Human resources

Remuneration — Teaching Service

Education support and paraprofessional class — salary range review

The salary range of an education support class employee or a paraprofessional may be reviewed at any time in the context of any changes to the work value of a position and the performance of the employee. The review may be initiated by either the principal or the employee in writing and, where practicable, the employee will be advised of the outcome of the review within 28 days of initiation of the review. Factors that may be taken into account include:

  • the duties and responsibilities required of the position compared with the Dimensions of Work for the education support class or the roles and responsibilities – Nurse as appropriate,
  • the key elements of change in the duties and responsibilities where change has occurred, and
  • the performance of the employee

Where the employee requests a range review the principal will review the employee’s salary range having regard to the factors identified above and any relevant information provided by the employee.

Where the principal initiates a range review the employee should be invited to comment and provide any information the employee considers relevant. The principal will conduct the review, having regard to the factors identified above and any information provided by the employee.

Once the review has been conducted the principal must advise the employee, in writing, of their preliminary view and provide the employee with an opportunity to respond. Following consideration of any response made by the employee the principal will determine the matter and advise the employee of the outcome in writing within 28 days of initiation of the review, where practicable.

A salary range review may result in movement to either a higher or lower salary range within the employee’s classification, or no change to the salary range. Where movement to a higher or lower salary range is determined, the employee is to be provided with an updated list of duties and responsibilities required of the position. The outcome of such a review cannot result in movement to a salary range below the employee’s salary range on appointment to that position.

A salary range review cannot result in movement to a higher classification level (i.e. movement between education support class level 1 and level 2). Movement to a higher classification level may only occur through promotion to an advertised vacancy.

Salary on movement to a higher salary range within a classification level following a salary range review is set at the minimum of the higher salary range. Where the employee had been in receipt of salary at or above the minimum salary of the higher salary range, the salary on movement to the higher salary range will be determined as if all of the employee’s service at or above the minimum salary of the higher salary range had been at that higher salary range.

Where the salary range review results in a higher salary range, the effective date of the movement to the higher salary range will be on and from the first pay period after the date of the employee’s application for review, or the date the employee was directed to undertake the duties of the higher range whichever is the earlier.

Salary on movement to a lower salary range following a salary range review is determined as if all of the employee’s service at or above that lower salary range had been at that lower salary range.

Remuneration — Teaching Service for education support, paraprofessional class and salary range review

Reviewed 12 June 2024

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