What is structured workplace learning?
Structured workplace learning provides students with the opportunity to:
- integrate practical on-the-job experience and learning in the workplace with nationally recognised Vocational Education and Training (VET) undertaken as part of the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE), the VCE Vocational Major or the Victorian Pathways Certificate
- undertake a work placement to complement an applied learning program as part of the VCE Vocational Major or the Victorian Pathways Certificate
- demonstrate the practical application of work-related skills as part of VCE Industry and Enterprise.
Structured workplace learning provides the opportunity for:
- enhanced skill development
- practical application of industry knowledge
- assessment of units of competency
- achievement of some learning outcomes
- enhanced employment opportunities.
Principles of quality structured workplace learning
Quality structured workplace learning takes place within the context of vocational courses which are recognised by industry, are responsive to industry needs, and form part of a student’s exit credentials.
Quality workplace learning is structured, in that it:
- has a clearly articulated and documented purpose
- has clearly identified and documented learning outcomes for students within accredited programs which are linked to post-school qualifications
- is of sufficient duration and depth to enable students to acquire a reasonable understanding of the enterprise/industry to be able to demonstrate competence according to industry standards of at least Level 1 of the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF)
- matches students’ skills and interests with the structured training
- thoroughly prepares students, teachers and employers beforehand so that expectations and outcomes of the structured workplace learning are clearly understood by all parties.
Quality structured workplace learning is monitored, in that:
- the learning is coordinated by staff with appropriate expertise and adequate resources
- support is available to students and employers throughout the course of the structured workplace learning.
Quality structured workplace learning is regulated, to ensure that:
- the safety, health, education, development and wellbeing of students is protected
- students work in a non-discriminatory and harassment free environment
- students receive appropriate training and instruction in occupational health and safety (OHS)
- students are not exploited by being continuously engaged in a production or service capacity, or being used to substitute for the employment of employees or the engagement of contractors and payment of appropriate wages or fees for service
- students understand the roles and responsibilities of employees in the workplace and are expected to follow reasonable directions of their supervisors and other employees.
Quality structured workplace learning is assessed, so that:
- students’ competencies achieved in the workplace are measured against industry standards, and contribute to the overall assessment of the program
- there are mechanisms for recording and reporting of students’ competencies.
Benefits of structured workplace learning
Benefits for students
The benefits of structured workplace learning for students include:
- improved understanding of the work environment and employers’ expectations
- exposure to the world-of-work
- increased self-understanding, maturity, independence and self-confidence, especially in the workplace
- increased motivation to continue study and/or undertake further training
- enhanced opportunities for part-time and casual employment
- opportunity to develop and gain work-related competencies
- opportunity to acquire skills relevant to the workplace
- opportunity to try out career choices before leaving school
- opportunity to develop contacts with potential employers
- opportunity to demonstrate mastery of specific skills and competencies related to the accredited course which they are undertaking
- opportunity to undertake relevant courses which count towards the student’s exit credential and articulate into further education and training.
Benefits for schools
The benefits of structured workplace learning for schools include:
- improved knowledge and understanding of changing work environments
- a strengthened relationship between the school, local community and industry
- opportunity to work collaboratively with parents/carers in their child’s schooling
- providing a relevant curriculum which helps students develop skills for life-long learning.
Benefits for parents/carers
The benefits of structured workplace learning for parents/carers include:
- opportunity to discuss with their child the topic of work, including their own previous and current experiences
- opportunity to positively contribute to their child’s secondary education
- opportunity for family involvement in discussions about further education, training and employment.
Benefits for employers
The benefits of structured workplace learning for employers include:
- opportunity for involvement in the education and development of students
- opportunity to contribute to the development of entry level skills in industry
- opportunity to promote to young people the career potential of their industry
- opportunity to develop the training and supervisory skills of employees
- opportunity for employers to mentor young people in their career decision-making
- opportunity to create dialogue with teachers on aspects of work readiness and other matters related to work
- building industry-school partnerships that provide for local community needs and endeavours
- encouraging students to become involved with businesses in their local community.
Benefits for the community
The benefits of structured workplace learning for the community include:
- opportunity for young people to actively contribute to and learn about businesses in their local community
- opportunity for young people to become actively involved in building the local community, especially in regional and rural areas
- provision of links between Local Learning and Employment Networks, local government, industry, unions, and education and training providers, to maximise employment and training outcomes for young people
- involvement of schools, training organisations and communities in collaborative projects.
Reviewed 25 February 2025