply:
- the student requires additional structured workplace learning days to acquire particular skills or satisfy the requirements of the accredited course of study or
- the student will be undertaking activities to satisfy requirements of the accredited course of study which are different to the requirements satisfied during the first 20 structured workplace learning days with the employer.
The principal or nominated person's written permission for these exemptions must include reasons. A structured workplace learning exemption form has been developed to assist principals or nominated persons to grant exemptions, refer to: Structured workplace learning exemption form .
If the principal or nominated person permits a student to undertake more than 20 structured workplace learning days during a school year with one employer, the principal must ensure that:
- the employer, student and parent/carer (where the student is under 18 years of age) complete a new arrangement form
- a copy of the principal or nominated person’s written permission is attached to the arrangement form
- a copy of the signed arrangement form is provided to each of the relevant parties.
Hours of work
Students are only permitted to undertake structured workplace learning during normal working hours (that is, normal working hours for a standard shift without overtime in their chosen industry).
Students are not permitted to work between 11pm and 6am. They are also not permitted to work beyond a time which is 10 hours before the start time of the next structured workplace learning day, or a school day which a student is expected to attend.
However, a student may work beyond the hours referred to above, where the principal or nominated person determines that working beyond those hours is necessary for the purposes of the relevant accredited course of study, and is not detrimental to the safety, health, development, education and wellbeing of the student.
Students may undertake structured workplace learning during the weekend only if:
- the placement cannot take place during the school week
- the principal or nominated person is satisfied that it is appropriate for the structured workplace learning to take place, and is satisfied that it does not interfere with the wellbeing and the educational program of the student
- the principal or nominated person and the parent/carer (if the student is under 18 years of age) are satisfied with the arrangement.
Employers must ensure that the minimum conditions and entitlements that apply in Victoria in relation to a meal break are adhered to, that is, at least a 30-minute break after working continuously for 5 hours.
Reviewed 25 February 2025