Interstate placements

New South Wales and South Australia

Reciprocal arrangements exist for Victorian students to undertake structured workplace learning in New South Wales and South Australia. These arrangements are primarily for students in those schools situated in regions adjoining the border Victoria shares with those states.

Students are to be strongly encouraged to find work placements in their own state and interstate structured workplace learning must only be arranged as a last resort – for example, where in the judgement of the principal no suitable local placement exists or where there are special educational reasons for making such an arrangement.

A school’s responsibility for its students undertaking structured workplace learning in New South Wales and South Australia is the same as if the student were undertaking their placement in Victoria.

Permission is not required from the New South Wales Department of Education or the South Australian Department for Education for interstate structured workplace learning. These placements must be made using the structured workplace learning arrangement forms and structured workplace learning travel and accommodation form available on the Resources tab.

All Victorian students undertaking structured workplace learning in New South Wales or South Australia are covered under the department’s WorkSafe Insurance and Public Liability Insurance policies.


  • Victorian students are not paid while undertaking placements in New South Wales and South Australia. On the structured workplace learning arrangement form, the line 'Rate of payment' must be crossed out and the words 'Interstate placement – payment not required' written.
  • Placements must only be made within New South Wales and South Australia school terms.

Other states and territories

A principal or nominated person may only make a structured workplace learning arrangement with an employer in a state or territory, other than New South Wales and South Australia, if the principal or nominated person is satisfied that it is appropriate for the arrangement to be made. The principal or nominated person must be satisfied that:

  • it is in the interest of the student for the structured workplace learning to occur
  • that the safety, health, development, education and wellbeing of the student will be assured
  • the student or the parent/carer of the student (where the student is under 18 years of age) has made suitable insurance arrangements ensuring:
    • cover for the student for any injuries in the course of the arrangement at least comparable to that applicable in Victoria to a student under the Accident Compensation Act 1985 (Vic)
    • public liability insurance coverage of at least $10 million cover per event in respect of any loss or damage which may be caused by any act or omission of the student whilst engaged under the arrangement.

Students and parents/carers can approach any insurance company to obtain details of insurance that will provide this cover.

The structured workplace learning arrangement form is not to be used for arrangements in other states and territories, other than New South Wales or South Australia.

Note: International structured workplace learning placements are not allowed under any circumstances.

Chapter in the Structured Workplace Learning Guidelines on requirements relating to interstate placements for structured workplace learning

Reviewed 25 February 2025

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