School operations

Students with Disability

Chapter 1: Victorian SHARE principles for inclusive education

The following principles provide guidance for all members of the school community on the main features of inclusive education.

S: Student-centred

Inclusive education involves students, in collaboration with their peers and/or carers, in decision-making processes as respected partners in education.

H: Human rights focused

Inclusive education is supported by and is the realisation of a human rights based approach to education. International human rights principles and Victoria’s Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 provide a framework for every Victorian to be treated with dignity and respect and to enjoy their human rights without discrimination.

A: Acknowledges strengths

Inclusive education recognises that each child and young person is unique. It focuses on a strengths-based, personalised approach to education that celebrates and welcomes difference to maximize learning, engagement and wellbeing outcomes.

Inclusive education enables schools to uphold legal obligations to make reasonable adjustments for all students with disability. Reasonable adjustments assist all students to participate in education on the same basis as their peers without a disability.

E: Evidence-based

Inclusive education uses contemporary evidence-based practices known to be effective in responding to individual student needs and improving student outcomes.

For further guidance refer to the department's inclusive education for students with disabilitiesExternal Link .

Information on the SHARE principles that provide guidance for all members of the school community on the main features of inclusive education

Reviewed 24 May 2024

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