Salary on employment, transfer or promotion


Except as set out below, salary on commencement of employment is set at the minimum remuneration or salary for the classification and range (where applicable) of the position.

Classroom teacher

The salary on commencement of each new period of employment as a classroom teacher is determined as follows, whichever results in the higher commencing salary:

  1. subdivision 1–1 provided that for positions advertised as classroom teacher salary range 2 the commencing salary will be subdivision 2–1,
  2. the current equivalent of the salary subdivision received by the teacher on the last day of their most recent employment as a teacher in the teaching service. Provided that where the salary in the former employment in the teaching service was determined incorrectly, or is inconsistent with normal salary progression for a classroom teacher, the teacher's commencing salary will be determined in accordance with (c), or
  3. salary subdivision 1–1, plus a salary subdivision for each equivalent full time year of approved teaching experience (as defined below) up to a maximum of subdivision 2–6. Provided the salary determined cannot be higher than the salary determined under subclause (b) except where the teacher has gained approved teaching experience subsequent to their last date of separation from the teaching service

For the purposes of calculating the commencing salary of a classroom teacher 'approved teaching experience' means teaching experience gained whilst employed as a teacher, other than on a casual or sessional basis, in:

  • a Victorian registered school or a kindergarten including teaching experience as a casual relief teacher in a Victorian government school on or after 1 January 2005
  • a school or a kindergarten of another Australian state or territory that is approved in accordance with the requirements of the relevant state or territory to provide instruction at P–12 or part thereof
  • an international school equivalent to an Australian P–12 school setting

*Note that recognition of service in a kindergarten only applies for commencing salary purposes for employment in the teaching service commencing on or after 25 July 2022

The following has not been approved as teaching experience for commencement salary purposes:

  • experience gained prior to the completion of an approved course of teacher training
  • experience gained in early childhood (other than kindergarten), TAFE or higher education settings
  • experience gained as a casual or sessional teacher including as a casual relief teacher in a Victorian government school prior to 1 January 2005

A commencement salary calculator can be used by principals and teachers to assist in determining salary on commencement for a classroom teacher. Schools People Services is available to assist principals in determining commencement salary and, or providing advice regarding the inclusion of any particular Australian or international teaching experience.


The salary on commencement of each new period of employment as a paraprofessional level 1 salary range 1 is determined in accordance with (a), (b) or (c) below (whichever results in the higher commencing salary):

  1. subdivision 1–1,
  2. subdivision 1–2 where the paraprofessional has an approved degree or diploma,
  3. the current equivalent of the salary subdivision received by the employee on the last day of their most recent period of prior employment. Provided that where the salary in the prior employment in the teaching service was determined incorrectly or is inconsistent with normal salary progression for a paraprofessional, the paraprofessional’s commencing salary will be determined at salary subdivision 1–1 plus an additional salary sub division for each year of satisfactory prior employment within the paraprofessional class

For the purposes of calculating the commencing salary of a paraprofessional prior employment means periods of employment as an employee in Victorian government schools, other than casual employment, without any break in employment exceeding 12 months.

With the exception of paraprofessional level 1 salary range 1, salary on commencement of employment as a paraprofessional will be the minimum salary specified for the appropriate salary range.

A paraprofessional who, subsequent to employment, becomes a registered teacher will be employed as a classroom teacher for the remainder of their period of employment with salary determined as a classroom teacher. The salary determined cannot be less than the paraprofessional’s salary at the time the paraprofessional becomes a registered teacher.

Education support class

The salary on commencement of each new period of employment in the education support class is determined in accordance with (a) or (b) below (whichever results in the higher commencing salary):

  1. the minimum salary level applying to the position
  2. the current equivalent of the salary subdivision received by the employee on the last day of their most recent period of prior employment provided that:

    (i) where the salary in the prior employment in the teaching service was at a higher classification or salary range, the education support employee’s commencing salary will be determined at the minimum salary subdivision of the relevant salary range plus an additional salary subdivision for each year of satisfactory prior employment at or above the relevant classification or salary range; or

    (ii) where the salary in the prior employment in the teaching service was determined incorrectly or is inconsistent with normal salary progression for an education support class employee, the education support class employee’s commencing salary will be determined at the minimum salary level applying to the position plus an additional salary subdivision for each year of satisfactory prior employment at or above the relevant salary range of the position.

For the purposes of calculating the commencing salary of an education support class employee prior employment means periods of employment as an education support class employee in Victorian government schools, other than casual employment, without any break in employment exceeding 12 months.


Transfer is defined as the permanent movement of an ongoing employee from one position to another position in the teaching service with the same or lower attainable maximum salary than the employee’s substantive position. Transfer to a position at a lower classification level or range (where applicable) can only occur with the employee’s consent. Where consent is given the employee will be permanently transferred and paid at the lower level.

On transfer to a position at the same level, an employee will continue to be paid their current salary or the minimum of the classification and range (where applicable) of the position that was advertised whichever is the higher. Unless otherwise determined by the Principal, where the transfer is to another school, the salary of an employee whose progression has been accelerated will be the subdivision that would have applied had acceleration not been approved.

On transfer to a position at a lower classification level or salary range, an employee will be paid the salary determined as if all of the employee’s service at or above that lower classification level or salary range had been at that lower classification level or salary range. The salary determined on transfer to a lower classification level or salary range cannot exceed the maximum salary of that lower classification level or salary range.


Promotion is defined as the permanent movement of an ongoing employee from one position to another position in the teaching service with a higher attainable maximum salary than the employee’s substantive position.

On promotion an employee will commence at the minimum remuneration of the position that was advertised. Where prior to the effective date of the promotion the employee has current service (including any higher duties allowance) at or above the minimum salary of the promotion position, the remuneration on promotion will be at that higher level. Where that salary exceeds the maximum salary of the promotion position the salary on promotion will be determined as if all of the employee’s current service at or above the minimum salary of the promotion position had been at that promotion position.

Remuneration — Teaching Service for employment, transfer or promotion

Reviewed 26 July 2024

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