School operations

Students with Disability

Chapter 5: Funding and support programs

Disability Inclusion

Disability Inclusion is progressively replacing the Program for Students with Disabilities (PSD) and the Language and Learning Disabilities Support Program (LLDSP) through a staged rollout between 2021 and 2025. For information on roll-out areas and schedule, refer to Disability Inclusion Funding and Support.

Program for Students with Disabilities

The PSD provides funding to assist schools to support eligible students with disability and high needs who attend government schools.

PSD funding is provided directly to schools through the Student Resource Package.

Refer to PSD operational guidelines for 2024 applications (DOCX)External Link for full guidance for schools about PSD application processes and requirements.

The Disability Standards for Education 2005 (Cth)External Link apply to all students with disability, regardless of eligibility under the PSD, and it is essential that schools undertake effective educational planning and support for every student with disability.

A student support group is mandatory for students in the PSD, and strongly encouraged for any students with additional learning needs.

Specialist School Activity Boost

All specialist schools (with students with disability as their enrolment criteria) and supported inclusion schools are entitled to additional funding to support them with the cost of delivering activities such as arts, sports, cultural and social programs to their students. Refer to Student Resource Package – Targeted Initiatives: Specialist School Activity Boost for more information.

Information on funding and support programs including Disability Inclusion, Program for Students with Disabilities and Specialist School Activity Boost

Reviewed 24 May 2024

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