School operations

Students with Disability

Chapter 6: Transition Support Funding

Government secondary schools can access Transition Support Funding to support students starting Year 7 who are no longer eligible for the Program for Students with Disabilities (PSD) after their Year 6–7 Review.

The funding supports the delivery of teaching and learning programs that respond to student needs.

To develop agreed understandings and responses to student needs, including students with disability or additional learning needs, it is important there is collaboration between:

  • school leaders and teachers
  • parents/carers
  • specialist education or allied health staff.

Transition Support Funding will continue to be available to schools until they transition to Disability Inclusion during the staged 5-year roll-out schedule between 2021 to 2025.

Transition Support Funding and student support groups

The student support group (SSG) creates specific strategies and implementation plans that will support the student’s educational needs, inclusion and engagement. The progress of these strategies and plans must be reviewed at SSG meetings each term.

The school, in consultation with parents/carers in the SSG, is responsible for determining the type of support needed.

Transition Support Funding, in consultation with the SSG, could be used to access:

  • consultation or support from specialist education or allied health staff
  • professional development
  • specialist equipment or materials.

Transition Support Funding does not define or limit the support provided by a school for a student with a disability.

Schools must consider the best way to support the individual needs of the student. For example:

  • providing more intensive support at the beginning of the school year
  • identifying equipment and materials that will be used over a longer period of time
  • develop the skills and knowledge of school staff through professional developmentExternal Link to support adjustments to the school environment
  • access specialist education or allied health professionals to help identify specialist equipment and educational resources
  • buy equipment or resources that allow the student to take part in the school's educational programs.

Transition Support Funding must not be targeted to students receiving supplementary funding through the Program for Students with Disabilities.

For more information, refer to Program for Students with Disabilities – Transition Support Funding (Reference 66).

Includes information on Transition Support Funding which can be used to support students starting Year 7 who are no longer eligible for the Program for Students with Disabilities

Reviewed 24 May 2024

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