School operations

Students with Disability

Chapter 9: Students turning 19 or 20 with individualised disability funding completing an accredited senior or foundation secondary course*

Disability Inclusion Tier 3 and the Program for Students with Disabilities (PSD) are targeted supplementary funding programs for Victorian government schools. They provide individualised funding to schools for a defined population of students with disability and high needs.

The Education and Training Reform Regulations 2017 (the Regulations) prescribe age requirements for enrolment and attendance at government schools. These regulations specify maximum age requirements for government schools.

Under these regulations, in general terms, students are required to finish school in the year that they turn 18, unless they meet age eligibility and approval requirements as detailed in the School age requirements and age exemptions chapter of the Enrolment policy. These requirements apply to all students, including students who are eligible for individualised disability funding.

For students eligible for individualised disability funding who are above the maximum age, this guidance sets out the process required to confirm enrolment eligibility in line with the Enrolment policy, and continue existing Disability Inclusion Tier 3 or PSD funding arrangements.

The Inclusive Education Division is responsible for individualised disability funding arrangements for students turning 19 or 20 in line with the Regulations. To continue existing funding for eligible students, the Inclusive Education Division uses enrolment information provided by schools via the Program for Students with Disability Management System (PSDMS) and/or CASES21 together with confirmation of enrolment eligibility from the school’s principal via submission of the Form for students with individualised disability funding turning 19 or 20 completing an accredited senior or foundation secondary course (DOCX)External Link available in the Resources tab.

Exceptions to the maximum age requirements

In line with the Enrolment policy, principals are responsible for assessing eligibility and approving the enrolment of individuals who fall within an exception under the Regulations, including individuals who:

  • are turning 19 during the year of enrolment if they are enrolling solely for the purpose of completing an accredited senior secondary or foundation secondary course* in that year (or that they are expected to successfully complete their course in that year based on current assessment information and course plan)
  • will turn 20 during the year of enrolment, and satisfy each of the following criteria:
    • enrolled at a government school situated outside the metropolitan area solely for the purpose of completing an accredited senior or foundation secondary course* in that year
    • there is no TAFE institute or other registered education or training organisation (other than another government school) within 50 km of the school in which the person is seeking to enrol that is offering an accredited senior or foundation secondary course* through a distance education program that the person is eligible to enrol in.

*An accredited senior secondary or foundation secondary course includes the following:

  • Victorian Certificate of Education
  • Victorian Certificate of Education Vocational Major
  • International Baccalaureate
  • Victorian Pathways Certificate.

Exemptions to the maximum age requirements

A student turning 19 or 20 who does not meet one of the exceptions listed above may only enrol in or attend a government school if they are granted an exemption from the age requirements at the discretion of the Minister for Education or relevant regional director. Refer to ‘Exemptions from the age requirements’ in the Enrolment policy for more information.

For continuation of individualised disability funding for students turning 19 or 20, schools are required to:

Funding confirmation

Once all documentation above has been provided and is validated, funding will be activated and included in the school’s Student Resource Package following confirmation of eligibility.

Schools can check confirmation of eligibility for continued PSD funding for nominated students turning 19 or 20 via:

Schools can check confirmation of eligibility for continued Disability Inclusion Tier 3 funding for nominated students turning 19 or 20 via:

If further information is needed by the department, or continuation of funding cannot be confirmed, the nominated school contact person will be contacted.

Schools may also seek advice from Legal Division as required at

Includes information on exceptions and exemptions to the maximum age requirements, and funding confirmation

Reviewed 07 February 2025

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