School operations

Students with Disability

Chapter 3: Complex communication needs

Students with complex communication needs (CCN) have difficulty understanding the speech of others and/or using speech to express themselves. This affects their access, participation, and interactions at school and in the community.

CCN may be associated with developmental or acquired disabilities, such as:

  • childhood apraxia of speech
  • autism
  • cerebral palsy
  • deaf-blindness
  • hearing impairment
  • traumatic brain injury
  • global developmental delay
  • other conditions of genetic origin.

A student with CCN may have very little or no speech. Some may be able to say single words however may not be able to combine words into sentences. Other students with CCN may have some language but have speech that is very difficult to understand or may be able to use speech but have a lot of trouble understanding what other people say.

Augmentative and alternative communication

Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) refers to the tools, systems and strategies that an individual with CCN uses to communicate. Students with CCN may require AAC to communicate and access the educational curriculum and social context of schools and classrooms.

AAC systems and methods are varied and can involve the use of sign, gesture, communication boards, books and electronic devices. An individual may use a range of AAC methods across different tasks or contexts.

Effective communication is necessary to teach and support student learning, engagement, social connection and participation at school. It is through language that students learn to express their personalities, establish relationships, demonstrate and share knowledge, have their needs met and wishes considered.

When selecting an AAC system, a thorough assessment by an experienced speech pathologist and sometimes in consultation with other allied health professionals will identify the most suitable AAC approach for each individual student. Resources to support students with complex communication needs are available on the Resources tab.

Includes information on the tools, systems and strategies that students with complex communication needs use to communicate

Reviewed 24 May 2024

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