School operations

Structured Workplace Learning

Students with disability and additional needs

For students with disability, reasonable adjustments need to be made to enable the student to participate in the placement on the same basis as their peers. The school can give the employer information regarding the adjustments that will maximise inclusion and participation for the student.

Structured workplace learning coordinators may use the expertise and advice of education staff who know the student well. This may include seeking advice from the Student Support Group (SSG) for Victorian government schools or the Program Support Group (PSG) for non-government schools when setting up structured workplace learning. The SSG or PSG will be able to advise about reasonable adjustments and supports that can ensure the success of the placement.

The student may also have allied health and other professionals, such as visiting teachersExternal Link , who may be able to provide advice and support for the student, including advice about equipment the student requires for structured workplace learning if it is needed.

Examples of reasonable adjustments

There are multiple kinds of adjustments employers can make to support students with disability and additional needs. Examples include:

  • providing access to workplace materials through assistive technologies such as screen readers
  • adapting the physical environment, for example, increasing lighting for a student who has a vision impairment
  • providing instructions in different ways, such as visual, oral or practical demonstrations, to support comprehension and learning
  • providing students with timetables prior to the placement so that daily routines are understood, and notifying students in advance for changes to the daily routine
  • breaking new tasks into a series of smaller steps, ensuring one part has been learned before introducing the next.
Chapter in the Structured Workplace Learning Guidelines outlining the additional preparation required for students with disability and additional needs undertaking structured workplace learning

Reviewed 25 February 2025

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